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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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A former senior intelligence officer for a Western country who specialized in Russian counterintelligence provided the FBI with information he says shows the Russian government has spent years trying to influence Donald Trump.

In June, the officer, who now works for a U.S. firm gathering information on Russia for corporate clients, was told to research the Republican presidential nominee's dealings in Russia, Mother Jones reported Monday night.

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," the ex-spy said.

As he searched, he says he found “an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Citing it as an “extraordinary situation,” the ex-intelligence officer sent a copy of his report to the FBI.

In it, he charged that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump and could "blackmail him” and that it had a file on Hillary Clinton compiled from "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."

He said FBI officials greeted his July memo with “shock and horror” but did not request additional information.

The FBI then asked him for more memos in August, he added, prompting him to submit dossiers on members of Trump’s inner circle with ties to Russia.

“It’s quite clear there was or is a pretty substantial inquiry going on,” he said of the FBI’s examination of Trump’s links to Moscow.

“This is something of huge significance, way above party politics,” the former spy added. “I think [Trump’s] own party should be aware of this stuff as well.”

Mother Jones said the ex-spy spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and now works with a U.S. firm that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients.

The former intelligence official began researching Trump earlier this year, it said, as part of an opposition research project funded by a Republican client critical of the billionaire.

Mother Jones added that the project’s funding switched to Democratic supporters before the anonymous source discovered troubling connections between Russia and Trump.

“There was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit,” he said, according to Russian sources he contacted while researching Trump.

The NYT loves them some Jason Kander.

Mr. Kander, a politician on the rise, offers a genuine opportunity to re-energize the Senate with a Democratic majority, while sending Mr. Blunt into what would surely be a lucrative retirement. One more lobbyist in the Blunt family would be no loss for Missourians.




King of Prussia?
True story about King of Prussia. They have an incredible mall. And one of them good IMAX screens. The closest one to me in fact. So i went to see Dark Knight Rises there. On the way back i got into a horrendous car accident, flipped over to the wrong side of the highway, and literally was missed within inches of being hit head on by a car going 70mph.

I think that is a good omen for how shit Trumps visit there will go.
Maine hasn't gone republican since 1988. That said, I do see a disturbing number of Trump signs around here.

I also live in Maine and I agree.

Just remember that deplorables are loud and proud and normal people are not.

Also, I believe a lot of the signs on public roadsides and intersections are set up by local republican chapters. Which don't really count. (Edit: District 1)
this strikes home for me.

hillary also personally intervened and allowed my now fiancee to both stay in the US and have her mom visit during a particularly life threatening moment.

my fiancee was in the US on a student visa and became gravely ill with a yet undiagnosed illness. 6 months with no insurance she spent in the hospital while the doctors tried to figure out what was going on. once they figured out what she had (Lymphangioleiomyomatosis) they told her she needed to be placed on the lung transplant list or she would die within a few months. she was 20 years old at this point. having no insurance and an expired student visa severely complicated the issue, however. everyone knew that she couldn't go back to Ukraine because that would basically be a death warrant.

through miraculous connections involving a friend of her, a prominent oil executive, and HRC, my fiancee was given a job with health insurance that granted her access to the transplant center and list. furthermore, HRC as sec of state at the time, intervened and granted her a green card so she could stay in the states and personally approved her mom's visa so she could be with her daughter.

flash forward seven years later and my finacee is now five years post double lung transplant, she became an american citizen last year, and cast her first vote even for HRC this past Saturday.
That's amazing
One of my local TV stations has posted to FB several times about Hillary leading in the polls, inevitably the Trumpsters accuse them of bias and being in the tank for her.

Today, they posted the ABC poll and stated that Hillary's lead has shrunk to 1% OMG! So what are the comments on FB?

"You are so biased, stop trying to motivate Hillary supporters to vote! We see what you are doing!"

I'm not even kidding.
Hey Amir0x, thanks for helping me keep up with the "both sides" people on OT.

Anyway I think if Democrats are worried about AA turnout, then they need to put more campaign focus on the need for criminal justice reform, because I am guessing the low enthusiasm is due to all the cops who have gotten away with murder on video these past few years.


Hey Amir0x, thanks for helping me keep up with the "both sides" people on OT.

Anyway I think if Democrats are worried about AA turnout, then they need to put more campaign focus on the need for criminal justice reform, because I am guessing the low enthusiasm is due to all the cops who have gotten away with murder on video these past few years.

