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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Don't forget you can reorder those abilities by dragging them around. Not sure if that'll help you at all but apparently a large amount of people don't know you can do that.


Chen can eat the AA's pretty well due to the brew. ETC's disruption is easier to land than Muradin's stuns, for sure. Haven't seen any other tanks yet beyond Artanis.

EDIT: All the above is in reference to Tracer, btw.

EDITx2: Just the way Blizzard and the Korean HOTS gods intended:



Man, I'm so torn, I really want to preorder Overwatch, but on Amazon I would save $13. But I really want to play Tracer now. Uggghh.


Man, I'm so torn, I really want to preorder Overwatch, but on Amazon I would save $13. But I really want to play Tracer now. Uggghh.

Preorder it on Bnet, refund before it releases and then preorder from Amazon. You'll lose Tracer for those couple of days that Bnet thinks you don't have Overwatch anymore, but it's the best workaround. Or if you have the spare cash, you can literally wait until the moment the Amazon copy arrives at your door to refund.

Actually, Amazon might not even charge you until they ship.


Which tank makes sense in the tracer, Li ming meta? Etc?

Chen can eat the AA's pretty well due to the brew. ETC's disruption is easier to land than Muradin's stuns, for sure. Haven't seen any other tanks yet beyond Artanis.

Johana and diablo are the other two tanks i've seen be somewhat effective against tracer.

She's really strong against melee heroes so there's really not a lot of good choices.


I bought Legacy of the Void digitally through Blizz to get Artanis, did anyone buy it retail? If so did it come with a code for Arty? I ask because I think I've decided to preorder Overwatch from Amazon to save the $13 and just buy Tracer with coins next week, but will I get a code for Tracer in the box, or will I have just wasted my 15k coins?


I bought Legacy of the Void digitally through Blizz to get Artanis, did anyone buy it retail? If so did it come with a code for Arty? I ask because I think I've decided to preorder Overwatch from Amazon to save the $13 and just buy Tracer with coins next week, but will I get a code for Tracer in the box, or will I have just wasted my 15k coins?

You get one code, it unlocks your game AND all the bonuses for all other games at once. You can't resell, say, the Hearthstone card back or in your case, Tracer.


So does Tracer just destroy melee heroes or is it not too one sided?

She's very good against melee, but anything with stun and/or blind cripples her. Her recall ability doesn't revert stun, she's just stunned and can't use it.
She's very good against melee, but anything with stun and/or blind cripples her. Her recall ability doesn't revert stun, she's just stunned and can't use it.

Ah cool, thanks. Seems like skillshot stuns like Muradin's will be a bit tough to land on her, but I imagine Uther's, for example, would wreck her.
How's Artanis with baseline charge?

as Milly said, its not really all that noticeable but i did feel better about picking something else at level 16 (i think i took Titan Killer which causes Twin Blades to take 2.5% max hp off the target for each swipe). i really just took it because there were a lot of tanky heroes that match, prob would rather choose Shield Surge for stronger shields.


She's really strong against melee heroes so there's really not a lot of good choices.

The free potshots she can take against melee heroes (particularly tanks) are kinda ridiculous. I don't even know WTF Leoric would do against her to be honest. Just get chunked I guess. I wouldn't be using my Space Leoric skin anytime in the next week or two.

So does Tracer just destroy melee heroes or is it not too one sided?

I've played against Muradin, Chen, Artanis, ETC, Zeratul, Kerrigan, and Butcher. Kerrigan can't land a combo, Butcher might as well just be the broad side of a barn for how easy it is to get free damage in. Muradin can't reliably land stuns. Zeratul can do some significant damage, but he's also at risk once his own blink is down because you have 3. Artanis was just a damage sponge (along with Chen).

So far that kinda seems to be their place. Damage sponge to pad Tracer's totals.

I bought Legacy of the Void digitally through Blizz to get Artanis, did anyone buy it retail? If so did it come with a code for Arty? I ask because I think I've decided to preorder Overwatch from Amazon to save the $13 and just buy Tracer with coins next week, but will I get a code for Tracer in the box, or will I have just wasted my 15k coins?

As someone above said, if you're buying the Origins Edition it should come with the code attached to the retail key for the game. That means that you would have effectively wasted the 15k gold, yes, but you can just buy the regular edition of Overwatch to avoid that since you're going to pay the gold anyway.


The free potshots she can take against melee heroes (particularly tanks) are kinda ridiculous. I don't even know WTF Leoric would do against her to be honest. Just get chunked I guess. I wouldn't be using my Space Leoric skin anytime in the next week or two.

this is funny to read considering how Reinhardt vs Tracer fights usually play out in Overwatch. He can't do shit to her. I guess that's how you can tell whether it was a good adaptation of the character.


