Still no box upgrade. Chrono, I would collect all your salty tears but I have nothing to keep them in.
Wow, I'm speechless. Honestly speechless. I know it wasn't mentioned, but I still had hope that we would get it anyway. Did you know that, including fodder characters such as the Marines, there's around 300 units in the game right now? You don't even need to be a hoarder of multiple skillbooks/evolution material/etc. to have space issues/concerns. If you pulled regularly during Sugofest events, or are attempting to collect one of every character for completion reasons, you're physically unable to.
That is utterly ridiculous.
I seriously don't know what the hell Namco Bandai is thinking. Yet they launch Dokkan Battle, which has very little characters at the moment, with a capacity of 300. Seriously, NBE? I'd really like to know your thought process on that one. The only thing I can think of is that they're using it as a ploy so people will spend Rainbow Gems, not for Member Box space, but for stamina refreshes. As it is, I can't keep any evolution material on hand, since I have no space. I can't farm Lucci/Kaku from the new island, as well as cotton candy. No space. I can't even run more than a single turtle time without needing to go into my inventory to fuse/sell away turtles, let alone actually use my keys to attain pigs to later evolve for XP.
Fine, you win Namco. When I log into my game I'll fuse away every single useful skillbook I have just so I can continue playing the game. However, should I ever receive a Blamenco/Jozu/Impact Usopp/etc., I'll be damned if I spend a single Rainbow Gem farming more of those skillbooks to skill them up, not after having fused away what I had just to make space since you guys seem to be so content with limiting our member space, and thus, playing options. I shouldn't HAVE to make decisions like this. I should be able to be a mass hoarder, keeping multiple copies of every single character in the game, as long as I want spend Rainbow Gems to increase my space. I understand there needing to be a limit, but the measly 200 space
that we've had since launch almost six months ago is a joke.
I love Treasure Cruise and the way Namco Bandai handles the actual in-game content. However, when you can't enjoy that content due to the limited space, it kind of sours the experience.
Anyway, I'm done. Sorry for the rant.
I don't know if this will help but this is unacceptable what bandai is doing!
Here's a link that let you send requests and comments to BandaiNamco! Everyone should do it and demand a box upgrade!
People have been requesting it for a while and, even if they didn't, this should have been something Namco Bandai themselves should have added to the game. They seem to be following the JPN release extremely faithfully, even going so far as to giving us content [such as the pig islands]
ahead the JPN version. And yet, they ignore us and our pleas for box space. :/