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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I need a command line interface for voting stats. I can't imagine how much time I could save while drenching my huggies if I had something like

'vote nc --early -party d -race aa -co Wake'

instead of googling and digging through web pages

someone should do this, and it's the kind of thing that makes me wish I was retired so I could mess around with over the next two years


Yeah, that would suck...


Not even millennials can fix WV and KY.
I feel like blaming Milennials for shit is actually making fun of those awful boomers who blame Millennials for everything

I hope so. It's always sad to see "progressives" employ the same bullying and reductive attitudes as the people they are so "horrified" and "galvanized" by, just pointed in a different direction.
It's no better than Jay Leno On The Street garbage or the parsing Conservatives do to Liberals or PoliGAF does to Ohio.

It's all shitty and reductive and kind on unamerican if we're being honest
Sure, I blame the people putting the panel together. No disagreement there.

What gets me is that news sites always treat millennials like some kind of unicorn demographic. Whatever will they decide? Stay tuned baby boomers maybe we will be able to finally understand those rascals.
If Millennials were the only group that voted, it would be a Clinton blowout so large that even Oklahoma would go blue. If Millennials did not vote at all, Trump would win.

Millennials are saving this country's ass big time.

umm nah.... Minorities are.

They actually ya know vote


In this there was:

3. Implications that current race relations are Obama's fault. WTF.

My Boomer FiL believes Obama discussing race issues created the problem.
I got into a huge argument with him and said that him ignoring a problem doesn't mean it's not there. Talking about it is not "race baiting".
Then my brother-in law called him a racist so it escalated way beyond "spirited debate". Ah, family gatherings.

To be fair to my FiL, he often re-evaluates after thinking about things for a bit. He also hates Trump.
Sure, I blame the people putting the panel together. No disagreement there.

What gets me is that news sites always treat millennials like some kind of unicorn demographic. Whatever will they decide? Stay tuned baby boomers maybe we will be able to finally understand those rascals.

Totally. It's so reductive and gross.


As a fellow Floridian, what was their reasoning if you don't mind sharing?

They're lifetime Republicans. They voted for Obama both times, but they still vote Republican for other races. Old habits die hard I guess. My mom didn't think Rubio was bad, even though I told her how doesn't do anything for the state. I try not to talk politics with my dad, lol.

I will do better convincing in 2020 hopefully.
Rasss at it again:

Utah appears to have moved safely into Republican Donald Trump’s column with less than a week to go until Election Day.

A new Heat Street/Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey of Likely Utah Voters finds Trump with 42% support to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 31%. Republican-turned-Independent candidate Evan McMullin has faded to 21%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson earns three percent (3%) of the vote. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate in the race, and another two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Last week, it was Trump 32%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 28%. The week before that, Trump held a negligible 30% lead over McMullin (29%) and Clinton (28%).

But as in other parts of the country, Utah Republicans appear to be coming home to Trump as his race with Clinton tightens following the announcement that the FBI has reopened its investigation of her mishandling of classified documents. GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence visited Utah last week, and popular Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz has announced publicly he is backing Trump after all.

A week ago, it was Trump 47%, McMullin 38% among GOP voters in Utah. The latest survey finds Trump ahead 63% to 27% among Republican voters. Utah hasn’t supported a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964, but an upset win by McMullin, a former Republican congressional staffer who says he is the real conservative in the race, could cost Trump much needed electoral votes in a close national contest.


I feel like blaming Milennials for shit is actually making fun of those awful boomers who blame Millennials for everything
Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying that millennials are ironically making fun of themselves?

That's the most millenial-ass millenial thing I've ever heard.


you can't put a price on sparks
i feel like im reading lots of made up shit. might as well just make up something like

FBI Sources: Clinton is going to Jail On November 7
It's a single poll that would be wildly outside of any reasonable expectation of crossover, and should be treated as such. Now if we had several polls that all showed similar trends, maybe you've got something. But it's likely just an outlier. Any time a poll shows something wildly beyond your wildest expectations, you should treat it with a healthy dose of skepticism. If it ends up being correct, one more thing to be excited about come election day, but until then, don't go crazy with unreasonable expectations.

