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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Dat backfire there doe. Still up a level and two forts however.

We bout to see some salt boiz. MORTON'S STOCK RISING


blaze is 100% better than nvt atm, I feel pretty comfortable thinking that
my salt forecast is prtty low (besides erho), I feel like they are aware that they got outplayed/drafted and just need to work now
hope im wrong tho ofc


They just beat them with a gimmick comp lol. Can't wait to hear their reaction.

my salt forecast is prtty low (besides erho), I feel like they are aware that they got outplayed/drafted and just need to work now
hope im wrong tho ofc

I dunno man. I don't think anyone outside of Fan on that team is into introspection. The fingers will start pointing. It may not happen til after Korea, but the fears ppl had when the team formed are still there.


summary of nvt atm
nvt = oh korea playing that gp zera? lemme do that
blaze = oh korea playing that gp zera? lemme do that but also there is this talent that no one picks, lets put that in too because it makes sense
i still think nvt is better in the end, but they are super stagnant atm

tlv pick just made me realize that abathur has been ignored all tourney?
whoaa not merc god tlv build


no evade on xul either, against that team of all teams
really enjoy arth on c9, he's busted out bw, tlv, and probably some other stuff i forget and really opened up their pool
slam build on single tank stitches


Pretty sure one of em already used TLV prior to Arth. I forget which though. Arth wasn't even the best TLV on TS.


i dont think fan plays anything arth cant play
they're comps got better when fan left, i dont think fan played bw once and dunks always wanted to not limit medic to solo healer prob


I really don't see how you can say that. Arth played Sylv, Valla, KT, Jaina, Sonya, and what in TS? I've never seen Arth pull out Zeratul or Thrall to my knowledge, though I may be wrong on Thrall.

Fan was the melee assassin for C9 and ran the gamut of whatever heroes were viable, then became the flex and played all the range while iDream went melee plus he has the best Abathur in NA. The hero pools are not even close IMO. It's hard to argue with the fact that won worlds with Fan swapping roles all around and are only 1-1 in actual tournaments that matter with Arthelon in the fold from my POV. At best it's a sidegrade, which is what I said at the time. I would assume Fan wanted to centralize shotcalling and Dunk is all about free-flowing and that was the main reason for the change, not an actual increase in skill.


that's literally because that's what he was asked to play on those teams thooo he's said this before. he's played thrall, tlv, bw all on the same team I don't think anyone else has ever done something similar

for me as a spectator, the swap w/ the vague "wanted to go in different directions" had to do w/ playstyle, a lot of the games where c9 looked shaky was in situations where fan wasnt meshing like when hed want to keep going and his team wanted to back out, which is why a lot of ppl said that nvt lucked out w/ the swap and why they wanted to field wiz as a player since he's all about that (wiz too loyal though). just cause fan was on a team that let him play different stuff doesnt mean that other ppl cant do that

c9's reaction to ppl saying "oh you lost fan guess you cant play abathur anymore" was "...but anyone can play abathur?", and part of the swap was because they wanted arth on certain heroes that fan couldnt do


Tempo was known for their strict adherence to that one comp (mainly triple ranged) despite it's obvious failings down the stretch to Blizzcon. It's hard for me to believe that Arthelon could bust out another 5-10 heroes at the time and be viable with them and the whole team decide they'd rather stick with a failing strategy. The same goes for Kaeyoh and Zuna. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps he's expanded in the downtime since and that's what we're seeing, but I don't buy that he's suddenly on par with Fan's diversity due to a couple of tournaments where he played an odd pick. I can't say I've seen a game where Fan has played support, but I'm sure he could do it if it was a necessity.

Beyond that, I don't think Arthelon has anything in his repertoire that Fan can't also pull out and only one of those two names has a year worth of experience of showing off said repertoire instead of a month or two. Also, only one of those two players has ever won anything of note.

because they wanted arth on certain heroes that fan couldnt do

What has Arth played in his HOTS career that we haven't seen Fan play, though? The Brightwing earlier today? I just don't buy it breh. The Arthelon hype 2 stronk


im not sayin arthelon is dat god, just that he pushed c9 forward for sure + have never felt that fan was terribly diverse in the first place so any argument that c9's pool fell off when fan left is ??? to me

What tournament are you guys watching, and what game should I checkout for Blazelust?

nvt vs. blaze game 2


What tournament are you guys watching, and what game should I checkout for Blazelust?

ETS Finals. The losers bracket finals game 2 was the Blazelust game.

im not sayin arthelon is dat god, just that he pushed c9 forward for sure

How can he push a team forward that won Blizzcon? I just don't get what you're selling here. To top it off, he basically cost them the first LAN they played in post swap...which they lost to Fan's new team.

They won the other LAN since he joined but it's not like they won it going away in a stomp either. Perhaps over time your point may have some validity, but it's hard for me to buy that til we see him play with real diversity in Korea and be successful like C9 was at Blizzcon. If he's just hopping on Sonya or a mage/typical range most games, though, that's exactly what he always did.


i mean it's just an impression of course lol.

if you're going to frame c9 as the top team world after blizzcon then I'd understand, but they got slapped after blizzcon over and over and were in the process of falling apart in china. I dunno how much of that has to do w/ hero diversity but it certainly doesnt hurt at all that their comps have drastically improved since fan left (but of course that might not have anything to do w/ fan or arthelon at all, tho itd be an odd coincidence)

but yeah they're still gonna get slapped in korea most likely



They go from bc to China with hardly any break and you expect them to dominate? Cray world we live in.

