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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Reid is correct though. The disturbing connections between Trump and the Kremlin are well established and should be properly investigated.

Well he's not saying they should be investigated (they are). He's saying Comey is sitting on knowledge of direct coordination between the campaign and Russia and not telling anyone.
It shouldn't be, Pence scares me more than Trump. I can edit it if that was too far, but I truly hate that man and shouldn't say something that offensive then.
You don't have to edit anything. Conversion therapy, though is one of those things every gay person just.... It's as close to hell as you can get.


Christ, I'm already getting email solicitations for more donations from Murphy. -_-

One thing I think the dems could have done better would be connecting Pence to social issue crap he believes. A way to undercut Trumps "outside of Washington" mantra is to show that he would have a bunch of establishment, social conservatives in his whitehouse.

I assume they've long since determined that Pence is too much of a non-factor to waste any time on. Hell, that was Kaine's whole debate strategy!


If Hillary has Nevada on lock, the only chance Trump has is to run the board on the remaining swing states and flip Wisconsin or PA. That could force a tie or a win for Trump based on ME-2.

I don't think he has ever lead a Wisconsin or PA poll. I think we are good fam.

It is pretty much guaranteed that Hillary will win. The bigger question is whether or not we get the Senate, which at this point appears to be one giant question mark.
80 minutes until Monmouth's Indiana Senate poll. They had Bayh+6 in prior poll but Bayh has had a lot of negative stories recently so if he drops, it may not be because of Comey.
Well he's not saying they should be investigated (they are). He's saying Comey is sitting on knowledge of direct coordination between the campaign and Russia and not telling anyone.

That's what he should be doing, provided that he's informing the Justice Dept. so they can step in as needed.

I'm sort of thinking that Comey got kind of blackmailed-send the note to the Republicans or we leak this to them and then you're ass is going to have to deal with screaming Republicans.

Either way there's a slice of the FBI who feels like it is appropriate to interfere with elections. Hillary needs to have someone installed at the head to purge it.
If Democrats don't get the Senate is it assumed that the Supreme Court will be a deadlock for the next 4 years? Sounds awful if that ends up being the case. :<
You don't have to edit anything. Conversion therapy, though is one of those things every great person just.... It's as close to hell as you can get.

It's a touchy thing and it was still butts for me to even joke about. I think this whole election cycle the thing I'm disappointed about the most is Pence not being raked across the coals for his dangerous LGBT stances.
If Hillary has Nevada on lock, the only chance Trump has is to run the board on the remaining swing states and flip Wisconsin or PA. That could force a tie or a win for Trump based on ME-2.

I don't think he has ever lead a Wisconsin or PA poll. I think we are good fam.


A good example of how screwed they are even if they do win Nevada. Flipping Wisconsin and winning everywhere else might not even be enough
One thing I think the dems could have done better would be connecting Pence to social issue crap he believes. A way to undercut Trumps "outside of Washington" mantra is to show that he would have a bunch of establishment, social conservatives in his whitehouse.

The truth is that, honestly, no one gives a shit about what the VP does unless they do something entirely outrageous and ridiculous.
It's a touchy thing and it was still butts for me to even joke about. I think this whole election cycle the thing I'm disappointed about the most is Pence not being raked across the coals for his dangerous LGBT stances.

Nobody has been taken to task for any of their positions this election. This hasn't been a policy oriented election, and that's really sad (because Hillary is an ace at policy)


Pence will probably be dragged through the coals in the leadup to 2020 when he attempts to run, which is basically inevitable

As it is, he's not really getting any spotlight right now because he is VP for someone he genuinely dislikes and very likely won't win.
I think all this Comey stuff has done is to make the House unwinnable. I think the race is what it is at this point: Dems take the WH and Senate, Reps lose ten or twelve seats in the House but keep control.



A good example of how screwed they are even if they do win Nevada. Flipping Wisconsin and winning everywhere else might not even be enough

I've always thought my vote (as a democrat) in Maine was meaningless since the state always goes democrat anyways, but it's scary to think that ME-2 could tip the scales for trump in this specific scenario.


Had an interesting chat with a senior pollster earlier. No breaking news but some interesting tidbits:

-In a global survey of about 40 countries, US one of five where terrorism was the biggest worry. Others are France, Belgium, Turkey and Israel.

-Out of all the countries surveyed, US most likely to agree with "I would like [my country] to be the way it used to be."

-Only 15% approve of congressional Republicans, twice that for Democrats.

-About two-thirds of Republicans agree that "I feel like a stranger in my own country" and "I don't identify with what America has become." Half that for Democrats.

-Three-fifths of Democrats agree that "More and more, America is a place where I feel comfortable as myself." Half that for Republicans.

-Clinton's favourables are low, but higher than Rooney's in 2012.

-Obama's favourables (52%) imply >90% chance of winning re-election, but only about 30% chance for another Democrat. Hillary strong?

-Finally, only three-fifths think Trump is sexist.
I just realized Trump and Hillary will be in the same city on election night. Think he'll buy her a drink? Or his charity will buy her a drink?

