Dat PCE Duo...dayum. Lords of Thunder, that's taste you got there!
Well, I'm done with the cheap sound from my TV. As a first pick-up of the year I wanted to upgrade it a bit.
Installing it right now, can't wait to hear the results.
*Ahem* Erm...Take 2.
The Sony HT-CT60 had problems when plugged via digital in. Some little sounds like the 'clicks' from moving icons to icons in the PS3's XMB weren't there, to discover after that the 'clicks' from moving in the inventory of REmake via the Wii U didn't work either. I had a lot of sounds peak in weird places to have these. Some would say it's a 'little' problem, but I see this as something missing thus not working correctly.
After changing to output from the TV to the PS3, for a 'Sony to Sony' connection, after trying to buy another digital cable in case the stock one was the problem and even after changing THE WHOLE SOUND BAR SYSTEM, the problem persisted. The analog inputs worked fine, but my TV only have a digital out for sound systems so it would have been a clusterfuck each time I'd want to switch consoles, and that happens frequently
So I switched for a HW-F355 from Samsung, cost me something like 30 bucks more but I have better sounds, more options and the thing actually works like it's supposed to.
My conclusion with this story is that Sony will provide me a PS4 and maybe another PS3 in a near future, and it'll end there. Sad thing because I thought Sony was a synonym of quality with sound systems, but I guess I was wrong.