with Donald Trump as the GOP candidate.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS COUNTRY. This should have been a fucking landslide. Shame on the USA. Shame on Republican voters.
Yeah, I'm sorry but I find anything less than Clinton winning by at least Obama 08 levels and Dems taking back the Senate to be unacceptable. Especially considering that Trump doesn't even have any GOTV operation.
Trump losing by only 2012 margins would mean that the GOP learns it can literally nominate ANYONE and the deplorables would guarantee not just 30% of the popular vote, but more than 45%.
Trump losing by anything less than a landslide means that every deplorable aspect about Trump and his fanbase gets normalized into mainstream politics.
And Trump losing by anything less than a landslide will mean that the deplorables won't get the message that most of the country is sick of them.
Fuck that. I don't care if there isn't any more oppo. I need a landslide that lets me know that my country isn't in actual danger of electing a deplorable into office in the future.
I know it's sucks but this country is partisan as fuck and Hillary isn't the most well liked, but I'm still going to take great joy in her beating a man like Donald Trump
I expected there to be a big chunk of voters who are nothing but deplorable pieces of shit.
But I assumed, based on 2008, that they wouldn't be literally 45% of the general election voters.
If Trump ends up with more than 45% of the popular vote, I am going to be VERY pissed off at the deplorables that I personally know.