C9 isn't gonna get slapped lol. Mvp didn't even make it to the big stage last year, but since they're dominating once again and made it they're all of a sudden #1? Smdh

May as well pack it up


I don't remember them getting slapped post Blizzcon outside of China. They haven't lost an NA tournament other than Heroes Rising since they won the Americas championship last fall AFAIK. China could've been for many reasons as they themselves noted. Their practice was fucked, they were treated poorly, they pretty much hated it and admitted that they were basically sandbagging due to how bad they hated being there.

Have all of their comps drastically improved in results since Arthelon joined, or just drastically improved aesthetically in your own opinion? Cause all we've seen them play with Arthelon is NA scrubs and Naventic. That could be as much meta change and soft competition as it is anything else. And the results, bar them losing Heroes Rising, are still more or less the same so that's kind of my point. I don't see how things are any different for them beyond the inner workings of how they want to approach games possibly being more in sync with Arth than Fan...at least until they lose something important and Arth becomes toxic like he has on all the other teams (and in League).


in my opinion of course, always in my opinion lol I don't interact behind the scenes w/ the teams or anything, just read interviews and watch some games
all the things you're saying are valid there are a lot of factors, I just think arth/fan switch is a big factor

yeah when i say c9 was getting slapped I was talking about china -> china -> rising, where they got slapped
i find the good krn heroes team on another lvl compared to na/eu heroes teams, but there's bias involved obviously and i havent watched all the games or anything


yeah when i say c9 was getting slapped I was talking about china -> china -> rising, where they got slapped

Ah. Well you're making my point for me then. Arthelon went to China the second time...not Fan. So he was involved in China slap part deux plus Heroes Rising. Dat improvement doe amirite Kappa heuehue im givin u a hard tiem sry

Him being involved in both losing efforts is part of why Milly isn't a big fan of him over Fan lol

I'll admit I'm a bit biased against Arth doe. I feel like he was a big part of the TS blowup and his other ventures have ended similarly so I just can't fathom why Dunk is willing to take that risk for a sidegrade or even slight upgrade when he's already seen the cost that may come with it.


oh lol, I mean i dont really blame them that much for getting wrekked in china (both w/ fan and arth) or not winning heroes rising (esp. since this particular tourney's narrative was which hodge podge team is gonna win, nvt doin well at home and c9 not much change seen), but the idea that they were losing anything besides more aggressiveness when they lost fan is lost on me. comp-wise arth was already providing like raynor and shit I guess, but I wouldn't use those tourneys as a kickoff point for any c9 resurgence or anything. like you said meta considerations are a big part in all of this, but I have a pretty strong gut feeling that c9 wouldnt be doing warrior-less w/ fan still on the roster

i feel like I don't really have to do this but
all my posts are my opinions?

pretty much agree w/ this in regard to nvt:

their comps are outdated

just sat watching mago vs. brent w/ khaldor casting in the background not realizing it was heroes commentary the whole time
damn blaze clutched the shit out of that game


yeah I loved c9m comps but that probably had more to do w/ the rest of c9 than zuna, zuna seems conditioned pretty hard by league in terms of comp thinking (and the emulating korea coming thru here as well), I expected to see them aware of this but I dunno it's gonna take a lot of work to get gud by the time korea rolls around. c9 consistently has the more interesting comps in NA (besides when they feel into a similar hole w/ leoric for days) and blaze has the best man i love you for doing this comps


That Brightwing + Tyrande sustain in the second half of C9 Blaze Game 2 was crazy. They couldn't drop anyone and blew their early lead. This is getting interesting.


Blaze is 2ARC but not shitty.

And agreed on Korean comps. They are always the most interesting to me. I wish their scene was a bit easier to follow. For now, the EU scene is the best to watch for variety of viable teams and diversity in comps since NA can't overcome the two or three team domination era.


i think tempo is improving pretty fast but them and cog are stuck in the same rut that blaze has seemingly pushed past. In general tho na has gotten a lot better at the game compared to last year, I dunno where it's going to be at come blizzcon and I assume the rosters will look pretty different by then too. cog really needs something to bring their shit together, they are the temporary madness team that c9 was last year imo


It's hard to point at what the issue is besides the melee stubbornness of Glau is with Cog.

Glau has never won anything anywhere and was hurting even Tempo who lit the world on fire for months after he left, and the MG guys and gal have also never won anything. They've both been disappointments throughout. I think people like em and want em to win but neither part of the group has ever shown much inclination to actually do something.


Meh, no response from Blizzard on the EU summer regionals. Looks like it's going ahead as is, in two days time. What a pile of utter shite - I honestly think this is going to seriously harm, if not outright kill, the games pro scene in Europe.


yeah he needs hardened focus to deal w/ her and that doesnt happen for a really long times, esp on this map, I think they were scared a bit of c9 taking it
not feeling that mana talent on rehgar though a lot of ppl are taking it, im gonna need that explained to me
i guess feral heart has low value on this map? so they dont expect to be in wolf form for 5 secs?
blaze needed to play impeccably for their comp, it's such a tough thing to pull off on this map
I love reading this thread since I don't watch tourneys and don't know who any of you are talking about, it's like when I was picking up Radio Moscow on a homemade shortwave 30 years ago and felt like I was evesdropping on high level shit but I didn't speak the language


Milly says don't worry, it's ok that Blaze nearly beat C9 cause they are good but NVT is in the dumpster for being beat by the same team.


the answer is cuz he's a c9Fan
li ming so late in this draft, again feels like blaze picked their support to deny c9, they seemed flustered by rehgar ban too
dam khaldor making bank this weekend, he's doing a pretty good job casting this too


Agreed, I just like giving my son a hard time.

Is Khaldor casting in Korea?

EDIT: I dunno who is more dumb right now. Falstad or Li-Ming.
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