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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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ppl whove played her who wins 1v1 tracer or illidonus
prob tracer right she can blink whenever he throws a q

Yea tracer wrecks Illidan. He can't keep up. I think maybe if he went immolation and then move speed from sweeping strikes he could do it.

But I still think she could escape him in the worst case scenario, he'd have to hunt too and then have vision after she Es.

It's mostly because she can move and shoot while Illidan just runs next to her wishing he was right clicking.

@maledict, the problem is he only has dive again soon if he's getting right clicks, but he's out of range because she can move and shoot.
I get paired up with native Spanish speakers often. Given that communication in HotS is restricted to text, it doesn't really change the overall experience at all, just which language the post-loss insults are typed in.


This one was threw from the start for reasons outside of that particular game lol. Then two of the three kept feeding despite us and the third one pinging them danger and retreat. Then they bickered at each other in Spanish, and then they started in on Milly. Was good times.


I speak Spanish so I just say what up my homies to them but like in Spanish and it's a pretty good experience.

Maybe you guys should like expand yourselves or something.


I've taken 6 years of Spanish in my lifetime. Five in school, one in college. Unfortunately I'm in my thirties, so I'm long removed from any kind of regular familiarity on the fly. I do a bit better when hearing it as opposed to reading it, but I'm not particularly useful in either direction with the language.

The Spanish is beside the point, really. The point was the matchmaker has been weird since the new rules implementation. This time, instead of having South American players on a South American server cluster, it put them on the West Coast server. This happened to us last year as well, when somehow we queued several games in a row onto SA servers instead of US East (when it was a thing and I still lived on the East Coast). I'd imagine the lag is similarly bad for them, so I don't know why the game would be putting them in games with NA servers unless they've set NA servers in their preference.


Why is Nazeebo suddenly good again and being played a lot? Randomly see him in every HL game now, he does crazy damage. I love it. Toads of hugeness is just too much fun.


Someone in thread (kirblar maybe?) suggested it was because Nazeebo is kind of the Lili of specialists. Fire and forget, does it from a safe distance, not too hard to play, etc. More melee probably helps him too. Just does a steady amount of damage, pretty useful in a team fight if there's anyone finishing the kills and the like. I still honestly feel like he could use a buff, but he does have a good winrate.

In other news, probably my least favorite part of Tracer now is how much I've grown to love the 13 wave clear talent and how painful it is to try to clear waves without it.


Why is Nazeebo suddenly good again and being played a lot? Randomly see him in every HL game now, he does crazy damage. I love it. Toads of hugeness is just too much fun.
People have realized he's top tier in solo queue- his numbers have been fantastic for months.

Yeah, I think that was me. He has health/mana regen, great poke. Great in uncoordinated play. It's why Dead Rush is such an incredible talent, especially on the long drawn out tribute/altar maps.


Two new portraits for the Summer regionals and globals to earn, collectors. Dates in the link.


The gold (orange? yellow?) 2016 one is better than the green one, but altogether not a fan of the "year" portraits. I'd rather they do some actual art and leave the numbers off. It's probably the only thing I don't like about the MVP Black mount as well.

I'd like the gold one if it was just the logo by itself with no 2016!!!!!! on it.
In 2022 we'll all be roaming the Mad Max-like post-apocalyptic wasteland that comes about because of Donald Trumps second term as Supreme Potentate of The Best States of Murica.

This is the twilight of our halcyon days where we can shittalk about vidya gamez on the internet instead of fighting a hobo over a can of beans with a nail and barbed wire covered table leg.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
god damn tracer is infuriating. nerf can't come soon enough

she literally breaks blackheart bay by herself with how quickly she kills treasure chests and gets all the gold


Two new portraits for the Summer regionals and globals to earn, collectors. Dates in the link.

The gold (orange? yellow?) 2016 one is better than the green one, but altogether not a fan of the "year" portraits. I'd rather they do some actual art and leave the numbers off. It's probably the only thing I don't like about the MVP Black mount as well.

I'd like the gold one if it was just the logo by itself with no 2016!!!!!! on it.

Still salty as fuck about not getting my spring regionals one. The lamest.

I like the look of both of those.


I like em better than the spring ones (and also RIP you getting hosed on that), just wish we didn't have to have 2016 splayed on everything. Since every portrait also has a description, seems kinda unnecessary to have it on both portraits.


In other news, probably my least favorite part of Tracer now is how much I've grown to love the 13 wave clear talent and how painful it is to try to clear waves without it.

I have confirmed that the lvl 13 melee talent does not stack with the lvl 1 melee talent. bummer. because I like them both pretty well.


Tracer seems real good. Not sure if she's OP quite yet but I'm kind of leaning that way. I wonder how you could even nerf her. She already has no hp.


I wonder if we'll see jaina buffs soon.

I think we will see a reduction in blizzards cooldown, but ultimately I think she'll remain an assassin you pick for a blow up comp specifically. It doesn't help that Tracer murders her without taking damage...

It's funny how in NA she was being drafted by the pros constantly, then we went to the EU regional and they never played her (to Dreadnaughts horror). Snitch then explained why on Reddit, and within a month she vanished from NA as well. There was obviously a shift in people's thinking about her, because she's been a pro scene staple for a long time and then she vanished without any real changes to her kit.


well i mean they did take out blink and move ice block to 20. a single hero dying late game cuss they dont have any defenses can cost you the game.
I think we will see a reduction in blizzards cooldown, but ultimately I think she'll remain an assassin you pick for a blow up comp specifically. It doesn't help that Tracer murders her without taking damage...

