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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Is that the swipe range? I was testing it yesterday and i liked it, though i still prefer the w ms esp. since it's nice with his 16
Is that the swipe range? I was testing it yesterday and i liked it, though i still prefer the w ms esp. since it's nice with his 16

nah it's the engage/disengage increase. Let's you get away with so much more and use it more aggressively even. Love that you can W Q E Q E Q R Q... if that's the correct sequence.

Blind snipes feel so good no matter the hero.


Still lost that game though. Threw at the end.


My video game time is being taken up by waiting for matches in sfv

Plus i started throwing on purpose in aram because i dont like the ppl there lol


Yeah i remember championing all-chat in a previous iteration of this thread and oh how wrong i was

Was thinking about how star wars would have different if luke broadcasted his excitement over his first kill to the entire empire and then han also replied in all chat, the bm is very real


Yeah I hear you on that. I had a few trolls on both team the last time I played it. We were killing them early, but it eventually turned into a 50m stalemate since they had Hammer and we couldn't get anywhere near their core without getting nuked down. Our KT started calling for us to get the dragon knight, so I eventually did to end it since they would not push.

Needless to say, I got BM'd to hell and back in all chat and the chat channel after the game. No one had my back, yet my team wanted it over too so I ended it. Really soured me on it.

I get we could've did a better job and managing it, but when you're literally not pushing out of your base and forcing us to die over and over to your camping what was I supposed to do?


LOL, you didn't tell me about that one. I bet the meltdown was epic.

They do a lot of things in HOTS aram that you aren't supposed to do. Going back to wells that are behind the keep you are on, etc etc. When it first started you couldn't do that, just like you couldn't go in bottom smoke on Infernal Shrines, etc. People just kind of made it easier over time.


LOL, you didn't tell me about that one. I bet the meltdown was epic.

They do a lot of things in HOTS aram that you aren't supposed to do. Going back to wells that are behind the keep you are on, etc etc. When it first started you couldn't do that, just like you couldn't go in bottom smoke on Infernal Shrines, etc. People just kind of made it easier over time.

It was pretty dumb.


Bot smoke and wells behind were always aight since i started

One time ppl were arguing and this one guy linked to "official aram rules" and everyone seinfeld.gifed together

Hotsaram.com lol


Not allowing players to go to fountains behind the keep/fort they are on makes the most sense, though. That's why it was like that when it started and why Azmo was even better cause he could nuke that first well.

Created more deaths, more risk. The point is you gradually push a team back, not that they push themselves back to heal up and recover.


I can see arguments for both, especially w/ structures getting buffed, personally id never want there to be a situation where one team had to just sit around waiting to die, like the distance to a well and the cd on it is ok for me. But i also never had like obscenely long games either so im sure that contributes. I was confused about the azmo well thing, ppl did it in my games but also used all the wells, only time i heard a complaint about it was from an azmo player and the few times i heard complaints about the smoke in infernal it was always one of those "i need something to blame" scenarios where they were already losing

I even get bothered when ppl complain about ppl going an inch from the bot shrub in dshire like cmon, just in general the mode has resulted in a pointed increase of me wanting to engage in aol style chatroom trolling.


Holla! That was a fine HL game. People were cooperative, quick with rotations, Kael almost didn't lose all his stacks lol, and you and Stitches zoned well -- I never felt so safe. My Rehgar win rate will rise again, damn it!

I don't really play tanks much lol, but muradin and rehgar seems to be a disgusting combo.

Muradin with the w solo target dmg and double tap does good dmg to the immortals too on that map, surprisingly
I play a lot of Morales and nothing makes me happier than putting Stim Drone on someone and watching them just... run away from the fight.

I like her a lot too, but man can she make the game frustrating. People overextending and getting angry I'm not jumping inside the death ball to heal them. Teams continuing to push hard even when my mana is out. Had someone pissed because he got surrounded by the enemies and my grenade didn't help him "enough". And of course, botched ults when the teammate doesn't know what to do so they run away or in a circle.

It just seems like QM players don't know how to play with her. And my team is quick to point the finger at me when we're losing, even if my heals are almost 100,000.

