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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I think the reason us 80s kids dont care to be lumped with the 90s brats is because we are in our 30s now. Whereas, the poor 90s kids are still in the early to mid 20s, still single, not a care in the world other than maybe getting a job and trying to get laid on Tinder. They are still immature compared to the 30+ year olds who have struggled through the recession, were old enough to really grasp the impact of 9/11 and the iraq war, and basically have seen some shit. Some of us are dads now and have more responsibilities than your average 25 year old millennial.

Besides, people tend to get more conservative as they get older. Probably why some of us supported Hillary over the ultra liberal Bernie who was so appealing to the millennials. I am sure once they get in their 30s and mid 30s, they will become a lot more tolerable.

Yeah, this is basically where I'm at. If I'm not Gen X, then I'm stuck in limbo in between.


Perhaps this is all just systemic bias in the polls caused by partisans not responding.

You know, if Rick Wilson knew something, he could encrypt and sign a file with a summary of his two "leads" and provide the key later. But he doesn't know anything.
Ticket splitting. Latinos voting Clinton, but voting for Rubio. It's a real possibility.

"Latinos" aren't a monolithic bloc in FL.

Cubans are prone to view the republican party favorably, and possibly ticket split for Rubio.

The rest of Florida Latinos, absolutely not, and Cubans are no longer the largest FL Hispanic constituency. They're down to about 30% of the total.
Not great nor terrible, but their 2012 debacle still trashes their reputation.

Besides, Trump didn't gain support, Clinton lost some (AKA enthusiasm to vote, AKA PHANTOM SWINGS)

Yeah. He's also not cracking 40%. She has. That's a problem.

I don't doubt that the race is closer in NH/CO than it's been, but these polls still just have Trump at 40/42%. No breakthrough yet


That FBI story. That's the ultimate abuse of power. With these stories coming out something is going to have to be done. These people aren't even rational thinkers if they literally refer to her as the antichrist
The whole concept of "generations" is outdated. It made sense when you were talking about baby boomers, since returning vets had literally millions of babies in the years immediately following World War II, which was pretty unprecedented. But in the decades since, you haven't had anything near the same massive wave of babies all being born in a relatively brief timespan. That, coupled with the rapid technological advances of the last 30 years makes it really hard to peg people under 50 into "generations".

Case in point: my brother is nearly 14 years older than me; his son, 13 years younger than me. So there's a pretty even split between us. I don't identify with my brother's generation, which was still very much 70s/80s culture of young men defining their existence through their cars. But I don't feel like I'm part of my nephew's generation either; he never knew a period before the internet, whereas I remember the first time we hooked our Macintosh up to the world wide web through an America Online floppy disk that we got for free at the grocery store. I didn't get warned about using Wikipedia as a source until I was midway through college; my nephew spent his entire scholastic career knowing how to crib the sources from the Wikipedia page without actually reading actual texts.

From a generational standpoint, we had three very different experiences growing up. But do you make a cutoff every decade? That's too often to have any real utility. A twenty-year span is too large to encompass the vast differences that people on the extreme ends will have. I don't have common ground with someone born in 1969 any more than I do someone born in 1996, but conventional wisdom says I'm from the same generation as at least one of them. It doesn't make any sense, it doesn't help our understanding of the unique issues that face people growing up in different time periods, and it's a frankly pointless classification that serves as a lazy catch-all instead of any real distinction of defining similarities shared by a particular age group.


Have you been paying attention over the last 8 years?
Everyone has. But if it's so bad Comey can't even fend off pressure and they're literally injecting themselves into the final days of a Presidential race then there's still a lot to learn about how it got THIS fucked up
A black man became president.

Republicans were this partisan before Obama. Member impeachment?


This partisanship started because Republicans thought they had the presidency for life after Reagan and Bill Crystal's strategy to not participate in any discussion of health care reform in 1993.

It's convenient to blame this partisanship on racism but Republicans are just evil.


