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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Dallas Woodhouse, NC State Exec Director of the GOP, brought props to show Hallie Jackson! How considerate!



Because 538 will take any poll they can find and put it in the model. The others are slightly to moderately more selective. For instance, I don't think anyone else uses these ridiculous auto alliance polls of the swing states. Look at the last 3 days of polling and how much of it is from R pollsters or other questionable sources.

If a poll is honest the results are always useful. You can discern a "lean" and account for it instead of throwing away useful data.
1984 is just not Gen X. I would say 77 or so is the absolute latest for Gen X. There's a good argument for a 'tweener' generation between X and Millenials thats something like 75-85.

I tend to view Millenials as the first generation with ubiquitous throw-away consumerism. Sandwich baggies, plastic bottles, planned obsolescence electronics. They were the first to have a culture that was built to revolve around a planned cycle of consumer products that would be taken over in a couple years by its updated predecessor.


1988 here, I don't think we ever played oregon trail at school. We did do a lot of other weird educational computer games though
Just because there's high turnout doesn't necessarily mean one thing or another. I suppose you could make the case that higher turnout typically helps Dems but Rubio is going to do better with hispanics than Trump.

The Hispanic vote showing up drastically vs 2012 aren't Cubans, they're Puerto Ricans.

PRs now outnumber Cubans in Florida due to massive immigration since 2010.

Puerto Ricans are hostile to Rubio and hostile to the republican party.

In addition black votes were up 33% as of yesterday vs. 2012.

No one breaking records here RE: turnout is going to be ticket splitting for Rubio.
I think Upshot's model is the best right now - I get 538s decision to put everything in the model - but I think the increase in trash polling has hurt them more than Upshot. That said, I think not modeling OH / IA / WI / MI / MN at least partially together is flawed (which is what PEC does I think). Upshot seems to be the 538 model and being a little more selective about what polls to use (and having the ability to conduct their own polls as sanity checks).

I agree that the the Upshot model is the best one out right now but there is some truth to the argument that we should have less confidence in any model this year because of the lack of high quality polls. That makes a Trump win more likely but also means there is a better than appreciated chance that Clinton wins by 6 or 7 points.


Speaking for myself, I don't identify with Millennials in any way shape or form. I don't believe we share the same life experiences. I didn't grow up with easy access to computers, was lucky to play some Oregon Trail on my schools one Apple. I didn't grow up with the internet. I didn't grow up with social media. 9/11 defined my early adulthood. If I had to self identify with a generation, it'd have to be Gen X. Born 1984.

Those are all traits of Generation Z, not Millennials. Maybe the tail end of Millennials, but the majority of them were well into high school and college before social media became a thing. Millennials came of age as these technologies first spread, Generation Z grew up with them.


I was born in 1980. I have seen plenty of articles calling me a millennial based on that, but I consider 1980 as right at the end of Gen X. I don't feel like I have a lot in common with someone born in 1990 or beyond. I was about to graduate college when 9/11 happened. Many millennials weren't even out of grade school then.

Was born in 1980 too but I consider myself a Millennials since I feel I have nothing in common with people born in the 60's or early 70's.


Speaking for myself, I don't identify with Millennials in any way shape or form. I don't believe we share the same life experiences. I didn't grow up with easy access to computers, was lucky to play some Oregon Trail on my schools one Apple. I didn't grow up with the internet. I didn't grow up with social media. 9/11 defined my early adulthood. If I had to self identify with a generation, it'd have to be Gen X. Born 1984.
You are literally describing the Millennial norm. You are one. The issue is that they're not cutting the timeline off early enough and keep including current teens, who are really a completely different generation.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sam Stein confirming a big momentum swing in New Hampshire. "Tightening." Trump may actually be leading.
Robby MookVerified account
Huge news! More early votes have now been cast in Florida than in all of 2012.

Uh, so is this an indicator that Manmademan's theory about a bunch of Puerto Rican first-time voters tilting the presidential (and maybe even Senate) race to the Democratic Party might just be true?

EDIT: LOL New Hampshire. The only state in the Union that cares about emails on a laptop, I guess.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oppo-related news: people on Wilson's feed are saying the two huge news releases are hitting tomorrow. Wilson responded with a statement that he was "aware."

If it hits, tomorrow is the day.

It's Suffolk folks - relax

Eh, that's 2 polls in 24 hours, and analysts are saying internal stuff says the same. It's a tight race there.


Really? My brother was born in 1990, and he has no concept of what Oregon Trail was. He didn't even know what Apple was until the iPod's breakout success. Is it really a defining aspect of Millennial culture if half the generation never experienced it?

It might also depend on school funding.

My elementary school had at least one computer in every room. My parents gave me an old Apple II they found at a garage sale when I was 6 or 7 where I learned some rudimentary programming.