The free potshots she can take against melee heroes (particularly tanks) are kinda ridiculous. I don't even know WTF Leoric would do against her to be honest. Just get chunked I guess. I wouldn't be using my Space Leoric skin anytime in the next week or two.

I've played against Muradin, Chen, Artanis, ETC, Zeratul, Kerrigan, and Butcher. Kerrigan can't land a combo, Butcher might as well just be the broad side of a barn for how easy it is to get free damage in. Muradin can't reliably land stuns. Zeratul can do some significant damage, but he's also at risk once his own blink is down because you have 3. Artanis was just a damage sponge (along with Chen).

So far that kinda seems to be their place. Damage sponge to pad Tracer's totals.

Yea totally. I think what you want is ranged auto attackers like raynor, lunara, and valla. I think the other solid strategy is heavy push strats. Sylvanas I think is the best counter pick, because she's ranged, she's got the poison, shes got a silence (which f's tracer up) AND she pushes waves hard which tracer can't do jack about.

The only thing leo can do is push a wave and run away. Maybe you can land an entomb after she rewinds... but still i'd say that's not consistent enough to be worth it.

chogall probably wrecks her.


Tracer impressions after day one:

  • My playtime with her gives me the impression her damage is kinda paltry. She ends the game with a decent amount of damage, but it's very Nazeebo-like in it's impact on most heroes in my experience.
  • On the flip side, she can finish kills and get killing blows like a champ. She's better at getting KBs in Quick Match than Kharazim in ARAM and at least as good as the stealth heroes, if not better due to the gap closing ability. You should certainly be looking to poach with Tracer if you're playing her IMO.
  • Beyond some discrepancy at level 4 and level 13, people seem to be drilling down into one specific build with her already centered around survivability (based on hotdogs). The build also mirrors what a few of the streamers were using yesterday:
1) Slipstream
4) Untouchable or Parting Gift
7) Spatial Echo
10) Pulse Rounds
13) any
16) Sleight of Hand
20) Total Recall

  • My personal build has been some variation of the below. I basically go full on survival + wave clear at 13:
1) Slipstream (4 sec reduction on recall + 1 sec further back in time = great pairing with Spatial Echo and Total Recall)
4) Is That a Health Pack?! (well heals you to full from nothing before you even hit level 10)
7) Spatial Echo (Survivability at it's finest. I feel like this is mandatory.)
10) Sticky Bomb (makes it easier for me to get damage on the ult)
13) Bullet Spray (wave clear is OpieOP)
16) Sleight of Hand (Locked and Loaded 2hard4me)
20) Total Recall (so good)

  • She has a 53.2% winrate after 2246 games played. Banned 1416 times.
  • Poison heroes are a major pain in the ass in my experience. You can kill Lunara, but she'll chunk the shit out of you. Same for Nazeebo. Sylvanas is particularly annoying I find, due to the W's (and god forbid they take the W reset talent). The Sylvanas Q doesn't help either since it auto locks just like your own auto attacks do. You just have so little HP that the poison is much more effective on you than other heroes.
  • Tracer's Q is very similar to how Kharazim's worked for people when he first dropped. If you press too hard, you'll use more than one charge accidentally which takes some getting used to.
  • Green tint + MVP Black mount...aww yisss.
  • She's easily the most fun hero for me to play since Kharazim launch last year. Fun, a little challenging, etc. Yesterday was the first day I actually didn't want to log off after playing a couple games in quite a while.

this is funny to read considering how Reinhardt vs Tracer fights usually play out in Overwatch. He can't do shit to her. I guess that's how you can tell whether it was a good adaptation of the character.

Haha, yes. In that way I guess it is a very faithful port.

Yea totally. I think what you want is ranged auto attackers like raynor, lunara, and valla. I think the other solid strategy is heavy push strats. Sylvanas I think is the best counter pick, because she's ranged, she's got the poison, shes got a silence (which f's tracer up) AND she pushes waves hard which tracer can't do jack about.

Agreed, it has to be ranged. I think poison in general is bad stuff for Tracer cause of her low HP pool. When Punishers or whatever are pushing in and being backed up by the enemy team, she feels kind of useless to me in that encounter. You can't really get close enough to do much of anything but maybe flit in some damage on the immortal/punisher/etc.

chogall probably wrecks her.

It would seem like he'd have to, I guess, right? So much damage and she has so little HP. And his skills are all so low in CD, you can only dodge so much with the blink and recall.
Just played with a Jaina adamant you had to push as 5 against a nova, down in XP -> push as 5, down a player -> push as 5,... Like as if nova was to be even taken into consideration, when they had a kerrigan. My team just ran into one wombo after the other and let themselves be killed by Nova. It's really not that difficult to dodge skillshots, just run zig zag once in awhile.
The worst thing though is that the player will feel affirmed by this game on his odd stance against Nova.

