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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Right, but I think the latter problem is fixable if we weren't so focused on maintaining the former solution. We need to stop taking every worthwhile Dem in the country and saying "They should run for President!" Let them be good senators/reps/governors/etc... and expand our influence.

I don't really see how this is the issue. The only person of note who opposed Hillary was Sanders, where is this group of Democratic officials that only care about running for President?


Please tell me that Hillary winning will also turn the house and eventually the Senate...

Supreme Court is best case. The R's are going to make anything a living hell for Hillary. The sad part is there is an entire section of people that are fine with that because "checks and balances lolz" makes me sick


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It probably helps that Alaska tends to be a more Libertarian Red type of state. Everyone knows that Trump's biggest pushes have been for social conservative policies and he has in no way shown any serious commitment to actual "small government" mentality.

Plus I bet that Alaskans tend to get the most worried about Putin considering how geographically close they are to Russia. We all mocked Sarah Palin in 2008 for her paranoia of Putin (and we even mocked Romney for saying that Russia is our biggest adversary), yet now that paranoia seems have been a good idea, even if with Palin is seems to have been for dumb reasons.

As much as I hated Romney, I always agreed with him on that notion. It was disheartening to see Obama and others come out with the "This isn't the Cold War, governor, perhaps you are stuck in the past..." shit.


Comey resigning would just extend this and make Clinton look worse. The freak out over this, from Reid's laughable letter to some other hand wringing I've seen on Twitter, really reminds us that democrats are still losers even after winning a few national elections. And it also shows that Hillary would be DOA right now against a decent republican nominee.

Relax, nothing changed on the ground.

still awaiting the oppo you promised


You know that dumb Sorkin clip (from an HBO show I think?) that's got a ton of playback as the "Greatest/Most Accurate 3 Minutes on TV?" The clip itself is bullshit, but the reason it's so popular is because most of the country believes (and is mostly correct) that liberals "lose so goddamn always" because they're pansies. Being a conservative is, to the general public, understandable and acceptable (not really alt-right, but still right wing). Being a liberal is something people say sheepishly, not confidently. And why would anyone be confident about being a liberal? It's not like you've got anyone to rally around as a champion since all of our top officials capitulate at every turn, which undermines the whole position. Obama is probably the best for this, but damn, the guy needed to get a spine for years. I know DGAF Obama is fun now, but he should've been DGAF Obama for years now.
A lot of truth here. People remember memorable events like Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. Democrats need an event like that to change people's perceptions. If I was President and the Republicans said no hearings to my Supreme Court nomination I would make a stand. I'd say if the Senate won't hold hearings on my nominee then I would veto every bill that comes to my desk until he's confirmed.
Please tell me that Hillary winning will also turn the house and eventually the Senate...

Unfortunately, it's very unlikely we take the house (though we do have the right ingredients for it to be possible).

But if Dems manage to narrow the GOP house majority to single digits, Paul Ryan will have to scrap the hastert rule in order to protect his speakership (basically, he'll have to make a deal with house democrats that he will put Senate bills up to a vote in exchange for Democrats voting to keep him as speaker).

As much as I hated Romney, I always agreed with him on that notion. It was disheartening to see Obama and others come out with the "This isn't the Cold War, governor, perhaps you are stuck in the past..." shit.

Agreed, although I feel like Putin isn't going for a Stalinist type of Russia but more of a pre-Bolshevik-Revolution type of Russia but with Nukes.


A lot of truth here. People remember memorable events like Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. Democrats need an event like that to change people's perceptions. If I was President and the Republicans said no hearings to my Supreme Court nomination I would make a stand. I'd say if the Senate won't hold hearings on my nominee then I would veto every bill that comes to my desk until he's confirmed.

The two major pieces of legislation for the entire year were keeping the Government open until December and the Zika funding bill.


Unconfirmed Member
The once was a fellow named Comey
Whose spittle flecked base was all Foamy
They frothed at the mouth
From P.A. to the south
Till Chaffetz blurted out "he's my homey!"
There once was fellow named Danger,
to DMs his dong was no stranger,
he had Huma on lock
till he tweeted his cock
but like seriously though, what a fucking moron, amirite?

IDK how to limerick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hillary is going to triple the population of the US in a week by letting all the refugees in. Trump said it so it's true, right?

