User 463088
Why are the results from New Hampshire important at all? Isn't that state pretty much solid blue?
Will the networks really wait for the West Coast to declare a winner? I don't recall it taking that long in previous years.
There's no way Hillary gets to 270 until California, Oregon and Washington close.
Our "safe" states that are slightly swingy (CO and VA) get us to 269, assuming ME-2 is safe (268 otherwise). So, she'll still need one of OH, NE-1, NC, FL, NH, IA or NV to get to 270.
We're currently at a 44k vote firewall in NV. If we get that to 50-60k, that'll pretty much lock the state. Trump hasn't had a lead in NH since....well, ever, really. No live phone poll has ever given him the lead (nor IVR polls). So, NH should be fairly safe, but we still need SOMETHING to get us to 270.