I'm still shocked at how bad this reveal was. Just an absolute fumble across the board. How did they think this was going to land, exactly?
- Show zero new games. None
- O look, it's four year old The Last of Us 2, AGAIN
- O look, it's five year old Ratchett & Clank, AGAIN
- O look, it's two year old Horizon, AGAIN
- the comparison video has people freeze frames to notice any upgrade
- "stand sold separately" was a catastrophic mistake because they showed the special metal finish stand. Of course the Pro comes with a default plastic stand but now everyone thinks this fucking thing won't even have a stand. But still, you couldn't even be bothered to include this thing that costs like 5 dollars to produce to your prestige "pro" model?
- no disc drive. Not even a mention of a disc drive. Zero info on what you're supposed to do is you have disc games. Well guess what, you have to buy a separate one for 100 euros
- mention an incredibly meagre list of games that will harness the power of the Pro, be super vague about what that even entails
- the insane price point when the value proposition is ridiculous right after dropping the bomb that it comes without disc drive
So that's 800 euros for the console plus 100 euros for the disc drive, are you serious? Unbelievably bad move from Sony. If they would've shown one new game, just ONE game that would make people go "wow, cool this might be worth the huge investment" then the vibe would've been way different.