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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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That's all from California though, according to Nate Silver, because she is gaining separation there, so Trump may win the Electoral College. We must also hold the simultaneous belief that all states move in tandem. Also, systemic polling error.

don't forget trendz

FBI is leaking information like a sieve. That agency needs to get its crap together.

Also I think it's worthwhile for the Federal governemnt to consider paying silicon valley/seattle grade wages for top tech talent and throw them all at security hardening.


I'm still confident Hillary will win (already cast my vote) but good Christ can this election please go one day without momentarily freaking me out? This is going to be the longest 10 days in history.

There's only 8 days left. Don't make it longer!


I'm still confident Hillary will win (already cast my vote) but good Christ can this election please go one day without momentarily freaking me out? This is going to be the longest 10 days in history.

If this was a TV show, we would be waaaay past the "jumping the shark" episode.


I've pretty much given up on Democrats winning the House, but there are three things I want from next Tuesday.

1. Clinton Victory
2. Democrats take control of Senate
3. Clinton gets over 50% (I do NOT want "half the country didn't vote for her narrative)
Yeah my thoughts exactly. I would have a very happy Thanksgiving dinner if this happens.


I've pretty much given up on Democrats winning the House, but there are three things I want from next Tuesday.

1. Clinton Victory
2. Democrats take control of Senate
3. Clinton gets over 50% (I do NOT want "half the country didn't vote for her narrative)

That narrative is coming either way. People will still take the total number of Hillary votes then divide it by the estimated total population of Americans... then they'll slap those numbers and resulting percentage onto a facebook post on top of an unflattering pic of Hillary and share it with all their like minded ilk.
don't forget trendz

FBI is leaking information like a sieve. That agency needs to get its crap together.

Also I think it's worthwhile for the Federal governemnt to consider paying silicon valley/seattle grade wages for top tech talent and throw them all at security hardening.

The weak points are in the chain, not the end-points in State and federal government. If you can phish a middle-manager who is a conduit for info that will eventually make its way up the chain, you don't have to use technologically brilliant methods to crack hardened servers or info repositories.


yes! now this story becomes about a partisan republican fbi director and him covering up russian hacking in favor of his candidate. of course with some hillary email stuff thrown in between. i was a little uneasy about reid going nuclear but now i'm glad he did.

Fucking asshole shitheel is going to get what he deserves. Destroy his life, Hillary and Obama. Turn him into someone who got to turn to the bottle for solace. The stakes are too high, and this is some straight devious shit.

Fuck the collateral damage, eviscerate Comey.


The weak points are in the chain, not the end-points in State and federal government. If you can phish a middle-manager who is a conduit for info that will eventually make its way up the chain, you don't have to use technologically brilliant methods to crack hardened servers or info repositories.

Also, it's not always lack of desire to modernise. It's simply costly and painful for a behemoth organisation.


Oh god, that SurveyMonkey poll and the Comey news lowered my anxiety a bit today. I can at least eat, lol!

Breaking News: The Justice Department is saying that it's putting in extra work at the FBI to sift through the emails in the Clinton case as quickly as possible.

Meaning: before election day.


Shut up Hugh Hewitt.

Edit: LOL, Hewitt says if they find a smoking gun Comey should say something, but an exoneration would be viewed as a coverup so the FBI should not say if they don't find anything.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You have to an absolute mouth drooler to change your mind due to this thing.

People aren't concerned about the mouth droolers. The mouth droolers were voting for Trump anyway. They're concerned about the uniformed and the people who heard about this development in passing. For people who aren't paying that close attention to the facts of this, they hear things like "FBI reopening investigation" and "bombshell revelations" and they assume that this story is much more substantial than it really is. They might assume that the FBI has found some damaging shit. (Side Note: This is what the Republicans currently think. They recognize it would be stupid of Comey to make a story about nothing, so they think this means the FBI has really damning information. They would rather believe the worst about Clinton than assume Comey is guilty of wrongdoing.)

This is of course exacerbated by the media which perpetuated FUD through misleading and sensationalist headlines when the story broke. And then they do my favorite thing in the world (aka the worst thing in the world) where they move on from what the actual facts are and start discussing the meta-story. You know, "optics". They start saying things like "this looks bad for Clinton" even though the story is nothing. So this meta-conversation about the story perpetuates FUD further.

