How about you guys at Sony do something about noise pollution?
It's insane...people don't even know what the fuck "Woke" means. I explained it in another thread and I don't feel it's crucial to repeat it here for the sake of this thread's conversation.When you are an angry white guy who hates everything, just label it "woke" and then commence to bitch.
People wouldn't get called woke if they didn't act like fucking retards.I can't wait until the day that the term "woke" dies.. That is the dumbest shit i've ever heard...
This is a good point honestly...They want to be eco friendly? How about you stop making your shit in China then Sony?
And? What does that have to do with carbon footprint? China & the US put out the most CO2 and I'm pretty sure neither of them are Muslim countries...Our friends of the less civilized / desert persuasion keep adding up more human waste, while the average console game collector is looking away and celebrating a 20 WATT difference.
I'm advocating for perspective.
Desert persuasion...are you referring to...India? Africa? Also...human waste as in...feces? This comment is incorrect on so many levels.Our friends of the less civilized / desert persuasion keep adding up more human waste, while the average console game collector is looking away and celebrating a 20 WATT difference.
I'm advocating for perspective.
It has to be as loud as a jet plane for stability reasons.How about you guys at Sony do something about noise pollution?
What is "woke" about trying to help the Earth? I know many of you don't care because by the time climate change will have its fully effects we will all be dead, but it's definitely a good move to help the future of the planet.
Actually i would suggest going back to Middle Ages. /s
Seriously, what are these arguments? Of course we can't stop progress, but we can have much more eco sustainable solutions, while still progressing with technology.
And? What does that have to do with carbon footprint? China & the US put out the most CO2 and I'm pretty sure neither of them are Muslim countries...
Okay? What, is this like a "why waste your time playing games when there are children dying of cancer" argument? How is any of this relevant to anything going on in this thread? Were you just gagging to get out your anti Muslim, anti immigration hot takes and misguidedly vomited them in this thread? The US & China have pretty low population growth but have the highest CO2 emissions. So again, your point is utterly irrelevant to the topic at hand.It makes me put the the console electricity bill thing in a different perspective.
Just who are they trying to impress? It's not gamers.
Just who are they trying to impress? It's not gamers.
These companies and their priorities, or lack of. They are worried about the mystical carbon problem while their home country dumps tons of nuclear contaminated water into the ocean every day.They want to be eco friendly? How about you stop making your shit in China then Sony?
I'm looking at this map for the human breeding grounds. I combine that with the trend of immigration as a driving force for population growth in civilized countries.
It makes me put the the console electricity bill thing in a different perspective.
I'm glad to hear that they are doing this--every bit helps. That being said, I hope that they are as serious as a heart attack about this, because everyone needs to be if we're going to prevent irreversible climate change damage within the next 11 years.
True.If Sony cares about the environment, maybe they shouldn't have mass produced this waste of plastic?
Wait ... so I STILL have cancer?Is this another of those fake feelgood things like how the PS3 cured cancer
Can't wait for DF to do carbon foot print comparisons for PS5 and XB
People are just calling out marketing bullshit, nobody is mad. If they said, hey our wizards over at Sony HQ managed to make the PS5 consume way less power during suspend mode than the PS4, everybody would be like, "oh, cool".How are people finding ways to get mad about this lol.
Yes we are all going to die, the sky is falling. I can't believe you all fall for this crap. I've been hearing doomsday crap since the 80s. Every prediction has been wrong. It's a means for authoritarians to tax and control. A world government instead of national sovereignty. People have gone insane., willing to give up your freedoms.Of course it's insincere. All companies do this kind of gestures for publicity. But the end result is that it helps more than doing nothing about it.
But they still aren’t carbon neutral yet, so they have a ways to go.PS5 is already the greatest console of all time.
Saving electricity, and power for your budget is something I can get behind. Sucking at the tit of authoritarian progressivism and virtue signaling the woke blue check elite west coast/woke Twitter mob is something to scorn.I wouldn’t even classify environmentalism as left wing. It affects everyone no matter what political side you’re on. I think they said if 1 million people use it, that’s like saving the electricity from 1,000 homes? That’s not woke or left wing, that just makes sense. It’s a click of a button and doesn’t affect anyone other than saving electricity. I’m surprised it’s not auto on by default.
The console war's Rambo strikes again.But they still aren’t carbon neutral yet, so they have a ways to go.
Ambition is good; action is better: Making progress on our climate commitments - Microsoft On the Issues
The dialogue at this year’s United Nation’s Climate Summit has a refreshing air of sober reality. The urgency of the climate crisis has by now fully been absorbed, and the conversation has turned to the practical matter of what needs to be done to mitigate the worst impacts of a rapidly
Nintendo is historically well known for having an utterly shit regard for the environment...Or simply buy a NIntendo console.
They are power efficient even when gaming.
When you are an angry white guy who hates everything, just label it "woke" and then commence to bitch.
People wouldn't get called woke if they didn't act like fucking retards.
Desert persuasion...are you referring to...India? Africa? Also...human waste as in...feces? This comment is incorrect on so many levels.
First of all, America is no slouch when it comes to waste. Want stats? I'll grab em for ya, but a simple Google search will prove that we are amongst the greatest offenders. As far as the 20 watt difference. Multiply that by a potential 90+ million PS5's. It adds up.
It blows my mind that there are so many outright climate change deniers on here. The literal science denialism in this thread rivals any flat Earth forum.
The console war's Rambo strikes again.
Like I said earlier it's not about denying climate change is real. It's about denying the impact we as human beings have had on those changes over the past few decades. I.e we as a species are being blamed more than a little too much for it. At least some of what's happening is just natural for the planet's historical climate process; we could all stand still for a decade and you would still see an uptick in global warming.