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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Which makes it more impressive that trump placed a $25m ad buy across the swing states

It's actually pretty meh once you break it out. One of the problems with buying ad time now versus a few months ago is that the price of a 30 second ad has increased dramatically, maybe 8x what it was since the convention.

So Trump is probably paying way too much for ads in smaller markets in swing states, or in bigger markets outside of primetime.

Note: Nazis should probably be on more watchlists than animal rights activists.

The later are just annoying people with silly string. The former have lots of guns.
Bad news, PoliGAF; Fairpoint cut the Internet at my apartment, so I'll have a harder time keeping up with the election until I get things sorted out. (I'm on someone else's wi-fi with my 3DS now.) On the bright side, they also cut my landline, too, so no more pollsters calling me, either!
What did he say?

You'll never believe it! Just click through and turn off your ad blocker!

EDIT: This is Obama's quote so you don't have to:

"I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations we don't operate on innuendo and we don't operate on incomplete information and we don't operate on leaks," Obama said in the interview, which was taped Tuesday. "We operate based on concrete decisions that are made. When this was investigated thoroughly last time the conclusion of the FBI, the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was she had made some mistakes but that there wasn't anything there that was procecutable."
CNN found a way to drag this FBI story lol. Using Obama's comments on NowThis.
Good. That interview is good. He gently tossed Comey under the bus and then backed up on him for good measure.

"We dont operate on innuendo. We dont operate on incomplete info"

I have major reaervations toughting this hidden vote while simutaniously laughing away the "Shamed secret Trump" voter. I know that the women thing has a degree of reality, but it just seems hypocritical to put a lot of weight on something like that.

Think about it this way:

Trump supporters are the ones that literally go to every rally they can.

Trump supporters are the ones that think "Nah, one regular Trump lawn sign isn't enough. I need 5 of them, or one of those giant signs, or a fucking art exhibit on my front lawn about how much I hate Hillary."

Trump supporters in swing states are the ones desecrating and stealing any Hillary signs they see.

Trump supporters are the ones obsessively posting on Facebook and Twitter about how Hillary is the worst person ever and everything is rigged against them.

Meanwhile Hillary supporters just go about their days, knowing they definitely don't want Trump as president.



Note: Nazis should probably be on more watchlists than animal rights activists.

The later are just annoying people with silly string. The former have lots of guns.

When they are put on watch lists republicans complain of persecution. Just like when the CIA investigates anti-taxation right wing groups, it is all persecution.
This is good, especially since there are obviously more people who didn't vote either primary.

Rough back of envelope math on this, that would equate to a 200k (ish) lead for her at the moment, again, assuming this is holding true among all voters. Obviously, this is rough, but it's a decent enough estimate.



Emerson landline only of Missouri senate...

Blunt 45
Kander 45

I'm starting to think Kander is going to win. He's insanely popular with college students who are volunteering in droves. At last week's rally that included Joe Biden, a college democrat association had registered over 4000 new voters for Kander.
I hope he pulls through. I know that his ads against Blunt and his lobbyist family + his multi-million mansion in DC has been really effective against those I know. Anti-establishment types seem to like him instead of Blunt for those reasons, even those that are Republican.


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 4m4 minutes ago
top GOP pollster #2 on Clinton lead: "2-4 points. Trump turnout's gonna be good"

Kyle Kondik Retweeted
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 14m14 minutes ago
senior GOP strategist: "Clinton has electoral advantage. 3% race. Trump has mo, but not enough. MO/NV/PA/IN/WI/NH Senate races all w/in MOE"



GOP internal polls are junk. They had Romney up like 3 or 4 in 2012 and were confident they were walking into the White House.

Even GOP Pollsters having Clinton at a steady lead is very, very good for us. Based on what Hardwood has posted today (including opinions from GOP, DEM and Non-Partisans) sounds like a 4-5 point lead is likely.
I have major reaervations toughting this hidden vote while simutaniously laughing away the "Shamed secret Trump" voter. I know that the women thing has a degree of reality, but it just seems hypocritical to put a lot of weight on something like that.

I don't think there's a big hidden vote for either party. That said, the demographics for Dem voters are empirically more difficult to capture in polls. Of course that also means they're harder to turn out, so it probably balances out. But someone could at least argue it's more likely there are hidden Clinton voters if there are any at all.


TBH, despite all his flipflopping and baldfaced lying, I do think Donald is pretty honest...he does absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he is a human shitstain and I can always trust him to be a human shitstain.

Yes, Trump honestly believes his own bullshit.
Don't they need 2/3rds to trigger articles of impeachment? They'll never get that.

They just need a House majority to impeach her. They need 2/3rds of the Senate to remove her from office.

They will obviously never remove her from office, but they still impeached Bill Clinton even though there was never a chance to remove him from office!
I wonder if the witch hunting on Clinton will some day backfire on the GOP, or if the narrative is set. Like, if her first term isn't a complete disaster, and maybe manages to do something noticeably good for the country, if the public will start becoming sympathetic to the increasingly transparent attacks on her. Maybe too optimistic of me to think about, though.

Republican congressmen have talked a lot about a "constitutional crisis" because Hillary might be elected and she.... sent emails?

Impeachment in 2019 will certainly occur.

Yep beating that drum now so y'all understand it. This is their hand for her Presidency. Like repealing Obamacare votes before, finding new and interesting ways to draw up articles of impeachment will be the new norm with a red house.
I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

It really is incredible.

I've never seen a public figure more disengaged from the truth on a fundamental level. Ralph Nader says it best, paraphrasing: 'he has no factual content in his head- he has cheated everyone that he has been able to cheat- everything he has attacked people for, he has done himself in spades- he lies as a matter of conviction rather than just principle'.
They just need a House majority to impeach her. They need 2/3rds of the Senate to remove her from office.

They will obviously never remove her from office, but they still impeached Bill Clinton even though there was never a chance to remove him from office!
The way the GOP leadership has constantly caved to their base, I wouldn't be surprised if they impeach in 2017-2018, despite knowing a) they don't have 67 votes in the senate to convict, b) they don't have the goods in terms of a legitimate case, and c) that it will backfire politically. Their base will want it, and their base owns them. The GOP civil war is over, and the deplorables won.


I wonder if the witch hunting on Clinton will some day backfire on the GOP, or if the narrative is set. Like, if her first term isn't a complete disaster, and maybe manages to do something noticeably good for the country, if the public will start becoming sympathetic to the increasingly transparent attacks on her. Maybe too optimistic of me to think about, though.
One too many shots of hopium.
@nate_cohn: Clinton has a 12 pt lead among early unaffiliated NC voters.

Could get called really early if true. Clinton will have a double-digit lead going into election day with likely 55-60% of the vote already in. Trump simply won't have enough votes in the more favorable parts of the state to make up for it.


The company I work for from India announced 130 global layoffs. Not sure if I am affected yet. Feels bad.

This whole week sucks.

What's your field? Do you have any upper level math experience?

This was probably talked about, but it's ridiculous that the GOP is essentially already promising to drag Clinton investigations out over the next two years (and I'm sure the term of her presidency).


Jason "Punchable Face" Chafettz said:
“It’s a target-rich environment,” the Republican said in an interview in Salt Lake City’s suburbs. “Even before we get to Day One, we’ve got two years’ worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department, and it ain’t good.”
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