Did not expect everybody to be in Philly election eve.
That makes me partly very worried.
They're in Philly to drive GOTV for mcgintys Senate race.
The presidential has been safe dem all year.
Did not expect everybody to be in Philly election eve.
That makes me partly very worried.
Did not expect everybody to be in Philly election eve.
That makes me partly very worried.
didn't know hillary dropped this bomb last night
trump would be stupid enough to do it too
28% of Republicans aren't voting Hillary. It's just not even remotely realistic. Trump still doesn't have great odds in Florida, but it's not because a quarter of registered Republicans are voting for someone they've spent the last three decades demonizing.
Oh my god, he literally mentions response bias and systematic polling error. Politics is a flat circle.
Some discussion about the 538 model from Vox.
Gen Z is looking even better than millennials since they will likely be more educated and more diverse, two demographics that are poisonous to the Republican party.
Clearly, you haven't been listening to the millennial-heavy NPR Politics podcast.
Gracious, they're insufferable.
"I feel like," "My thing," "Beyonce," etc. No political perspective at all. And that's just Sam Sanders.
Isn't the cutoff 1983? I think 33 and about is Gen X.
28% of Republicans aren't voting Hillary. It's just not even remotely realistic. Trump still doesn't have great odds in Florida, but it's not because a quarter of registered Republicans are voting for someone they've spent the last three decades demonizing.
So are we wetting the bed or not? Legitimately. Not the fake, oh, my cat peed in the bed but I'm gonna take the credit to be funny kind of peeing. The full bladder bursting, minutes of dark yellow PISSING the bed. Are we there yet?
My primary concern with millennials and and gen Z is that while they may have access to more information and in general are more liberal than their parents, their/our ability to reason and come to these view points based on reasoning, observation, deduction, etc is depressingly low. IMO this is due to the overwhelming amount of information and by effect, not being able to sift through the increased amount of bad information.
It isn't what they believe it is how and why that concerns me.
I think much like we classify Nates into "good" and "bad" we need to classify millennials in the same way.
Millennials born before 1990: Good
Millennials born 1990 and after: Bad
This may be true, that doesn't make them smart. Income Is Lower Than He Claims, Records Suggest
- Records of Mr. Trumps tax appeals and other documents indicate that actual income from some of his businesses may be nowhere near what he has reported on financial disclosures.
- The records demonstrate that after expenses, some of his businesses make a small fraction of what he reported on disclosure forms, or actually lose money.
Yeah I've seen that going around. I guess it's his fault racists don't like him for being black :discustThe female Trump supporter takes the cake. Blaming Obama for the worsening of race relations is one of the laziest right wing talking points around.
I graduated in 2011 and I can't say I remember it being like this at all but then again the youth vote wasn't exactly split like this at the time, it was strongly favoring Obama.I am just out of college (Business Major at Drexel University) and it is staggering how myopic and naive the majority of college students are. "My feelings tell me this, and fuck reason and logic, I can't be seen as being wrong."
Isn't the cutoff 1983? I think 33 and about is Gen X.
Some discussion about the 538 model from Vox.
Same here! 1990 is a beautiful number.Hey! I was born in 1990
Y'all see this hilarious 6 Ways Trump Could Win headline on CNN?
Hahaha 33 is not Gen X. People who are 33 now were labeled as Millennials ALLLL the way back in 2007.
I keep seeing this sentiment. I am curious--aren't Cuban-Americans traditionally republican? Don't they hate Trump because of the Cuba dealings? What percent of the vote are they?
Trump being up in MO made Clinton's chances fall by 1% in 538. That makes zero sense.
What's up with Brett Baier talking about a likely indictment for the Clinton Foundation? This is real?
I keep posting this, and will continue to until Tuesday. Cubans are more Republican, but only the older ones. The younger group is far more in line with their wider cohort
I'm trying to make any sense of 538's model. I think in NC, HRC has won a vast majority of the polls yet Trump has over 50% chance at winning. There are similar situations in a couple other states too. Is Nate's model really flawed or is it just GAF citizens saying this and we're really fucked right now?
People complaining about millenials are literally falling for a vast right-wing conspiracy.
Y'all see this hilarious 6 Ways Trump Could Win headline on CNN?
BadRNG said:#HillaryIndictment is currently trending.
Social media was a mistake.
It's hard to say if it's flawed or not but 538's model is unquestionably far more volatile than other prediction models.
While 538 has Hillary at 65%,
- NYT Upshot has her at 86%
- Princeton has her at >99% (!!)
- Huffington Post has her at 99% (!!!)
- Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball has her getting at least 293 electoral votes.
538 being so inconsistent with other reliable prediction models makes me really skeptical.
With how well this works for republicans, I am really surprised we haven't seen democrats start trying to do this same thing. Make up something huge, then spread it on social media.