Cowboys won, its all going to be ok.
Just based off anecdotal evidence, but I'd be really surprised if Hillary didn't win by a landslide.

My entire family and practically the entire Muslim community here in NC that I know that is able to vote has already either voted or plans to vote.

It's actually kind of surreal for me because most of these folks barely vote in elections. Barely had any of them go out and vote for Obama in 08 or 12 and most of them never actually discuss Hillary (its Dems at large).

But the Trump hatred is so strong that even my mom went and early voted. And she's practically the most politically ignorant person you'll ever meet and she'll never vote in an election again most likely.

I really only felt like sharing this story because after voting, she legit asked me if Hillary could get her a promotion at work for voting for her. I was so taken back and she was so serious about it all. I had to explain to her so much basic political stuff lol.

Anyways, can't wait for Nov. 8!
A lot of truth here. People remember memorable events like Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. Democrats need an event like that to change people's perceptions. If I was President and the Republicans said no hearings to my Supreme Court nomination I would make a stand. I'd say if the Senate won't hold hearings on my nominee then I would veto every bill that comes to my desk until he's confirmed.

A Better threat would be to sue the Senate and have SCOTUS rule that it is a requirement for the Senate to at least give a hearing and a vote on every SCOTUS nominee.

And if it ends up with a 4-4 ruling, we know that a DC Curcuit Court will rule in our favor.

Hell, once SCOTUS is tilted liberal, we should absolutely start threatening to have SCOTUS decide if the following obstructionist and/or antidemocratic tactics are constitutional:

- De Facto repealing bills by only passing budgets that completely defund said bills. (Could easily be argued that by doing this they are blatantly trying to circumvent the requirements for repealing a bill).

- Threatening to put our country in default by refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

- Refusing to even put bills up to a vote. (If they want to not support a bill they should be forced to at least have it go down as voting against it instead of this "well there hasn't been a vote on it" bullshit).

- Putting objectively unrelated riders onto bills as either poison pills or as ways of sneaking in bullshit. (Both parties have done this, but it absolutely needs to stop being abused).

Democrats should also start threatening to truly ramp up efforts to make sure liberals and progressives understand the importance of midterms. I'm talking General Election style outreach focused entirely on getting democrats to put in the most anti-Paul-Ryan votes that they can.

Well to be fair the presidency is all we have left stopping R's from controlling all 3 branches of government & 30 states. Considering we suck at everything else.

Yes and no. Obviously we need to improve our standings in state levels and the legislative branch, but remember that the GOP controlling the White House for 3 terms in a row allowed them to tilt SCOTUS conservative. The longer we keep the White House for, the more we tilt the Federal Judicial Branch in our favor.


A Better threat would be to sue the Senate and have SCOTUS rule that it is a requirement for the Senate to at least give a hearing and a vote on every SCOTUS nominee.

And if it ends up with a 4-4 ruling, we know that a DC Curcuit Court will rule in our favor.

Hell, once SCOTUS is tilted liberal, we should absolutely start threatening to have SCOTUS decide if the following obstructionist and/or antidemocratic tactics are constitutional:

- De Facto repealing bills by only passing budgets that completely defund said bills. (Could easily be argued that by doing this they are blatantly trying to circumvent the requirements for repealing a bill).

- Threatening to put our country in default by refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

- Refusing to even put bills up to a vote. (If they want to not support a bill they should be forced to at least have it go down as voting against it instead of this "well there hasn't been a vote on it" bullshit).

- Putting objectively unrelated riders onto bills as either poison pills or as ways of sneaking in bullshit. (Both parties have done this, but it absolutely needs to stop being abused).

Democrats should also start threatening to truly ramp up efforts to make sure liberals and progressives understand the importance of midterms. I'm talking General Election style outreach focused entirely on getting democrats to put in the most anti-Paul-Ryan votes that they can.

I'm a dyed in the wool lib, but this is extreme. The Judicial branch should not be determining procedural issues for another branch of government.


Just based off anecdotal evidence, but I'd be really surprised if Hillary didn't win by a landslide.

My entire family and practically the entire Muslim community here in NC that I know that is able to vote has already either voted or plans to vote.

It's actually kind of surreal for me because most of these folks barely vote in elections. Barely had any of them go out and vote for Obama in 08 or 12 and most of them never actually discuss Hillary (its Dems at large).

