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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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95th percentiles in Quant and Verbal on the GRE (168 Quant, 165 Verbal), 3.995 GPA in math and economics, doing math research now... Feeling good about my Economics Ph.D. application.


95th percentiles in Quant and Verbal on the GRE (168 Quant, 165 Verbal), 3.995 GPA in math and economics, doing math research now... Feeling good about my Economics Ph.D. application.

Dunno man, would have to see how Nate adjusts those numbers before making a prediction.

congrats. your chances are at least as good as Clinton's.
I'm not very knowledgeable about these elections and I have been under the impression Hilary will win this easy.

But some news outlets here in the Netherlands have been pretty sure Trump will win this based on some recent polls. What to believe?

They cite ABCNews and Washpost tracking polls. Are those reliable?


Looking at early voting Republicans dont seem all that fire up.

The campaigns are fired-up, but not necessarily the voters. More precisely, Trump himself seems more energetic, but the rest of his campaign are just killing time, it seems. Like, where's Rudy? Hillary by contrast is using Comeygate to just press her advantage with the GOTV and Early Voting, and has more reason to push her surrogates into places.

It also seems like the GOP couldn't control the narrative with Comey - they don't know whether to push emails, or question his obvious partisan play. So they're just... losing it? I think we're lucky that those feds sat on the Weiner/Huma emails for as long as they did. If Comey had announced this at the beginning of October, it would've given the GOP hope. As it is, 10 days out, it was too late for them.

Plus, y'know, maybe the lack of enthusiasm with the early voting Republicans is due to not wanting Trump.
So when the fuck are they going to indict her? Before the election? Before her inauguration? What a bunch of crap.

If the FBI is really this partisan how can we even trust them to investigate serious things relating to national security etc.? It's terrifying.

Well the FBI doesn't have the power to indict anybody so <shrug shoulders ascii guy>


They can recommend it though. Not that the Justice Dept. would do anything about it but it's not something you want as President-elect.
I'm not very knowledgeable about these elections and I have been under the impression Hilary will win this easy.

But some news outlets here in the Netherlands have been pretty sure Trump will win this based on some recent polls. What to believe?

They cite ABCNews and Washpost tracking polls. Are those reliable?

I think the general consensus is that you should pay more attention to the traditional polls rather than the trackers, and the traditional polls have been more-or-less pretty stable with Hillary's overall lead.


CNN: guys race is tightening! its gonna be a close call!! let's pull up the CNN recent polls of the BATTLEGROUND STATES

*puts up ARIZONA along with 3 others on screen*


Nevada math

If early vote is c.70% of the final like in 2012 and she leads by just 4% (she is surely leading higher)....

Trump needs to win Election Day 63%-37% (get 19% of the final 30%)...however CLARK and Washoe are 83% of the voting population even on the final day. Best case for him is to split the vote their 50/50 (he will lose that combo by 5-10pts). Assuming he does a miracle 50-50 means he gets about 12.5% from CLARK and Washoe but the rest of the state is only 5% of the remaining >>>> he gets only 17.5% max (he needs 19%) assuming he takes 100% of the rest of the votes in NV and Queen still wins the state by 1.5%.

For the record she is likely leading Nevada 6%+ and will win CLARK and Washoe with c.55% of the vote.

Only way this is wrong is if identified D's in NV are voting Trump higher than 10%.

Reid machine is amazing in action.


The Quiet Ruthlessness of the Clinton Campaign

People in politics love to quote from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”; Clinton seems to exemplify its famous maxim that in order to win you have to know both yourself and your enemy. She realizes that she doesn’t have the spectacular political talent of her husband or of Barack Obama, and she makes up for it by being obsessively prepared and organized. You don’t come up with her anti-Trump strategy without having a lot of resources devoted to opposition research, polling, focus groups, and messaging.

Bolded is the line they used in the tweet for the article.


The campaigns are fired-up, but not necessarily the voters. More precisely, Trump himself seems more energetic, but the rest of his campaign are just killing time, it seems. Like, where's Rudy? Hillary by contrast is using Comeygate to just press her advantage with the GOTV and Early Voting, and has more reason to push her surrogates into places.

It also seems like the GOP couldn't control the narrative with Comey - they don't know whether to push emails, or question his obvious partisan play. So they're just... losing it? I think we're lucky that those feds sat on the Weiner/Huma emails for as long as they did. If Comey had announced this at the beginning of October, it would've given the GOP hope. As it is, 10 days out, it was too late for them.

Plus, y'know, maybe the lack of enthusiasm with the early voting Republicans is due to not wanting Trump.
Yep I agree.


Cubs World Series win should clear the media deck clean so I would expect movement back to Hillary in the polls by the time we get to Monday.


Bookmark this: http://votecastr.us/

if you want to follow voting results/projections throughout the day.

On Election Day, VoteCastr&#8217;s data collection teams will fan out across the battleground states streaming data through our mobile app. That constant stream will be checked against our proprietary precinct, county, and statewide database models to generate minute-by-minute projected outcomes.

This data stream will form the backbone of a live day-long broadcast out of Brooklyn, New York starting when the first poll opens in Florida and ending when the last poll closes in Nevada.

For the first time in the modern political era, Americans will see what the network executives and campaign insiders have seen all along: the game as it unfolds.
I really hate how emails is now a dirty word because of this partisan witch hunt against Hillary.

I have it on good authority that Donald Trump, his entire campaign, and all of the GOP have email accounts, full of emails. We need to figure out what the hell is going on.
I just can't wait until the election is over. Besides the possibility of losing the Presidency and/or the Senate (the former being only a possibility in theory), watching the polls fluctuate and people stressing about them has been one of the most... well, stressful things


Is there really much concern about losing the Senate at this point though? Haven't we been tracking in the lead in like seven states, and we only need to get four?
Hold NV and flip 4 to get 50/50. Preferably 5 as a, once again, insurance policy for the special election in fall 2017 for Kaine's seat in case Dems fuck up
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