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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Sure he can finish kills, but he has to get in to do that and can be easily punished is their point. If he's gonna to have to stick at range (which he often does in the games I see) you're better off with a real ranged hero. The 20 talent is awesome, but it's at level 20 and kind of negates the argument that he finishes kills to me. If he's better off AAing at that point he's no longer doing what he's being picked for (if finishing is what he's picked for). You could argue it helps him do everything better but it's a level 20 talent. That's a long ass wait.

Man, I disagree with this analysis. Greymane has unbelievable poke with the Q build, and the threat he poses for instantly killing heroes is unlike any other hero in the game currently. There is a reason Greymane is being played a lot lately, he's really good. Also he's super fucking fun, which helps.


Yep, people really don't understand the threat a Greymane poses. In a game I played yesterday, the enemy Zeratul at 70% health jumped out Li-Ming at 30% health. Normally that would be a guaranteed kill, but I was able to kill him as Greymane before he got the kill on her. His ability to instantly drop a huge amount of damage on someone from range is second to none, and people really don't recognise the danger he poses.

And as you say, he's not an underpowered ranged hero - he's better than many popular non-Mage ranged heroes right now with the cocktail build, including Raynor and Valla.


I have legit seen all of three Greymane's doing enough damage at range pre-20 to make me want to take them over a mage or Raynor or even Falstad for his utility.

He is very fun but I'm not convinced. I have already said I haven't watched much EU compared to the usual of late, and certainly they are picking him for a reason. My argument was simply that I haven't seen him used with much success in my own games whatsoever which is why I'm not surprised by NA pros also being skeptical. If he legit has a place he'll show up here just like any good hero does in any meta though so the saltiness you guys have about THH or whoever shitting on this hero or that gives me the lulz. In general both regions go down this same road and do the same thing, though as you've said NA is often more skeptical.

Regardless of that fact, though, I'd still (personally) rather have someone else in my games based on the feed potential alone. It's not a rare occurrence seeing Greymane with 6 or 7+ deaths and that's my biggest gripe with him.


That's kinda what I'm saying though. He is fucking awesome at killing some mugs and he can do it better than pretty much anyone, I just haven't seen the reward be worth the risk. Typically it's a one for one or his overextension gets two but gets another teammate killed trying to bail him out. Yeah if you're picking him situationally (as I would assume they are) then the situation can def be different.

I've not seen a situation (or maybe a player) that is good enough with him in my games to bother though...but you also have to consider I'm talking about games with no bans so you can get literally whoever you want.

I am surprised hyper-aggressive BRFC/Navi Jr. and a team like Cog with Glau aren't high on him (or are acting like they aren't). Glau plays him on stream.
He is very fun but I'm not convinced. I have already said I haven't watched much EU compared to the usual of late, and certainly they are picking him for a reason. My argument was simply that I haven't seen him used with much success in my own games whatsoever which is why I'm not surprised by NA pros also being skeptical.

wood tier alert


I feel like regardless what they say in public they value him

Like im sure eu values zeratul also, despite him not showing up much for them


My biggest fear about Xul:

Jade Martin said:
I am very interested to see where he lands in the current meta. His [W] Cursed Strikes makes him great against enemy team comps that rely on high attack speed such as Illidan, Thrall, Raynor, etc. Heroes that have the ability to keep a distance between them and Xul are often good counters to him such as Lunara or Mages. If Xul can get a good flank with Bone Prison those heroes that counter him will be in big trouble! Xul has good synergy with heroes like Kael’thas, Muradin, or a Johanna. These heroes have longer range CC’s that allow Xul to more easily get within range to pull off a successful Bone Prison. Xul’s role in a teamfight will vary based off of team comps but he is great at peeling for squishier allies, locking down carries, dealing damage, and applying Cursed Strikes.

Sort of goes without saying, but also sucks if he's just mage meat cause mages are all we see.

Anyway, here's the talents if you can't hit the link:




Kind of a weird place for an interview/talent release isn't it? Reno Gazette-Journal?


Wow, he has a lot of possible slows and other debuffs.

- His W does attack-speed slow.
- His E roots
- Level 1 talent for Bone Armor to slow enemies
- Level 7 talent to increase attack-speed slow of W
- Skeletal Mages heroic slow targets
- level 13 talent to add slow to Q
- Level 17 talent to add vulnerability to E
- Level 20 talent to add reduced healing to Q

Also note that he can take executioner at 17, which might actually go pretty well if his melee damage isn't terrible, given how many of the required effects he can do himself.


Some things that immediately stand out besides mortal strike

He's got executioner attacks that cleave and his own slows

He's also got a bunch of %hp damage abilities, lvl 1 talent that does 15% hp damage? Plus giant killer plus lvl 20 poison upgrade. Chogall stitches and muradin better look out.

He may be the hero which they switched to specialist and he made a lot more sense. If anyone remembers that blurb from around when rexxar came out


Just looking at him, that Backlash talent at one (15% damage on Bone Armor expiration) seems handy to me regardless of context. Even if he dies it kind of acts as a corpse explosion.

Jailors at 4 sounds fun for pure annoyance. Dunno if it's any good though. Be interesting to see at 7 if Harvest Vitality provides sustain to Xul in the same way we used to see with Leoric's early builds. That could make him a little more viable.