Haha honestly it is kind of disappointing how easy they are to disarm though. When you start ostensibly defending Trump, pretty much everything falls apart for them. We had much more entertaining discussions in 2012 and 2008. At least then Republicans could still find relatively decent ways to defend their candidate :p
Hey Amir0x, thanks for helping me keep up with the "both sides" people on OT.

Anyway I think if Democrats are worried about AA turnout, then they need to put more campaign focus on the need for criminal justice reform, because I am guessing the low enthusiasm is due to all the cops who have gotten away with murder on video these past few years.
Hillary should've worked like hell for that BLM endorsement but they didn't wanna alienate soft white republican supporters.
This is a yearly reminder that the California proposition system is terrible and good government types have some really bad ideas mixed in with the good. That includes jungle primaries and runoffs.


I think I'm going to lay off this thread for the next couple of days. The election is just turning into meaningless noise.

I'm still going to be checking for updates from early voting, polls, etc., but I have anxiety issues that I can't deal with by checking every minute for updates in this thread, lol.

Even though I don't post 24/7, I do lurk here almost constantly. For some reason, I find Twitter less fretting than all of you here haha.

I'm just going to follow David Plouffe, Wang, Cohn and Al Giordano for the rest of the week.

I'm not even American! I live in Mexico, right on the border with the U.S. and half my family is American and Trump would slaughter our economy if he even tries any of the policies he's pushing on the campaign... but I can at least fool myself into thinking there's nothing more I can do. Nobody in my family and friends are voting for Trump.
It's not happening.

It's slowly trending blue naturally, and like half of the state lives in just one densely packed city. Of the polls we have, Trump also only really had a small single digit lead, but there's been no serious polling there.

It's one of those weird states that nobody really cares about, but could very well surprise us this year.

Be careful how you phrase things or the monkey's paw will flip Oregon!

I've wondered in the past of the Busters voting Stein or just not voting at all and making the state dangerously close.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I also live in Maine and I agree.

Just remember that deplorables are loud and proud and normal people are not.

Also, I believe a lot of the signs on public roadsides and intersections are set up by local republican chapters. Which don't really count. (Edit: District 1)
A bunch of Trump signs popped up around the two traffic lights in my town in the past week. Living in rural New Hampshire I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner: in 2008 Obama was the first Democrat to win my county since 1912.
There isn't a central BLM chapter though. I think that is an advantage and disadvantage at times
They do have a Camapign Zero page with all the policy differences of the candidates. i remember them also saying they weren't gonna endorse a candidate in the primaries but I didn't know what was gonna happen for the general.
Only 6 days left if you don't count election day. I refuse to count election day and it makes sense if you think about it. No mind is being changed on election day so the race is essentially over, people are just finalizing their choice.

Only 6 days left if you don't count election day. I refuse to count election day and it makes sense if you think about it. No mind is being changed on election day so the race is essentially over, people are just finalizing their choice.

But you call things happening tomorrow something happening a day later. Not 0.
Hillary doesn't have any more oppo against Trump? You would think it would be released by now. Where are the n word tapes from the apprentice?
Only 6 days left if you don't count election day. I refuse to count election day and it makes sense if you think about it. No mind is being changed on election day so the race is essentially over, people are just finalizing their choice.

You don't count Election Day? Even though there is going to be a shitload of groundgame on the first half of Election Day?
I think I'm going to lay off this thread for the next couple of days. The election is just turning into meaningless noise.

I'm still going to be checking for updates from early voting, polls, etc., but I have anxiety issues that I can't deal with by checking every minute for updates in this thread, lol.

Even though I don't post 24/7, I do lurk here almost constantly. For some reason, I find Twitter less fretting than all of you here haha.

I'm just going to follow David Plouffe, Wang, Cohn and Al Giordano for the rest of the week.

I'm not even American! I live in Mexico, right on the border with the U.S. and half my family is American and Trump would slaughter our economy if he even tries any of the policies he's pushing on the campaign... but I can at least fool myself into thinking there's nothing more I can do. Nobody in my family and friends are voting for Trump.

I feel ya, bruh. My wife bought me Bravely Second in hopes I would stop trying to tell her about all the stupid shit I read about everyday. Little did she realize I have already been playing Majora's Mask this whole time. BWHAAHAHHAAAAA!


I hope Kander makes it. Partly because I want him as senator, partly because I'm eager to see if he ends up being a rising star in the party, which would be seriously blunted (heh) by a loss this year.


I feel ya, bruh. My wife bought me Bravely Second in hopes I would stop trying to tell her about all the stupid shit I read about everyday. Little did she realize I have already been playing Majora's Mask this whole time. BWHAAHAHHAAAAA!

Should have gotten you Civ VI, now that is a true life drainer.
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