The point is that this isn't going to that effective when it comes to reducing climate change
Some of the previous posts have at least been somewhat sarcastic in their climate breakdown denial. Your statement is just false and outright irresponsible in spreading disinformation and making light of an issue that's about as serious as it can get.
Can we elaborate on this? Is digital-only more eco-friendly than physical media?If they really want to commit to being environmentally friendly, make the console digital only.
Both are science denialism. It doesn't matter how much you *feel* humans aren't responsable, the science is done and dusted on the matter. Maybe you should actually look into the research rather than let political pundits think for you and then regurgitate their biased, anti science falsehoods.Like I said earlier it's not about denying climate change is real. It's about denying the impact we as human beings have had on those changes over the past few decades.
Completely false. The degree of human impact is in no way settled science. Perhaps you should take your own advice because you're the one being politically partisan hereBoth are science denialism. It doesn't matter how much you *feel* humans aren't responsable, the science is done and dusted on the matter. Maybe you should actually look into the research rather than let political pundits think for you and then regurgitate their biased, anti science falsehoods.
Can we elaborate on this? Is digital-only more eco-friendly than physical media?
Server farms require massive amount of energy 24/7, and streaming services should be even worse in this regard. But I am speculating as well.
Are there any real numbers or researches about this?
Carbon friendly machines are emerging (cars, solar energy etc.) gaming by default is opening up to new ideas all the time (streaming, vr etc.) I think its possible how efficient consoles are is underrated, SONY of course makes headlines all the time, so lets see them put their money where their mouths are.But they still aren’t carbon neutral yet, so they have a ways to go.
Ambition is good; action is better: Making progress on our climate commitments - Microsoft On the Issues
The dialogue at this year’s United Nation’s Climate Summit has a refreshing air of sober reality. The urgency of the climate crisis has by now fully been absorbed, and the conversation has turned to the practical matter of what needs to be done to mitigate the worst impacts of a rapidly
lol, sure buddy.Completely false. The degree of human impact is in no way settled science. Perhaps you should take your own advice because you're the one being politically partisan here
Cool, hopefully this doesn't fuck up performance.
As long as its not covered in dookie then...San Francisco Station, censorship built right in. Version 5.0
The title literally says 'consensus'
So every major scientific organisation agrees that it's because of man, but you're going to play the the old creationist "It's just a theory" card? lol okThe title literally says 'consensus'
Do you not understand the difference between a consensus and settled science? Also, from the very same site
Technically, a “consensus” is a general agreement of opinion, but the scientific method steers us away from this to an objective framework. In science, facts or observations are explained by a hypothesis (a statement of a possible explanation for some natural phenomenon), which can then be tested and retested until it is refuted (or disproved).
So good job proving my point![]()
Oh and
Once again you're making an ass of yourself without even knowing it. You know what else was consensus once? That the earth is flat. Or that the sun revolves around earth. Or that earth is the center of the universe. Also, your entire post doesn't refute what i said - that there is a difference between settled science and consensus. You claimed the science is 'done and dusted' i believe. That is objectively false but feel free to put your ignorance on display in yet another thread until you run away like a cowardSo every major scientific organisation agrees that it's because of man, but you're going to play the the old creationist "It's just a theory" card? lol ok
"Robust findings
-most of the global average warming over the past 50 years is extremely likely due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases"
Also from that site:
"Human-induced climate change, represents a raft of new challenges for this generation and those to come, through increases in extreme weather events and other changes, such as sea-level rise and ocean acidification. The changing climate is superimposed on natural climate variability, leading to a change in the frequency, intensity and duration of extreme events."