Also interesting that he has a Vulnerability at 16 (2 sec vuln on Bone Armor). Dat Mortal Wound at 20 doe...wowee. Bone Spear at 20 too.

He may be the hero which they switched to specialist and he made a lot more sense. If anyone remembers that blurb from around when rexxar came out

That's a good call. I don't think they said they did change one, just that they talked about it but it could be. I always thought it should've been Rexxar myself but that ship is sailed now.


No mobility

from Reddit:

[1] Bone Armor: Activate to gain a Shield equal to 25% of your maximum Health for 3 seconds.
[Q] Spectral Scythe: Summon a scythe at target location that travels toward you after a 1-second delay, damaging enemies in its path.
[W] Cursed Strikes: Once activated, your Basic Attacks over the next 4 seconds deal damage in a wide arc and reduce the Attack Speed of enemies hit by 50% for 2 seconds.
[E] Bone Prison: After a 2-second delay, root target enemy in place for 2 seconds.

[R] Poison Nova: After a short delay, release poisonous missiles that deal massive poison damage over 10 seconds to all enemies hit.
[R] Skeletal Mages: Summon 4 Skeletal Mages in a line that attack nearby enemies and slow them by 30% for 2 seconds. Lasts up to 15 seconds.

More observations:

3 sec for bone shield is not very long... Basically just stone skin at lvl 1.... But it makes the 15% hp damage it can do a lot easier to get onto the right targets

4 seconds for his auto atk steroid is not very long... So even if he can provide his own slows the executioner build still doesn't sound super OP... Perma slow but only like 2 or 3 autos with the bonus damage.

"Poison nova: after a short delay...." Sounds interruptable... Not great for a melee hero whose gonna want to cast it in the middle of the enemy team. At least it's not channeled.

Day 1 team comp idea: xul, medic, executioner raynor, Jaina, ETC.


Yeah im phone-ridden and i never check out the in development heroes lol, totally forgot this guy even existed

Whoa that root, wonder if it's a channel or a fire and forget


Yea seems targeted at short range.... ie Sonya slam or uther stun

Xul' strait is gonna be better at pushing then possession.


Sup d00ds

Just started not long ago, got to level 30 and started ranked. Been duoing with a friend, we mostly play a Valla/Stitches combo. Out of placements now, rank 6-7 now? Seems you gain ranks pretty fast, it was 1-2 ranks per game. I placed at 11 and it seems to be pretty smooth.

I like thrall too, played him a bit when he was free, might also start playing him in ranked once I buy him. Is he good?


Thrall's in a pretty decent spot now. And yes, fresh out of placement you gain MMR (and consequently ranked points) very quickly. It starts slowing down a bit around 50 games played. Eventually you lose the bonus points that you get, though it sounds like you may hit rank 1 before you lose yours.


Kharazim and falstad both are pretty fun too. I play them now and then, kharazim if I need to support. But I find he's a really good solo too and can duel a lot of people

Are rehgar and liming still op? I seem to see them + zagara every game, it used to be annoying but i think I've gotten used to it. We don't own them so they tend to be on the other team.

When can you tell when there are patches?


I think the masses are split on Li-Ming. Rehgar still seems a little too good, though. And yeah, Falstad is pretty good too. Kharazim is my favorite support, lots of fun with him compared to a few of the others due to how he is able to finish kills.

Re: patches: your client will update and you should have a little link there for patch notes near the play button IIRC. It will also pop up in the scrolling window in the launcher after they finally put the notes on the website.


Sounds like it. :p That always makes it more fun.

The next new hero (Xul - Diablo 2 necromancer) may be coming out tomorrow if you didn't know. We haven't gotten confirmation yet, though. If not tomorrow then next Tuesday.


Soon(TM). The speculation is that's the next major change we'll see, but no one really knows but them. They have a build that includes bans that they are playing internally.


Auto ban li Ming rehgar every time.

Shade is supposed to add evasion for the duration instead of the slow

If bone shield isn't like a 60s cd it's gonna be so broken


Yeah there don't seem to be enough heroes to have that many bans, and just having 1 ban is kinda weird...

We've had two bans in pro league for ages now, with a much smaller hero pool. Bans will be fine with the current numbers, and by the time we get them we'll have at least one more hero as well.


Xul sounds pretty fun.

What's the difference between shade and shackler?

The corrected version is

[Active] Backlash: When Bone Armor expires, nearby enemies take 15% of their maximum Health as damage.
[Active] Shackler: While Bone Armor is active, nearby enemies are slowed by 30% for 1 second.
[Active] Shade: While Bone Armor is active, you evade all Basic Attacks, but its cooldown is increased by 10 seconds.


Bans are fine, there are only 4

Never need to first ban an op unless you are afraid of a specific 2 pick combo for second pick


I change my mind. I'm banning gazlowe nova every game instead

Seriously though if gaz is perma banned in HL do you think blizz sees that as: hero must be strong, or hero is so bad he's getting banned so your own team cant pick him.


I'd proactive ban too. I've lost more games by people picking random things that they either (A) weren't good at or (B) that were irrelevant power wise than I've lost because we played against whatever hero is OP.
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