Pulstar on VC. One more of the 150 reasons I love VC:
And connected it trough the upscaler with simple component and no tweaks and the image just blows me away:
Oh I didn't know that was on VC, would it be playable with a TvC arcade stick?
Pulstar on VC. One more of the 150 reasons I love VC:
And connected it trough the upscaler with simple component and no tweaks and the image just blows me away:
Which upscaler?
Yeah, playable with a TvC...but no mappable buttons, of course.
Also, it is only on the J-VC store right now. But pretty much everything has come to the NA store eventually. I just could not wait and bought on my japanese Wii.
Oh Japan only right now huh? I guess that puts me at hoping for a US VC release or paying for the MVS version if I ever want to play that game.
Oh shit... Pulstar is on VC in Japan?! PLEASE BRING IT HERE!
We need Viewpoint too!
Return Fire
sooo jealous.Samsung Galaxy SIII plus a white cover.
Picked-up my High School diploma.
One last epic get for the month, just arrived in the mail, the gfficial guidebook for Radiant Silvergun by Sega Saturn magazine:
Launch PS3 broke just after getting the free games from the PSN issues last year. Finally replacing it, time to play them!
The Flamemeister Mini. I'm mighty impressed with it so far. Expensive but well worth it. I just started fooling around with it, having just put the english menus on it. Crap, games look good on it...can't wait to hook up some of the older systems with RGB.
I'm upscaling to a 40" via HDMI.
Where can I buy this from and how much am I looking at spending on it?
Where can I buy this from and how much am I looking at spending on it?
My three 24" 1920x1200 monitors just showed up
Already bought Witcher twice on GOG, but I wanted to play Roche's path with better gamepad support, and I wanted to let my borrow brother it since he's only got a 360. I now own the two ugliest 360 boxes for Batman!
Bought Orta from a local place because I like supporting what's supposed to be my 'enemy'. Also because when I had an original xbox, I was a kid and only had Fable 1, Halo 1, and Jet Set Radio Future. I also bought Akai on a whim because I know everyone on GAF loves Cave for some reason, and I wanted to find out why. It'll be a good game to wash out all these 'cinematic' games I've bought lately. The rest are just new purchases.
Was $40 at Future Shop, could not resist. Only watched directors cut of Alien so far.
Got validated and finally I am glad to be able to post in an awesome NeoGAF thread. This month has been light for me though since I get some good hours in the next couple weeks. I plan to splurge myself.
Black Nintendo DSi
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Inside DSi/not pictured)
Chrono Trigger DS
Radiant Historia DS (New from Amazon)
Koihime Musou Eroge (My favorite pick up as this is very hard to find with localized english translation. Only 1 place I know that sold this.)
I only just noticed, MGS2:S has a 16+ rating, MGS3 is also 16+. Then MGS3:S went to 18+ and this collection also got 18+. Why the change in rating all of a sudden?
I only just noticed, MGS2:S has a 16+ rating, MGS3 is also 16+. Then MGS3:S went to 18+ and this collection also got 18+. Why the change in rating all of a sudden?
PEGI versions of MGS2:S and MGS3 also are 16 which is the puzzling part.I wouldn't be too surprised if it was due to a change in ratings board, from ELSPA to PEGI.
Solaris Japan is one place:
Thing is so impressive I wonder what took me so long to finally get one. Think I'm gonna get a second once since I like it so much.
When did Project Zero come out ?