"Earth's climate has warmed
Both natural and human influences have affected climate over the past century, but it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. "
So good job proving my point![]()
lol I'm not doing the bullshit asymmetry principle with you again where I post evidence and you just sit there and say "nope". Just take solace in the fact that I've already proven you wrong and all you can do is yet again sit there, arms folded, moping and shouting "But No!"Once again you're making an ass of yourself without even knowing it. You know what else was consensus once? That the earth is flat. Or that the sun revolves around earth. Or that earth is the center of the universe. Also, your entire post doesn't refute what i said - that there is a difference between settled science and consensus. You claimed the science is 'done and dusted' i believe. That is objectively false but feel free to put your ignorance on display in yet another thread until you run away like a coward![]()
I like that the cars dials are in red so it matches the xbox when it turns on.
Technical definition? No, its the actual definition. Stop spouting shit and you wont be called on it. You claimed it's settled science. The burden of proof falls solely on you. Also, stop the strawmen. No one is denying climate change. We're saying that we don't know for sure to what extend humans influence it. You then started your politically fueled moronic rants where you label people anti-science and flat eartherslol I'm not doing the bullshit asymmetry principle with you again where I post evidence and you just sit there and say "nope". Just take solace in the fact that I've already proven you wrong and all you can do is yet again sit there, arms folded, moping and shouting "But No!"
Put up or shut up at this point, show me research that climate change isn't mostly because of man rather than hiding behind a technical definition of what consensus means like a creationist saying that "evolution is just a theory".
Technical definition? No, its the actual definition. Stop spouting shit and you wont be called on it. You claimed it's settled science. The burden of proof falls solely on you. Also, stop the strawmen. No one is denying climate change. We're saying that we don't know for sure to what extend humans influence it
Yes, i do. Stop posting the same thing over and over as if that will somehow magically make you right. You still do not understand the difference between consensus and settled science. Your claim was it's settled. Prove it or admit that you, once again, talked about things you do not understand"Scientific consensus is the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientists in a particular field of study. Consensus implies general agreement, though not necessarily unanimity.[1]
Consensus is achieved through communication at conferences, the publication process, replication of reproducible results by others, scholarly debate,[2][3][4][5] and peer review. These lead to a situation in which those within the discipline can often recognize such a consensus where it exists; however, communicating to outsiders that consensus has been reached can be difficult, because the "normal" debates through which science progresses may appear to outsiders as contestation.[6] On occasion, scientific institutes issue position statements intended to communicate a summary of the science from the "inside" to the "outside" of the scientific community. In cases where there is little controversy regarding the subject under study, establishing the consensus can be quite straightforward.
Popular or political debate on subjects that are controversial within the public sphere but not necessarily controversial within the scientific community may invoke scientific consensus: note such topics as evolution,[7][8] climate change,[9] or the lack of a link between MMR vaccinations and autism.[6]"
So hey, your whole position hinges on the fact that maybe, just maybe, one day, against all of the evidence science currently has, they'll find something that goes against all of that.
lol Keep living that dream, buddy. Till then the science is clear and the consensus is there. Climate change is because of man. Unless you have something saying otherwise?
Spare me your moral outrage. If anything you're highly gullible about how this stuff works. I never claimed we have zero footprint on climate change. But I don't think humans as a species are the scum and root factor into global climate change the way certain types want to guilt us into believing.
Sorry if common sense upsets you.
No numbers, just speculation; but think of the process for getting a physical copy of a game in manner similar to Milton Friedman's Lesson of the Pencil.
The supply chain needed for the ink alone is mindbogglingly complex and requires a long supply chain of resource collection, refinement, production, labor and distribution.
Digital distribution (or the Internet in general) comes with it's own similar costs obviously, but once in place I would imagine that the ink used to print a box requires substantially more energy than a single download.
Isn't not having to purchase a new console every 5 years the least carbon footprint possible?
I swear to God, people like you act like you are in a fucking cult. No one is arguing CC isn't real, they are calling out the fact that Sony is using this as a marketing gimmick.Both are science denialism. It doesn't matter how much you *feel* humans aren't responsable, the science is done and dusted on the matter. Maybe you should actually look into the research rather than let political pundits think for you and then regurgitate their biased, anti science falsehoods.