But the Trump hatred is so strong that even my mom went and early voted. And she's practically the most politically ignorant person you'll ever meet and she'll never vote in an election again most likely.

I really only felt like sharing this story because after voting, she legit asked me if Hillary could get her a promotion at work for voting for her. I was so taken back and she was so serious about it all. I had to explain to her so much basic political stuff lol.

Anyways, can't wait for Nov. 8!

Not to be cynical and this is awesome, but Muslims make up one percent of US population or like 3 million people. Even if literally 100% of Muslims voted... Not sure itd be good indication of a landslide.


The 2018 House elections could be really, really weird. I think there's a pretty good chance a lot of totally insane candidates glut the primaries. That might work in most rural districts but would rapidly change the situation in, say, Pennsylvania, with its intricate suburban gerrymandering.
Not to be cynical and this is awesome, but Muslims make up one percent of US population or like 3 million people. Even if literally 100% of Muslims voted... Not sure itd be good indication of a landslide.

Yea, that's true. But I suppose the reason I think that is because if my community is so energized, it's hard for me to imagine other minority communities not be similarly energized or energized way beyond the norm.

And I guess from there it was simplistic thinking from me to reach my conclusion. Eneegized minority communities that don't vote often plus the regular turnout from usual Dem voters would result in a landslide. And I don't really see (and I may very well be wrong) any sort of other bases for Trump but the Republican core.


Hillary is going to triple the population of the US in a week by letting all the refugees in. Trump said it so it's true, right?

Cowboys won, its all going to be ok.

It's literally the opposite of Trump's deportation force.

We are going to have an importation force that goes into other countries, rounds people up, and brings them here.

Only the mind of a child can dream this up.
I'm a dyed in the wool lib, but this is extreme. The Judicial branch should not be determining procedural issues for another branch of government.

The whole point of SCOTUS is to determine what the articles and amendments of the constitution are supposed to mean. That includes the ones that pertain to the duties each branch of government.

It is absolutely SCOTUS's job to step in when a branch of government functions in blatant violation of its duties. They are the ones that forced southern states to follow the ruling of Brown v Board of Education. They are the ones that told Obama he can't appoint people even if congress is only technically in session.

The GOP have used SCOTUS to tilt things in their favor, so it's time we played hardball and started making them sweat about a liberal SCOTUS clamping down on their obstructionist policies.
The whole point of SCOTUS is to determine what the articles and amendments of the constitution are supposed to mean.

It is absolutely SCOTUS's job to step in when a branch of government functions in blatant violation of its duties. They are the ones that forced southern states to follow the ruling of Brown v Board of Education. They are the ones that told Obama he can't appoint people even if congress is only technically in session.

The GOP have used SCOTUS to tilt things in their favor, so it's time we played hardball and started making them sweat about a liberal SCOTUS clamping down on their obstructionist policies.

They need to have actual constitutional basis to do so. Deciding that the Senate must hold hearings for judicial appointments has none. Nor does interfering with the House's right to set the budget.


I just realized something, it would be significantly less stressful to just be a conservative.

Simply believe whatever I read on the internet, never attempt to challenge my worldview, and prefer shortsighted, simplistic answers.

Let's just do it. Stop being stressed about various policies or the direction of the country. Everyone gets a gun, states rights on policing, abortion, and voter suppression, and supply side economics all day.

Who is with me?
I just realized something, it would be significantly less stressful to just be a conservative.

Simply believe whatever I read on the internet, never attempt to challenge my worldview, and prefer shortsighted, simplistic answers.

Let's just do it. Stop being stressed about various policies or the direction of the country. Everyone gets a gun, states rights on policing, abortion, and voter suppression, and supply side economics all day.

Conservatives are hardly bastions of relaxation and stress free lives. You'd be better off swearing off politics.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I just realized something, it would be significantly less stressful to just be a conservative.

Simply believe whatever I read on the internet, never attempt to challenge my worldview, and prefer shortsighted, simplistic answers.

Let's just do it. Stop being stressed about various policies or the direction of the country. Everyone gets a gun, states rights on policing, abortion, and voter suppression, and supply side economics all day.

Who is with me?

You dont know conservatives very well do you?
I just realized something, it would be significantly less stressful to just be a conservative.

Simply believe whatever I read on the internet, never attempt to challenge my worldview, and prefer shortsighted, simplistic answers.