South Park predicted this in 2008.
It's just a plot for the Clintons, Trump, Pence, and Kaine to get together and pull off a heist at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


I think all this Comey stuff has done is to make the House unwinnable. I think the race is what it is at this point: Dems take the WH and Senate, Reps lose ten or twelve seats in the House but keep control.

I don't think the house was ever winnable, tbh.

The Senate race was always tight and continues to be tight. I think Dem control is definitely still a possibility but it's too early to say whether or not the Comey thing will affect anything.

Any panic over Trump possibly winning is just chicken litteling. It's not gonna happen.
Pence will probably be dragged through the coals in the leadup to 2020 when he attempts to run, which is basically inevitable

As it is, he's not really getting any spotlight right now because he is VP for someone he genuinely dislikes and very likely won't win.

I don't even know if Pence will actually run. A lot of people are expecting him to I know, but he has to know that it'd basically be a DOA effort. Even if he made it through the primaries, it'd be a total slaughter in the general. Hell, I can see the attack ads now of Trump saying his crazy shit and a cut to Pence talking about how much he admires Donald Trump and respects his character or whatever.


Well he's not saying they should be investigated (they are). He's saying Comey is sitting on knowledge of direct coordination between the campaign and Russia and not telling anyone.

Reid would be privy to intelligence briefings and would know if the FBI is aware of Trump-Putin connections. The fact that we don't have Comey announcing to Congress of an investigation into Trump's potentially seditious activities (far more serious than some private email server) proves one of two things.

1. That the FBI actually have nothing on Trump which demonstrates utter imcompetency on their part or...

2. They are aware but refuse to do anything, instead focusing all their time and effort into pursuing something as irrelevant as Clinton's emails.

The latter is far more likely.


The senate race in Missouri is definitely heating up. Basically seeing a TV ad for Kander/Blunt almost every break on local TV. I'm receiving multiple mailers a week from both Kander and Blunt and from their respective PAC's as well. I don't remember in the past receiving this many mailers. Even our governor race is getting crazy


A razor thin GOP house majority would be crazy, the House Freedom Caucus would circle the wagons around any dissenting moderate.
Man, the lack of high quality polling is really taking its toll this election. It's putting a lot of onus on one or two polling firms and a lot of shitty firms are getting more exposure.

I understand why pollsters do it, but I think what is throwing things off is the switch to LV polls instead of RV polls.

LV polls mean that your sample size will inevitably be smaller, doesn't take GOTV into account well, and takes out lots of people that probably will vote even if they don't meet the bar for being an LV.
Pence won't run in 2020. He's low-energy incarnate.

A razor thin GOP house majority would be crazy, the House Freedom Caucus would circle the wagons around any dissenting moderate.

Ryan and the Freedom Caucus are going to play a game of chicken. Ryan will want enough room to operate, the Freedom Caucus will demand the privlidges they became accustomed to when they had a bigger majority.The two aren't compatible, and Ryan can't get the votes for speaker without them.


I don't even know if Pence will actually run. A lot of people are expecting him to I know, but he has to know that it'd basically be a DOA effort. Even if he made it through the primaries, it'd be a total slaughter in the general. Hell, I can see the attack ads now of Trump saying his crazy shit and a cut to Pence talking about how much he admires Donald Trump and respects his character or whatever.

Eh. I think the trump stuff can be pretty comfortably shoved under the rug. Just come up with some bullshit rehearsed responses along the lines of "I'm not the same person I was 3-4 years ago" and "Trump lost and I'm going to win, and that means making some decisions that he didn't." Republicans will be happy with that.

Pence comes off as a pretty good bullshitter to me and he appeals to the base. Evangelicals love him. I could see him doing pretty well in Republican primaries.
Even at Trump's lowest points the House was a longshot.

I thought that it was more than a longshot but less than a tossup. It was all about demoralizing Trump voters. Trump at sub-40% flips a lot of those R +6 or fewer districts and the House is winnable by a couple of seats. Sadly, Comey's probably energized enough Trump voters to save enough of those seats.

Re: The "Trail of Tears" banner, it's just another reminder that, just like Ohio is one of the worst states in the nation, Andrew Jackson was one of the worst presidents in the country's history. Lots of "worsts" going on in that picture.


Pence is a slightly more telegenic Santorum. If Rubio loses his Senate race, he's damaged goods. Nobody will vote for Kasich south of the Mason-Dixon line.

After three years Ben Carson will rise again.

Pence won't run in 2020. He's low-energy incarnate.

Ryan and the Freedom Caucus are going to play a game of chicken. Ryan will want enough room to operate, the Freedom Caucus will demand the privlidges they became accustomed to when they had a bigger majority.The two aren't compatible, and Ryan can't get the votes for speaker without them.

If for 2017 and 2018, GOP only holds a single digit majority, there is a very good chance that Ryan makes a deal with Dem Reps. Probably would be something along the lines of:

- Ryan agrees to put important bills up to votes.

- Dems agree to protect Ryan's speakership.
I know it's mainly because of the IDB/LA Times/ABC daily tracking polls but it's pretty disturbing seeing the RCP aggregate go from 7.1 to 2.5 in the past 2 weeks. According to their graph Clinton hasn't even lost any voters, trump has just been gaining the last bit of Republicans who weren't gonna vote for him before.
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