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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I ignored her and just kept walking. But now that I'm home, I can't help but worry as a concerned parent. If by some stretch of the imagination that Trump wins the election and Hillary does go to jail, could the aiding and abetting laws therein include anyone who has endorsed, supported, or possibly even voted for her? I mean, it would take a madman to prosecute and jail nearly half the country...and that's exactly who now has a good chance of winning the election.

Assuming this is a true story, you need to act like a damn adult...and egg her house tonight.

More importantly, if this ever came to be, I sure hope GOP Brownshirts really believe all Liberals and Hillary supporters aren't armed. Because they will have a real bad time in my neighborhood.


force push the doodoo rock
The whole of the Republican party is gonna have to answer to this, bigly.

How far does this rabbit hole go I wonder.
Nate Silver wrote an article on "Our model shows that there is a 10% chance Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college."

I mean, I don't know.


Yea that Russia shit is scary as fuck. I swear before GOD if the media just glosses over this they are useless sacks of shit.

and Fuck Comey with "I'm not trying to influence an election" bitch ass.


So I just had my topic shut down. BUT...

So I was taking my daughter around Trick or Treating, her first time. We came to a house where the person, rather than candy, was giving out Trump buttons and bumper stickers. After they gave the stuff to me, she asked me if I was voting for Trump. Rather than ignoring her, like I should have, I responded, "no." She told me "well, say goodbye to your little one, because you're going to jail for a long time for aiding and abetting a known fugitive."

I ignored her and just kept walking. But now that I'm home, I can't help but worry as a concerned parent. If by some stretch of the imagination that Trump wins the election and Hillary does go to jail, could the aiding and abetting laws therein include anyone who has endorsed, supported, or possibly even voted for her? I mean, it would take a madman to prosecute and jail nearly half the country...and that's exactly who now has a good chance of winning the election.

I'm not familiar enough with you to know whether or not this is a joke or a concern troll.

No. Just... no. This is ridiculously out of touch with reality and I would sooner believe that you made this story up.

Also what the shit. So many pages in the last 40 hours. Over what.
I'm surprised (kinda) that no one reminded everyone about the thing Rick Wilson posted a while back about there being two oppo hits?

I think #1 is the concrete evidence of Trump - Russia ties
and #2 could be the blackmail hinted at in the Motherjones story.

Rick WilsonVerified account
Oh, and just FYI the two primary oppo hits I'm talking about aren't the child rape trial story. Sorry!

So it can't be Epstein related. So, abortion maybe? Trump got a girl pregnant and one of Trump's Russian buddies hooked him up with a doctor who would perform it (maybe it was late term?). KGB/Kremlin gathers blackmail that links Trump to paying for said abortion? Maybe a recording or paperwork?


I consider myself more of a 70s love child even though I was born in 88.

Heh, 88' kid myself. Anecdotal, but it seems the older millennials are pulling and have been pulling for Clinton. Now the very young ones on the other end of the tail, they are a bit concerning. Some have reformed and have gotten behind our candidate after the primaries. Others are still delusional yet and are voting for Stein/Johnson. Or Pikachu. Yeah.


Nate Silver wrote an article on "Our model shows that there is a 10% chance Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college."

I mean, I don't know.

Guy is all out on the DEAD HEAT narrative lately. He seems shook by the primaries, like he wants to cover all his bases. "WHAT IF THE POLLING IS ALL WRONG?! JUST ASKING QUESTIONS HERE!"


Networks aren't saying shit.

It's already after the Nightly News (which was favorable to Hillary), but you can clearly now see a shift in breaking news. Everything in the last hours has been anti-Trump, and this latest from the NYT will get traction in mainstream media:

1) It's from the NYTimes.
2) It's one of Trump's greatest weakness, his tax avoidance and now, there's the "legally dubious" adjective thrown in with them.
So NYT has more Trump tax returns. Slate has the story about Trump's Russian-talking secret server and Mother Jones has a former intelligence official alleging strong Russian ties to Trump.

This election is so weird, because I doubt this will change much.
Nate Silver wrote an article on "Our model shows that there is a 10% chance Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college."

I mean, I don't know.

I mean if Trump wins it will probably be without the popular vote. So not that crazy of a percentage when his model has Trump with such a high chance of winning.


There's no way the Russia oppo doesn't get traction. That is legit damning, more than giving fake bills to charity and groping women. Otherwise I have no faith in the media



Did my part to give this creep the boot earlier today.



There's no way the Russia oppo doesn't get traction. That is legit damning, more than giving fake bills to charity and groping women. Otherwise I have no faith in the media

It is, but I'm worried that anything that involves five paragraphs of explanation of what DNS is and how e-mail works won't get much traction compared to "EMAILS" or "PUSSY GRABBING".
Fuck Comey with "I'm not trying to influence an election" bitch ass.

Comey knows he's fucked himself. He knew it by Saturday morning. I'm convinced he believed his friends, and a compliant cat-nip media, would run with the "Valiant Defender of the Rule of Law" angle, and was shocked! that Clinton dropped the boom on his silly ass. His defenders in the media were just overwhelmed by an actual concerted, unified Democratic pushback and people asking hard questions about timelines and what he actually had when he wrote his dumbass letter.

He's done. I'm more convinced of that after the fire he has been under today. He won't last to see Clinton's inauguration as the head of the FBI. Reid will own his balls by the time this is all over with.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think any of this sticks. They needed it to break tomorrow, like when the media began to get bored of this (they probably won't). Maybe Thursday.


It is, but I'm worried that anything that involves five paragraphs of explanation of what DNS is and how e-mail works won't get much traction compared to "EMAILS" or "PUSSY GRABBING".

Don't even have to do all that. Just bring up there is growing evidence that Trump is being tied to Russia and that he was in contact with them.

I mean that shit is damning.


Trump is an enabler of murderous and oppressive regime. I truly despise him and his supporters. Saying this as a Russian btw but far removed from the country. If they think people vote for Putin because they like him or because he is a great leader, they are truly clueless. Russia is what destroying institutions and gutting any viable opposition looks like, a future they will be getting if they vote this useful Putin's idiot in. This whole situation is infuriating and somewhat distressing, a major political part giving Putin free reign to do whatever he wants is disastrous for everyone, especially Russian people. Go vote!


I think I'm a little concerned now about milennials.

I really don't understand what else could have been done to get more of them out or to get more of them to understand what is at stake and what kind of person Trump is.

Are polls saying numbers are down from last year or just down from what was expected given population increases, etc? Are they down across the board or just with dems?
It doesn't matter if any of this in particular sticks because it's going to be an absolute onslaught until election day. Comey was the GOP hail mary.

I fully expect this russian thing to get much stranger and deeper within the next 2 days


It is, but I'm worried that anything that involves five paragraphs of explanation of what DNS is and how e-mail works won't get much traction compared to "EMAILS" or "PUSSY GRABBING".

But "secret hotline to Moscow" is pretty catchy. You don't need to explain how DNS works any more than the details of her email server's sendmail or postfix config.

I hate you!

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