Born 88.


Oppo-related news: people on Wilson's feed are saying the two huge news releases are hitting tomorrow. Wilson responded with a statement that he was "aware."

If it hits, tomorrow is the day.

People need to just let this go. Not pointing a finger at you Plinko. There isn't anything coming. It's just wishful thinking at this point.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
People need to just let this go. Not pointing a finger at you Plinko. There isn't anything coming. It's just wishful thinking at this point.

Oh, I'm definitely in the "there is nothing coming" category.
That is still a large amount of undecideds. I still don't think Trump comes anywhere close to winning NH

Edit: Well Cesare still said something was out there so if there is something it will be today or tomorrow.
Oppo-related news: people on Wilson's feed are saying the two huge news releases are hitting tomorrow. Wilson responded with a statement that he was "aware."

If it hits, tomorrow is the day.

Almost every big oppo story has hit on a Friday, so that's not exactly a stretch of a prediction. But that they think the media is "holding the news" and everyone in the know already knows, is ridiculous.


Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.

Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.

“The FBI is Trumpland,” said one current agent.

This atmosphere raises major questions about how Comey and the bureau he is slated to run for the next seven years can work with Clinton should she win the White House.

The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”

The agent called the bureau “Trumplandia,” with some colleagues openly discussing voting for a GOP nominee who has garnered unprecedented condemnation from the party’s national security wing and who has pledged to jail Clinton if elected.
It's early on and there's plenty of time for world events to change them, but the most consistent statements I've seen regarding analyses of Gen Z is that they are "money minded", individually focused, more cautious about things in general (work, having lower alcohol abuse rates, etc.), have higher rates of church attendance, etc. Unlike the millennials who grew up in the boom times and then got walloped, Gen Z grew up in an environment where they already expected things to be tough and so they tend towards caution. The will have grown up under two Democratic presidents who represent incremental change.

Or do you not think that's likely because it's funnier to pretend I'm a tankie?

Gen Z is hyper connected and spend a lot more time interacting with friends and family. I don't know where you get this idea they're "individually focused"

They have overwhelming views that Climate Change is real, and that collective action is necessary to combat it. They have higher rates of volunteerism, and they tend to value "justice" and "communing" above all.

The kids are alright, but modern Socialism will have to expand on its views of Social Justice to stay relevant with a quickly diversifying Generation. That's my critique of where 21st Century Socialism is lacking; Intersectionality and Coalition Building

You're cool, though. No worries.


She will win Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, New Hampshire

Only ones I'm worried about are Ohio and Iowa

I'm optimistic about Arizona

Law enforcement was a mistake.

I feel like this is being said too much whenever there's an undesirable poll

I feel somewhat the same way, but the problem is there has been a lack of quality polling this cycle and a deluge of crap tier pollsters. I mean we also tend to call out when a poll is BS. Clinton is likely not up 1 in texas for instance.
Recent polls in New Hampshire range from a sizable Clinton lead to basically a tie (except for ARG, but they're a joke pollster). Let's not freak out (he says futilely).


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think the reason us 80s kids dont care to be lumped with the 90s brats is because we are in our 30s now. Whereas, the poor 90s kids are still in the early to mid 20s, still single, not a care in the world other than maybe getting a job and trying to get laid on Tinder. They are still immature compared to the 30+ year olds who have struggled through the recession, were old enough to really grasp the impact of 9/11 and the iraq war, and basically have seen some shit. Some of us are dads now and have more responsibilities than your average 25 year old millennial.

Besides, people tend to get more conservative as they get older. Probably why some of us supported Hillary over the ultra liberal Bernie who was so appealing to the millennials. I am sure once they get in their 30s and mid 30s, they will become a lot more tolerable.


I think the delineation line between gen-x and millennials is certainly blurry, but I think what defines wether you're gen-x or a millennial depends on a lot of things.

For instance, I think having an older sibling or a cousin who is firmly a gen-xer can push you into gen-x depending on the influence said older sibling or cousin had on you.

Also, I was born in 1981, and I didn't consider myself a true millennial. I went back to college late and I took classes with a lot of millennials and because of that I consider myself a little more millennial now than I did before going back to school.


I don't know why we're freaking out over this. Some act like when a poll like this is released it means all is lost. That's my main issue when polls are released and one shows that it's close or a tie. Some automatically think it's going Trump.

Do we have any evidence that's the case?
I feel like this is being said too much whenever there's an undesirable poll. Isn't Suffolk pretty decent?

Not great nor terrible, but their 2012 debacle still trashes their reputation.

Besides, Trump didn't gain support, Clinton lost some (AKA enthusiasm to vote, AKA PHANTOM SWINGS)
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