All of this can influence voters who don't pay that close attention, which coincidentally happens to align greatly with swing voters.


Let's consider, if people are leaking shit against Comey, allies are probably going to start leaking Hillary stuff in support of him as well.


For anyone not paying attention, we now have SurveyMonkey, Morning Consult, YouGov and Monmouth all reporting very little if any change from the Comey ordeal.
Also, it's not always lack of desire to modernise. It's simply costly and painful for a behemoth organisation.

Ayup! Speaking as someone who worked with/for FEMA, lotsa sensitive info sits for months or years on unsecured systems because the Feds take years to update software, and then more time to train and harden the States where all the raw info originates.

FEMAs cycle for database improvements is minimum 5yrs


Fucking asshole shitheel is going to get what he deserves. Destroy his life, Hillary and Obama. Turn him into someone who got to turn to the bottle for solace. The stakes are too high, and this is some straight devious shit.

Fuck the collateral damage, eviscerate Comey.

Man, I'm glad I never pissed you off when you were a mod. Fire and brimstone right there. I love it!


Let's consider, if people are leaking shit against Comey, allies are probably going to start leaking Hillary stuff in support of him as well.

They would need to have pertinent or incriminating material to do that. If they had we would already know.
For anyone not paying attention, we now have SurveyMonkey, Morning Consult, YouGov and Monmouth all reporting very little if any change from the Comey ordeal.
Yeah, seems like people have pretty much tuned out to anything concerning e-mails at this point since the R's have been beating that drum practically non-stop and it's all just entirely baked in to the numbers already. And onto that that the messaging about what exactly happened in this particular case was extremely muddled so all people knew was that it had something to do with e-mails again, and that's about it. Just a completely tapped-out issue.

But yeah, definitely good to have that reassurance.


For anyone not paying attention, we now have SurveyMonkey, Morning Consult, YouGov and Monmouth all reporting very little if any change from the Comey ordeal.

Yeah, but Nate Silver says that Trump was gaining anyway, so the Hillary is losing! So continue panicking.
Oh god, that SurveyMonkey poll and the Comey news lowered my anxiety a bit today. I can at least eat, lol!

Breaking News: The Justice Department is saying that it's putting in extra work at the FBI to sift through the emails in the Clinton case as quickly as possible.

Meaning: before election day.

It's nice to see, but i'm more interested in state polls.


They would need to have pertinent or incriminating material to do that. If they had we would already know.

Eh, they could leak some interpretable crap from the new emails. If new emails exist, of course.

But yes, FBI leaking all over is concerning.