My thrall was on point though, even when i got caught out I almost traded 1 for 1 in a 1v5. When they collapsed on me I sundered them right into the fort and then went ham. Wasn't enough though.

I feel like the last game I had perfectly encapsulates scrubleague. Last pick sees enemy comp (murky, etc, gazlow, li ming, anubarak) and goes 'lol no heals' and picks zeratul when our only frontline is Sonya. That very sonya is legitimately awful. It begins with me asking if she'll take bot 'kk', don't think she went bot all game. Never shows up to fights, my team literally let the enemies dive me all the way the way from the turn in point on bhb past a keep, collect my coins and walk away. I was playing uther and juggling everything to stay alive long enough we'd keep the coins or could kill someone in return I used like 8cds on myself. Everytime sonya would dive deep, I'd go there to bail her out and all it gets me is dying with her when she takes that as a signal to just dive deeper, 2v5 or whatever just didn't matter.
I did much better on piano uther this time. I went benediction, cleanse, shield, shrink ray on 1 to 4. Still barely used shrink ray but the rest I used plenty. Yet to git gud at precleansing though.


Tracer occupies a new slot in the game, which I really love. She's hell on earth to heroes who normally are good against ranged, but weak against other range (except pure skill shot characters like Li-Ming and Jaina). It's great that someone now "does" that role.

She's insanely fun to play though - more than any other character, I spend half the game cackling madly with what I'm doing. Going in on 3 people, dealing damage, then teleporting out is just mad fun. Easily the best designed hero mechanics wise for me, and utterly captures the "feel" of Tracer from Overwatch. Major props to Blizzard on this one.


Agreed, it has to be ranged. I think poison in general is bad stuff for Tracer cause of her low HP pool. When Punishers or whatever are pushing in and being backed up by the enemy team, she feels kind of useless to me in that encounter. You can't really get close enough to do much of anything but maybe flit in some damage on the immortal/punisher/etc.

I think you gotta do the nova thing and go for the flank, even if you don't get a kill causing a distraction is still more helpfull then standing behind your fort doing nothing or inefficiently soaking a different lane.

It would seem like he'd have to, I guess, right? So much damage and she has so little HP. And his skills are all so low in CD, you can only dodge so much with the blink and recall.

He also pushes the lane he's in real hard too.


Preorder it on Bnet, refund before it releases and then preorder from Amazon. You'll lose Tracer for those couple of days that Bnet thinks you don't have Overwatch anymore, but it's the best workaround. Or if you have the spare cash, you can literally wait until the moment the Amazon copy arrives at your door to refund.

Actually, Amazon might not even charge you until they ship.

How easy is it to cancel pre-orders on Battle.net tho?


tried her in try mode, she seemed slightly underwhelming to me

Her mobility is her 'thing', and that's no use in try mode. She has zero burst to speak of (even her bomb plus melee isn't that bad), she's much more of a sustained dps hero. I think shes insanely strong against certain heroes (melee assassins, supports, skill ahot mages), but she's very weak against others and whilst she pummels tanks she's not a giant killer.

I think she definitely has a role and a spot, and will change the meta, but she's not li/Ming or xul levels of broken where she wins all the time against everyone.


yeah, was just sitting there unloading two whole clips into a wiz minion and sighing lol
no real opinion on her yet, just try mode kinda quelled most of whatever urge I had to buy her at 15000

hots tracer is kind of like overwatch tracer insofar as you are having a great time zipping around but sometimes you're just like I wish I had another weapon or something

in overwatch something she's really good at is preventing koth caps by stepping on and off the point but that's not really a thing in hots


She's got some of the worse lane clear in the game unless you take her level 13 melee talent, but she body blocks and harasses like no other hero. She absolutely should be roaming at the start or with other heroes in a lane harassing, even Zeratul is better than her in lane.


Tracer will be one of those heroes that will be incredible if played by a good player, and hilariously bad otherwise


It's really weird tbh. She's the only character in the game who can escape Illidan unassisted, but at the same time he can heal off her and has evasion. I think it probably comes down to whoever has the better mechanical skills tbh.

Assuming she has 3 charges up, he dives her, she blinks, he sweeping strikes, she blinks. He can then Dive again fairly soon so it depends on how good she is at kiting so that she always has a blink up for when it's needed.

I think it's practically impossible for him to kill her solo though with her rewind - you blink a mile away, if he's still on you you then rewind and go in a different direction. So I guess she has the edge overall.


Matchmaking still weird as fuck. We just got put in a game with 3 Chileans who spoke no English outside of the heroes names. On the west coast server. Da fuq.

Their names had Chilean in them is the only reason I didn't assume they were Brazilian. It was awful.
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