It's funny how in NA she was being drafted by the pros constantly, then we went to the EU regional and they never played her (to Dreadnaughts horror). Snitch then explained why on Reddit, and within a month she vanished from NA as well. There was obviously a shift in people's thinking about her, because she's been a pro scene staple for a long time and then she vanished without any real changes to her kit.

Zeratul was always a pretty decent counter to jaina and with his rise to popularity again almost inevitable for her to fade out.


Jaina's height of popularity was at the same time as zeratul's though - both have dropped out of the pro scene pretty significantly since then (Jaina much more so). Out of all the back range characters Jaina actually had better defenses than most against him with Iceblock and Frost Armour, and potentially the root. I don't think it was zeratul that caused her issues - I think it was the growing realisation that without Blizzard she's very limited, and it has a ridiculous cooldown, and that she can't do anything against objectives once you've won the team fight.

Also, K1Pros water elemental S because so bad it probably scared the rest of the scene off her... ;-)
She still had sprint and bolt back then though, not sure on the sprint. Now she has none of that and not even Ice Block, also don't remember if her fall from popularity was before or afterwards.


She fell off before the ice block change, but significantly after the sprint change. The sprint change removed a play style from her but didn't stop her being used a lot.

The removal of bolt and ice block was the nail in the coffin of a hero who had already significantly fallen from grace.

Edit: latest town hall heroes, and yet again I'm shouting at it thanks to the KT discussion. They were complaining that he only has one build, and yet we saw at least three separate builds and multiple talent choices last weekend. I understand Dunk and Arth won't have caught those games because they were playing, and zoia was casting, but surely Jake should have done some damn research before letting them waste 10 minutes of analysis on something that is objectively wrong?


Oh, and the other reason Tychus is broken is that the 5 seconds of damage doesn't count as a DOT - it counts as 5 individual hits, so interrupts any channelling of any sorts (mounts, spells, *objectives*). A single Tychus with the ranged upgrade to the grenade can stop you ever capping a Curse or Tower or Dragonknight, which puts him at a huge advantage on those maps.


and I'm gonna spend it all on drugs

Don't let your schemes be dreams, man.

Oh, and the other reason Tychus is broken is that the 5 seconds of damage doesn't count as a DOT - it counts as 5 individual hits, so interrupts any channelling of any sorts (mounts, spells, *objectives*). A single Tychus with the ranged upgrade to the grenade can stop you ever capping a Curse or Tower or Dragonknight, which puts him at a huge advantage on those maps.

That is pretty damn annoying and should be fixed, I agree.

The Tychus' we play must be dumb because he still gets bodied like no other in our games. Based on that completely anecdotal evidence, I do think they should keep melting point baseline. Just not with him being able to long range poke interrupt. It should function like a normal DoT.


Having it as baseline that doesn't affect heroes at all would be okay I guess - but right now, even without the interrupts, he just does stupid damage on every map at very long range. It's a lot harder to dodge than a flamestrike from Ignite Kael.

TBH with you though, I don't think this fixes Tychus. Wave clear wasn't what he lacked to make him viable. It's the fact he needs a stationary target to effectively deal his damage, and you can't stutter step with him. I agree with whichever poster said that his Overkill should count as an auto attack ability, that would go a long way to help him I think.


I don't think it fixes him either. But help is help I guess. I'm not sure what they can do with him at this point. He's antiquated.
i really wish they'd re-tool Lunara's early talents. she doesn't get a dps increase until 7 and even then its not all that impressive until you get the level 16 attack speed talent to go with it.

shes so much fun though, easily in my top 5 fav heroes.


I don't even take that talent most of the time nowadays - Nature's Culling is so good on so many maps.

Do definitely agree that her level 1 talents and Wisp ability still need looking at. Her level 1 stuff is just pure junk (and confusing junk at that for the Crippling Spores talent), and wisp remains a really bad ability that the talents just make slightly less bad. Really not sure why they are so terrified of wisp being any better, it's such an obvious outlier compared to other abilities. Tracer gets to rewind time with less of a cooldown than wisp! ;-)

ON the plus side, Lunara really, *really* hurts Tracer. Maybe I've been playing her wrong, but going anywhere near a Lunara was just painful death when I played Tracer. I really love, *love* the fact that tracer is so good versus some heroes and bad versus others.Think she's easily the best hero design they have done to date in the game, and that's a tough barto beat considering who we have had recently.


I agree 100% on Lunara being a pain in the ass for her. Sylv and Nazeebo are as well if those two are not the targets she's/the team is focusing and they are allowed to chunk her down with poison, but Lunara is a different case. Her autos hurt Tracer more than Tracer's hurt her, and she's a little more able to keep up with her than other heroes thanks to the move speed. Tracer can burst her down with the a little uptime and the combo, but in my experience that requires the Lunara to be focusing someone/something else for a second or two before switching onto Tracer. Tracer can get on Sylv and Naz pretty good, though, in my experience. I've riparooni'd several Nazeebo's since release.

I honestly fucking love Tracer. She's so fun. I don't find her egregious to play with or against thus far. Like you, I feel there's some heroes she really shits on (RIP Li-Ming you oppressive tyrant) and others who give her a bad time. Getting caught in a polymorph with anyone paying attention is lights out, for example.

She's been a great time for me. Two days in a row now I wished I didn't have to log. I can't wait til she's available to the public next week so I can get her on my smurf account too.
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