How do you know? How do you know? I could have anyone blocked. You would never know. In fact I could block you maybe 8, 9, 10 times. There's no accountability, none. It's an honor system. I just log in and press the block button over and over, folks. It's that simple. You really have no idea who's blocking who. Who's doing the blocking? Someone has to be doing the blocking. But I mean we have an idea. We have an idea, folks. We know who's doing the blocking.You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And you know we have values of civility and discourse here in PoliGAF, so blocking, people who would do that kind of thing, the blockers, I call them the blocks for short, they're just blocking it up here in PoliGAF, we know who they are and how terrible our thread has become in the past few months but what has Y2Kev done? What has Shinra-bansho done? What has Gotchaye done? Gotchaye is actually quite a good mod, he has some good ideas, but we know where his true loyalties lie, and it's not with us, it's with the elite mod class. Gotchaye is a total dummy, so stupid. What are the moderators doing? I think anyone who even looks like a blocker, who looks like a block, I think we need to bring back alt-searching and IP logging and get better at the cyber security, GAF has been DDoSed so many times, so many times, what has Kev done? If he wanted to stop it in the past, he could have done so. He's been a moderator for so many months, but what has he done? Nothing. Nothing at all. Our thread is going down the tubes. You know - and I'm still talking to you, Holmes, I like you a lot but I can get very tough, and very mean, very fast, I always punch back - they say that people like Kev are heroes because they have a lot on their plate. I like people who don't have a lot on their plate. Okay? I don't have a lot on my plate. I mean I might, I'm not going to give it away. But if I did, that would make me smart. That would make me smart. Smarter than the blocks, because I have integrity. Speaking of which, we let in all of these people into our forum, into NeoGAF, we have no idea who they are or what their values are. They come in from Reddit, from GameFAQs, from Facebook, we have no idea who they are and they get banned and they come right back, it's so easy. We have the least strict user registration system on the entire internet. The least strict. It's so easy to register for NeoGAF, we have no idea who's - because - yes - and it's so bad. It's so bad. They say oh, we're well moderated, there's no way people can get in - well, you get people like this, like this BarackLesnar, Team Alucard, Crab, and there are so many more, if we were actually safe how would these people get back in? And you ban them and they come right back so we need to be smarter. Ok? We need to be smarter. Way smarter, folks. I am the smartest. And then you tell me, well, they're just in OT, OT is bad, but PoliGAF has the good ones. Well just last week - this is really insane, ladies and gentlemen - Y2Kev is posting and who is posting right behind him? Who is right behind him? BarackHusseinLesnar. I'm not making this stuff up. BarackLesnar, right behind him. So that tells you a little something about our moderators. I will tell you, if I were a moderator, I would ban them so fast their heads would spin. So fast. Then I'd ban their wives and girlfriends. There has to be some form of punishment for the woman, there has to be. Then I'd ban their whole families. And I was talking to some moderators, I am friends with a lot of moderators, believe me, believe me, I said, we have permaban buttons, why can't we use them? Why can't we use them? I don't understand, I'm telling them, why can't we use them? The permaban buttons are right there, let's just use them. Ban the shit outta them.

So we don't know. You don't know. No you're the puppet.

Well someone's lucid today


I might have to dip out of news and election coverage for the next week. This constantly BOMBSHELL reporting in these fucking emails, and Donna Brazel and whoever else is becoming infuriating.
It's a little funny if you think about it. Comey's handling of this situation has caused more damage to a government agency than Hillary having her personal email server.


I might have to dip out of news and election coverage for the next week. This constantly BOMBSHELL reporting in these fucking emails, and Donna Brazel and whoever else is becoming infuriating.

I'm right there with you, gonna bow out while the news is good (Comey got busted).

Who am I kidding? I'm a masochist.


It's a little funny if you think about it. Comey's handling of this situation has caused more damage to a government agency than Hillary having her personal email server.

I still want to know what Comey thought was going to happen. How he saw this all shaking down in his head when he was deciding on sending out that memo.


I believe one can say Comey's handling of this situation has been "extremely careless".

Yeah, what really pisses me off is that Comey did exactly what he criticized Clinton for doing in his July speech. He has disobeyed Department guidelines and acted in a very careless manner that might have national consequences.


None of that matters.

It's probably best if some members here do take a step back from the constant coverage though. I'm all about an informed electorate, but no one should be consuming as much media about the election as we do. It's only going to frustrate you.

and that's because the 24 hour news cycle is so shit. "OMG Hillary Clinton scratched her forehead!! What does it mean?"

Or "WOW Donald didn't fucking shit himself today! Is this the pivot?"


Just had a conversation with somebody where they thought whomever wins will most likely only last 1 term based on their unfavorables and a congress that will stall or hinder every act of legislation the President attempts to put into place.

Can't say I would be shocked if that was true.
There is so much that is problematic with this election that I can't even begin to start explaining it to people.

-We have got foreign governments purposefully praising one candidate and hacking the information of another.
-A candidate pre-claiming massive voter fraud.
-A candidate that won't release tax returns
-A candidate that is threatening to jail his opponent
-A candidate that says the President is a terrorist sympathizer and that his prime opponent is the co-founder of ISIS.


It's probably best if some members here do take a step back from the constant coverage though. I'm all about an informed electorate, but no one should be consuming as much media about the election as we do. It's only going to frustrate you.

and that's because the 24 hour news cycle is so shit. "OMG Hillary Clinton scratched her forehead!! What does it mean?"

Or "WOW Donald didn't fucking shit himself today! Is this the pivot?

Sad, but true.
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