Re: NH Polling

I live in the burbs between Manchester and Nashua and Trump support is certainly more vocal. Halloween weekend had folks dressed in prison garb with signs spouting the usual pro-Trump slogans. Hillary support has shown itself in the form of calls, texts, and door knockers in the neighborhood.

I've seen more activity from Ayotte's people than Trump's as far as phone calls and visits go. I'll be voting early (only way to vote early in my town at this point is "in person absentee") Friday. Anecdotally, I haven't seen anyone I know change position since day 1 so seeing things swing is concerning. Could be pro-Trumpers coming out of the closet that were voting for him anyway.


Are you kidding me? Law enforcement has always been heavily middle aged white men.

You're surprised these people are racist trump backing deplorables?

Come the fuck on, this isn't new.
Okay please don't talk to me like that. It's a legitimate question. Please tell me the last time the FBI inserted itself into a Presidential election with less than 2 weeks left?
The only thing annoying about this generation thing is how people keep saying millenials when they really mean youth vote. It's not 2008 anymore, they're not the same thing.
I feel like this is being said too much whenever there's an undesirable poll. Isn't Suffolk pretty decent?

Suffolk is the pollster who stopped polling FL and VA in 2012 because they were safe Romney. I'm not saying to ignore them, but the fact remains that recent polls in NH (aside from ARG, who should be ignored) recent polls of NH have ranged from a sizable Clinton lead to a near tie.
Speaking for myself, I don't identify with Millennials in any way shape or form. I don't believe we share the same life experiences. I didn't grow up with easy access to computers, was lucky to play some Oregon Trail on my schools one Apple. I didn't grow up with the internet. I didn't grow up with social media. 9/11 defined my early adulthood. If I had to self identify with a generation, it'd have to be Gen X. Born 1984.

This is the complaint my girlfriend and I make - but from the opposite direction.

People born ten years apart don't have anything in common with each other anymore. Culture and technology move much too quickly to insist somebody who is currently 32 had a comparable development to somebody who is 25.

My sister is eight years younger than me. I was born in 1991, she was born in 1999. Is she a Gen Z? Most people still loop her in as a millennial. Which is as absurd as comparing me to you. People even five years apart now have had drastically different experiences, let alone the ten that people insist unite millennials.

What I hate most about the millennial label is how it's just become a catch-all for anyone younger than the people writing think-pieces.

EDIT: Exactly what Atomic Playboy said.
FBI needs to be purged after the election

this. I want someone to go desk to desk cleaning out the partisan trash. None of this j edgar hoover garbage-the FBI should be permanently defanged by the justice dept, to the point where they are scared to even defend their institution politically.


Not putting down her accent, because I don't think it was the accent, but Melania Trump just said President Raygun, and now I want a sci-fi President.
As someone who helps the campaign in NH I have a VERY hard time believing that Trump can win here.

Most of the people are Bernie fans and most of those Bernie fans are saying they will vote for Hillary, even if some of them are only doing it to stop Trump.

The only race that worries me is the US Senate race, although tying Ayotte to the lack of SCOTUS hearings seems to be enough to convince a lot of people to vote for Maggie.


She's at least better on the teleprompter than her husband.

Absolutely. He sounds rough when he's reading, she's doing a pretty decent job right now. I'd almost say better than I expected. If this has been done after the Access Hollywood stuff, it might have done something.
If a poll is honest the results are always useful. You can discern a "lean" and account for it instead of throwing away useful data.

I understand Nate's philosophy here. On the other hand, at one point he was projecting Trump to set a record for a Republican candidate in DC (far above any recent performance) based on a Google Consumer Survey with a sample size of 73. It's not a settled question whether you should include everything, nor is it at all clear that his corrections and weights are right.
This whole country needs an enema after the election.
super right-wingers being in the FBI is a mess
The FBI has been just as dangerous to American democracy as it has been beneficial. They do a great job at stopping right-wing terror but they can easily get way too much influence and leverage against congressmen and even the President.
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