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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre

i don't want the league to become a shark waters type "go for it every 4th down" league which is why the "rules" are there.

but i also dont want to turn it into me dictating every 4th down decision you run into. yeah, the rules are there, but as i said from the beginning not every situation is going to fit into the rules. was striker right to go for it there? i probably wouldn't have (because my short yardage sucks) but can you HONESTLY say it wasn't a decent gamble?

striker went for it on 4th down against me UP 7, and i didn't see too much wrong with it in that scenario either.

if everyone wants a hardline stance and for me to tell you every single circumstance and how it should go then fine, but i think the way we have done it to this point has been successful. haven't had many issues with 4th down playcalling in 2+ seasons!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i don't want the league to become a shark waters type "go for it every 4th down" league which is why the "rules" are there.

but i also dont want to turn it into me dictating every 4th down decision you run into. yeah, the rules are there, but as i said from the beginning not every situation is going to fit into the rules. was striker right to go for it there? i probably wouldn't have (because my short yardage sucks) but can you HONESTLY say it wasn't a decent gamble?

striker went for it on 4th down against me UP 7, and i didn't see too much wrong with it in that scenario either.

if everyone wants a hardline stance and for me to tell you every single circumstance and how it should go then fine, but i think the way we have done it to this point has been successful. haven't had many issues with 4th down playcalling in 2+ seasons!


I had no idea Striker was the guy that went for it while being up 7, come on dudes, give me a break.

You all kicked Shawn out for less than this.


sableholic said:
Not trying to pile on or be a stickler/dick, but its kinda open ended really the way its worded atm. The way I'm reading it is we have two rules:

1) No going for it in your own territory unless its the 4th quarter and you are losing.
2) In no mans land (I'd say thats what 30-45 yard line) you can only go for it IF (you are tied OR you are losing) AND its within 7 yards.

Technically your 10 yard line isn't no man's land so I'd say it's technically within the rules as they are written atm.

That said people have ignored those two as well so at some point we either should enforce them or remove them.
We used to have clear, easy to follow rules, but they were also very strict and covered all situations. I don't know if we should go back to that, keep these, adjust these, or throw them all away or even go back to the ol "within reason" rule. I'd hate to see someone going for it on every fourth down like Bog used to. Even if they fail, it sucks and the games get out of hand fast.

IMO, the way this season has gone in the NFL, the coaches have been going for it any time they are within their own territory and get lambasted when they go for it in opponent territory. That's not to say they always go for it in their own territory, but when they do, that seems to be the case.

Today, the general consensus (and I agreed) for Ryan was to go for it on 4th and 1. Ryan had the lead. A conversion meant that the game was over. Failing meant that they had to play defense starting at the opponent's own 30. If they had kicked a FG, they would have handed the ball back with time to score a TD. If they had missed that FG, they would have given the opposing team great position or might have had Cromartie run it back. A punt would have been pooched and not gained much field position. Plus, it ran the risk of a touchback (net 10 yards) or a run back by Sproles. The safest call was actually the "gamble" to go for it on 4th and 1.


Whoever plays me and wants to go for it on fourth, except Daw, Smokey, and DCX, feel free.

I am pretty sure that if the stat was kept I'd lead the league in TFLs. ;)


Ramirez said:

I had no idea Striker was the guy that went for it while being up 7, come on dudes, give me a break.

You all kicked Shawn out for less than this.

He was on your 10. Shawn would go for it up 7 on Shawn's 35. That's the difference. You never send it your unit until the offense shows its hand in a tight game like that. You made the wrong call, he gambled. It happened in the Jets-Chargers game today (in fact, the Jets risked even more because the Chargers would have had less distance to go than you would have in your game), it's fair. It sucks yea, but you can't win em all (trust me, I know! :lol)


LiveWire said:
He was on your 10. Shawn would go for it up 7 on Shawn's 35. That's the difference. You never send it your unit until the offense shows its hand in a tight game like that. You made the wrong call, he gambled. It happened in the Jets-Chargers game today (in fact, the Jets risked even more because the Chargers would have had less distance to go than you would have in your game), it's fair. It sucks yea, but you can't win em all (trust me, I know! :lol)


Let's just throw 4th down rules out the window, I'm fairly certain I'm going to start going for it about 90% of the time once I cross over into the opponents territory anyways. Up, down, tied, doesn't matter.
In response to rors/FMT

I have nothing against the rules that we have, I think they are flexible enough to allow for circumstances like the jets games 4th down and provide enough rules to stop people from going for it every down.

Just not a fan when people say they are completely ignoring the rules, when I don't think the two rules in place are that hard to follow.

If we ammended the 2nd rule to say or up by one score (so 1-7 pts) I think most people would never even run into a situation outside of that. What would people think about that? Would people follow that moreso than the current one?

So basically:
1) No going for it in your own territory unless its the 4th quarter and you are losing.
2) In no mans land (I'd say thats what 30-45 yard line?) you can only go for it IF (you are tied OR you are losing OR you are winning by one score) AND its within 7 yards.