Again it was reported specifically early voters. I don't think they said it was going to be like that on election day and I very much doubt it'll hold at the election. It is most likely an outliner I am willing to believe, but it would make some sense that quite a few Republicans switched to Hillary and then voted Rubio. Judging by their way they polled the early voters they called them and verified their vote ; but I don't know if many polls did that, so on some level it may have some truth and the few we got. Regardless, I'm taking it that on some level a few Republicans are voting Hillary, but then Rubio. Perhaps more than normal.


Did not expect everybody to be in Philly election eve.

That makes me partly very worried.

Is there anything that doesn't make you worried? Would you prefer they not do this? Do you think they should be in another state like Florida? If you have a better idea put it forth otherwise..........

I understand skepticism, keeping on your toes, not getting complacent and trying to stay alert so bad news doesn't blindside you but I question how some people in this thread function as people. Even as shitty as this election has made me feel from time to time or been a massive distraction I can't emphasize with "bedwetting" of this degree. It's just alien to me. Not trying to be an ass and I know you might be a bit rattled since you said you were worried about your job recently (I think?) but get a grip man.
Most millenials are ignorant, but that's true of the electorate in general. Their politics make young voters the least harmful generation yet.

Even white millenials are radically less conservative than their parents and grandparents.


If only white millennials voted it would turn Hawaii red?


Unconfirmed Member
i feel like im reading lots of made up shit. might as well just make up something like

FBI Sources: Clinton is going to Jail On November 7
This last week has been unbearable with regards to misinformation. Tons of conspiracy or unverified claims just clogging the airwaves.

Makes me look forward to the 8th all the more.
That's the hilarious thing if you know any history. The things people say about Millennials are the same things they said about Gen X, which are the same things they said about Baby Boomers, and are the same things Millennials will say about future generations.

You can find "kids today" stuff in ancient Greek writing.
Most millenials are ignorant, but that's true of the electorate in general. Their politics make young voters the least harmful generation yet.

Even white millenials are radically less conservative than their parents and grandparents.


I beg to differ.

I am nearing 34 years old, so I am still a millenial. And me and my 96 year old grandmother who is still alive, walking, and talking, agree on this race! Clinton or bust!
This last week has been unbearable with regards to misinformation. Tons of conspiracy or unverified claims just clogging the airwaves.

Makes me look forward to the 8th all the more.

Then we can look forward to the possibility of it coming from the President. Imagine that, a President peddling conspiracy theories and other rumors.


Millennials were a mistake.

And gen Z isn't looking much better since the apple doesn't fall far.

And yet, the best generation.

The best set up, not the best execution.

If Millennials were the only group that voted, it would be a Clinton blowout so large that even Oklahoma would go blue. If Millennials did not vote at all, Trump would win.

Millennials are saving this country's ass big time.

This may be true, that doesn't make them smart.

She is pathetic. She wants a racist white moron to run the country. That will improve race relations alright..


In this there was:

1. "Not all Trump Supporters"
2. Implications that Hillary is a liar when she has been shown to be possibly the most honest presidential candidate ever (where's that politifact chart?)
3. Implications that current race relations are Obama's fault. WTF.
4. Complete ignorance of platform issues with regards to student debt. Something that Hillary has directly addressed.

The black millennials schooled these people hard in that clip.
That black dude at the end saved my sanity.

God I can't stand the sampled college students they put in panels like these. Why are they so goddamn stupid

I am just out of college (Business Major at Drexel University) and it is staggering how myopic and naive the majority of college students are. "My feelings tell me this, and fuck reason and logic, I can't be seen as being wrong."

Aside, it is almost like people think Hillary is the only "corrupt" person in politics and everyone in their party is a shinning beacon of hope. How this prevails is beyond me.
God, I know at least three millenials who honestly think that Stein would win if only millenials voted. They also believe that someday they will elect a socialist as president.

I so want to rub their faces in it but I'm going to bite my tongue about it. I think.


You can find "kids today" stuff in ancient Greek writing.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of
exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their
parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross
their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. --Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
didn't know hillary dropped this bomb last night

Clinton suggests that Trump would name @RealSheriffJoe Secretary of Homeland Security and put him in charge of the deportation forces.

trump would be stupid enough to do it too
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