Only reason I still play as her is for that sweet Samus master skin. I want that so bad.
I hate playing against Morales because a. if they can turtle up and your comp can't dive it's miserable and b. there's the obligatory "focus morales" comment. No kidding I'll all ask their 3 melee heroes nicely if they'll let me through.


Yeah killing her is well and good if shes out of position but outside of that the correct thing to do is burst down available targets (including her heal target), but it involves your team being a little more aware and able to calculate dmg

Her influence as a support is probably the most interesting to me


Yeah I fucking hate people that always spout that throughout the entire game. "Gotta kill Medic"

Not fucking shit. That goes for any healer. How often is she in the frontline? Hardly ever.

I don't even bother responding to it anymore. I'll hit whoever is closest and you'll live with it.

Another one that kills me is when people say don't focus Misha. If that bear is in my fucking face way further than their team I'm going to pound away on her until she gets pulled back.
I've only played against Rexxar like 6 times total so I can't relate but exactly I don't reply to it anymore either. It's like players picked it up on reddit or THH or whatever but can't stop to think critically about it once.

And yes she's one of the more interesting Supports to observe the impact of. She warps the match around her more than most other supports.
Dunk seems to absolutely love playing her and he proved her great.


I wish rexxar was good. =( the bear is pretty legit, but the hero itself needs some buffs. I would like to see atk damage and range buffed up a little bit.


I wish rexxar was good. =( the bear is pretty legit, but the hero itself needs some buffs. I would like to see atk damage and range buffed up a little bit.

I know his popularity is in the ground, but he seems to be doing okay in winrate, from the few people that do play him. He's currently sitting at 50% winrate, coming in 17th. Honestly don't think Rexxar himself needs any buffs.

Edit - Like Milly said, they should make him a specialist.


Yeah if he was a specialist his winrate would def improve in Quick Match. Won't do much for him in HL and on hotdoggies charts, but you could at least play him without regret.


He's pretty fun in the late game, i feel like im hacking the matrix when im playing him

Wish the stun and heal were bear skills and he had other skills for himself


Or if not specilist then yet another rule for QM that says Artanis sonya Rexar won't be solo tanks.

I feel like he's more of a bruiser then specialist, but he doesn't really bring the damage. His vision and long range stun are probably the best things he brings to a team.

It's just hard to draft him anywhere.

Maybe if his boar heroic got a buff. Like CD or duration or something.

I feel like he's strong on li Ming teams because of the slow.


I think his specific strength only shows up in one real scenario (solo top dshire), otherwise he only really functions as a stunbot who is really killable once he enters auto range

If i were to complain about him itd be that all the power is tacked onto the bear

Also rehgar ends up with 1200+ more health than him at 20 if im reading thos reddit thread correctly, i dunno how i feel about that


That would be cool if there was incentive behind it. That has been tossed around a ton. I wonder if Dustin has ever responded to it.


What if they just let you pick your role before quing like wow dungeon finder?

If they did league's team builder, which lets you search for party members based on role before entering a queue w/ a pool of already made teams, i think thatd work fantastic. Like you put out a call for a role, it gets filled, when the comp is decided by the team the leader starts the queue. Itd have to be adapted to hots somehow though, since league has more meta structure like lane assignments, which is how they categorize the call for roles. If it's just by role and putting you into games that need a specific role like wow tho dats booty.


Biggest issue in HOTS with either system would likely be the MMR again, as always. Farther up you go the smaller the pool, and unfortunately it's the folks farther up who want these features. So it might give you a real tank and a healer, but you could be back to 3800's playing with 2900's just to make the comp cause there's so few people 3k+ compared to <3k.


Theoretically 5, but I think the most any hero has is 4 (e.g. Greymane with cocktail).

Sort of highlights how sucky that base ability is that people pump most of their talents into it... ;-)


I played him to 5 this week. His poke and burst is impressive. Thrall is probably a better more consistent pick as you get sustain, a root, and an interrupt with sunder. I do understand THH opinion of him being in the middle ground but I would have him ranked pretty high right now. Especially since meele assassins aside from thrall are in an odd spot right now.

I should try playing Kerrigan again but she feels only viable as last pick right now.
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