Everything else is a judgment call. What I mean is anything not stated as against the rules = fine. This allows for situations like strikers, like 4th and inches attempts near goalline up by 3, etc. Since only two places on the field are mentioned: 1) your side of the field and 2) no man's land


On a related note did a quick google search for nfl no man's land and found this:




intangibles, motherfucker
Wellington said:
CB I am in the movies watching Avatar but do you want to go when I get home? Movie just started so it will be 3 hours or so.

thats fine. ill be up. it will only be like 11:30 for me



Hail to the KING baby
storybook77 said:
Sorry, I'm about to head off to bed since I have to work tomorrow and I'm already behind the sleep curve. I should be around later tomorrow night though.
set your alarm, easy peasy! see you soon!
sableholic said:
In response to rors/FMT

I have nothing against the rules that we have, I think they are flexible enough to allow for circumstances like the jets games 4th down and provide enough rules to stop people from going for it every down.

Just not a fan when people say they are completely ignoring the rules, when I don't think the two rules in place are that hard to follow.

If we ammended the 2nd rule to say or up by one score (so 1-7 pts) I think most people would never even run into a situation outside of that. What would people think about that? Would people follow that moreso than the current one?

So basically:
1) No going for it in your own territory unless its the 4th quarter and you are losing.
2) In no mans land (I'd say thats what 30-45 yard line?) you can only go for it IF (you are tied OR you are losing OR you are winning by one score) AND its within 7 yards.

Everything else is a judgment call. What I mean is anything not stated as against the rules = fine. This allows for situations like strikers, like 4th and inches attempts near goalline up by 3, etc. Since only two places on the field are mentioned: 1) your side of the field and 2) no man's land


On a related note did a quick google search for nfl no man's land and found this:



sounds good to me!


Hail to the KING baby
anyone wants to scrim? warning we'll probably get disconned in the fourth quarter of a good game! But it's a decent tradeoff.


sableholic said:
In response to rors/FMT

I have nothing against the rules that we have, I think they are flexible enough to allow for circumstances like the jets games 4th down and provide enough rules to stop people from going for it every down.

Just not a fan when people say they are completely ignoring the rules, when I don't think the two rules in place are that hard to follow.

If we ammended the 2nd rule to say or up by one score (so 1-7 pts) I think most people would never even run into a situation outside of that. What would people think about that? Would people follow that moreso than the current one?

So basically:
1) No going for it in your own territory unless its the 4th quarter and you are losing.
2) In no mans land (I'd say thats what 30-45 yard line?) you can only go for it IF (you are tied OR you are losing OR you are winning by one score) AND its within 7 yards.

Everything else is a judgment call. What I mean is anything not stated as against the rules = fine. This allows for situations like strikers, like 4th and inches attempts near goalline up by 3, etc. Since only two places on the field are mentioned: 1) your side of the field and 2) no man's land
Sounds fine and just like the previous rule, but with clarification.

Some people interpret the rule as:

"Winning team can never go for it on 4th"

Others think it's:

"Rule 1 and 2 are guidelines for going for it in those territories only. Anything in your enemy territory that's beyond the 30 is up to you."

The first would make it illegal for what striker did. The second would make it legal. Upon reading FMT's reply (skipped it the first time sorry!), the second the actual rule and what striker did was legal?

I remember, a few seasons ago, I had a game vs FMT where he went for it 4 times on 4th and goal and I stopped him. I think, if it's a high scoring game, you see coaches go for it all the time in goal line situations. That said, I would have lost that game if FMT had just kicked the FGs, but I'm glad he went for it. :lol


Dang, jaypicks do me in again. 3 of them, I can't overcome all that.

Two of them are on me though, never should have happened. My first one came on a pass to the wrong guy, hit the wrong button. I hate that I need to play 360 more. :lol My WR was streaking down the sideline wide open on it and I dumped it underneath into coverage. That was a TAINT too. :( Second one I hit the damn button, doesn't respond, hit it again as I throw, it goes up in the air at a weird angle for another int. 3rd one though I threw that into coverage where I shouldn't have. Time to tighten up the offense again!


Bills down Chargers 38-28

GAF Sports

Bills bounce back after loss to the Broncos with a big game from their RB Marshawn Lynch who recorded 145 yards on the ground. The Bills also got solid production out of their WR core with TO and Lee Evans both recording a TD on the day.

Poor tackling by the Chargers and blown coverages was the name of the game for San Diego. Even without the presence of Shawn Merriman (out 3 more weeks), the LBs from SD still had plenty of opportunities to stop the run.

Offensively the Chargers got a big rushing TD from Michael Turner, who has been somewhat of a disappointment this year. Antonio Gates had his first big game in a losing effort recording 114 yards and 2 TDs. QB Philip Rivers finished 15/24 for 207 yards and 2 TDs.

It doesn't get any easier for the Chargers. The next three weeks is the annual death march that the Chargers endure every season. They face division rival Oakland next week, followed by the defending Super Bowl champion Broncos then head to Green Bay to face the Packers.

The Bills move on to face the New England Patriots in week 5.


GG LJ. I sorely missed Merriman, but I still had opportunities within the game to put me up. Oh well. I believe our series is now 2-1 your lead. I will when the next one, whenever that may be!


Good game Smokey, nice write up, lots of offense. You did a good job in the redzone, held me to FG's on 3 occasions I think. I let you back into the game with that pick six, just a bad read on my part, no idea what I was thinking (pulled a Rivers).
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