Let's just do it. Stop being stressed about various policies or the direction of the country. Everyone gets a gun, states rights on policing, abortion, and voter suppression, and supply side economics all day.

Who is with me?
The amount of abject panic some conservatives have been in around my town over the looming Clinton presidency begs to differ. They've been living in Hell on Earth under the boot of Emperor Barack Hussein Obama for the past 8 years and Madam Sulfur Stench herself is swooping in to carry the torch forward for at least another 4. Things are apocalyptically stressful in conservative land.


Just based off anecdotal evidence, but I'd be really surprised if Hillary didn't win by a landslide.
Anecdotal evidence is super specious. Me and my white male friends are all solidly voting for Hillary. I don't think I've met a Trump supporter in earnest. Yet, at large, if the country was comprised solely of my demographic Trump would win in a landslide. Basically, I'm in a huge bubble.


She's going to invite in every person from North and South America. Even those Canadians.

I mean, this is my main reason for voting for Hillary (beyond the CTR checks). Her plan for taking over Canada is a stroke of genius. And then the poutine will be all ours...


Yea, that's true. But I suppose the reason I think that is because if my community is so energized, it's hard for me to imagine other minority communities not be similarly energized or energized way beyond the norm.

And I guess from there it was simplistic thinking from me to reach my conclusion. Eneegized minority communities that don't vote often plus the regular turnout from usual Dem voters would result in a landslide. And I don't really see (and I may very well be wrong) any sort of other bases for Trump but the Republican core.

No, you have a point. Any group voting out of proportion to their usual patterns can make a difference in a tight state. For example, there is a lot of chatter about Hillary's campaign going after groups like Vietnamese, Ukrainians ... registering Asians in general, trying to increase Hispanic turnout by a little ... Muslim outreach, obviously; if these didn't matter, then they wouldn't be trying. Whether this actually makes a difference will be known very soon. But every bit is important. So, I enjoyed your anecdote.

Let me clarify though, it doesn't point to a landslide. It merely increases her odds of winning marginal states, which is still very important.


It's crazy that there's only 1 billion people in all of the Americas. You actually would have to suck in everyone from North and South America to hit that number.
No, you have a point. Any group voting out of proportion to their usual patterns can make a difference in a tight state. For example, there is a lot of chatter about Hillary's campaign going after groups like Vietnamese, Ukrainians ... registering Asians in general, trying to increase Hispanic turnout by a little ... Muslim outreach, obviously; if these didn't matter, then they wouldn't be trying. Whether this actually makes a difference will be known very soon. But every bit is important. So, I enjoyed your anecdote.

For all this talk of this amazing organization, the early vote analysis seems pretty mixed.


Anecdotal evidence is super specious. Me and my white male friends are all solidly voting for Hillary. I don't think I've met a Trump supporter in earnest. Yet, at large, if the country was comprised solely of my demographic Trump would win in a landslide. Basically, I'm in a huge bubble.

Anecdotally, I live in Iowa and pretty much every one of my small town friends is voting for Trump. Most of the people at my workplace in Des Moines also appear to be Trump supporters to me but I haven't really gotten into it with them.

I feel a 3+ point win for Trump in Iowa based on my anecdotal evidence and it causes me anxiety thinking of how shameful that would actually be for my state.


Large amounts of what Trump says are huge blatant lies. Every time he says that the murder rate is the highest in 45 years at a rally, Sopan Deb tweets it, which means he tweets it pretty much every day.

It seems that the media in general has given up fact checking things that he has said over and over and that's a victory for Trump. It's really frustrating.


For all this talk of this amazing organization, the early vote analysis seems pretty mixed.

We'll see, won't we? Anyway, NC is one of the few places one can draw good conclusions from early vote data. And even there we don't have sufficient analytical tools; HRC campaign has modeling down to the individual voter. You've probably noticed no one models the Asian vote, just white black and Hispanic.

Again, there's not much way to tell for us laymen until the vote comes in, so we just have to wait.


Large amounts of what Trump says are huge blatant lies. Every time he says that the murder rate is the highest in 45 years at a rally, Sopan Deb tweets it, which means he tweets it pretty much every day.

It seems that the media in general has given up fact checking things that he has said over and over and that's a victory for Trump. It's really frustrating.
Not only that. It sets a horrible and frightening precedent. If that horrible man wins there is coming back. No closing the doors to a world turned upside down.
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