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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Someone needs to light up Chaffetz for this garbage. He's did a completely irresponsible extrapolation and the media bought it without question.



The headlines are still bad. Shit needs to be straightened out pronto.

Some are already changing their headlines to more cautions "related to Hillary" or "possibly" and it's going to go downhill from there.

If what Pete Williams is saying is true, and it looks like it is, then this whole thing will just hit Comey in the face even more than it did Hillary. Although I don't doubt she got quite the slap from the first headlines too.

I was driving and my phone went nuts with alerts from national and local media.


as far as joe sixpack was concerned the investigation was never over in the first place. "clinton's emails" has been a daily news story.

This will go nowhere outside of hardcore partisans. even GOP senators appear legitimately confused as to what the hell this is

They played it really bad again. If they had just shut up in July about it for a bit and then ignored the Podesta emails, they could have made a really big BIG deal about it now.

But people just can't follow the story anymore. It's been a drip, drip, drip of nothingness for too many months. Your mind is already made up about this.


So let me get this straight. According to the FBI the email investigation was never closed but Comey decided to release this statement with vague implications? Give me a break, this is completely political on his part and he must answer for this bullshit. If the investigation was never closed then he had no need to release that statement while an investigation was ongoing.


Why is James Comey such a dick?

Dude can't handle Clinton in a trial at all. Pressed her and he got nothing. Wounded pride.

EDIT: it amazes me how much damage the media could potentially cause by spreading misinformation. Now, there's probably gonna do anything but it's still such a shitty thought. Reckless and irresponsible journalism.
They played it really bad again. If they had just shut up in July about it for a bit and then ignored the Podesta emails, they could have made a really big BIG deal about it now.

But people just can't follow the story anymore. It's been a drip, drip, drip of nothingness for too many months. Your mind is already made up about this.


This is in the same category "Benghazi" is. the RWM beats the hell out of it because its red meat to the base, but exactly what the issue IS, is lost on average voters who tune it out after the billionth time.

Wikileaks hasn't done them any favors. constant drops of nothing have turned that into background noise too.
Comey's really got to make a statement, it's the responsible thing to do at this point.

Also: I gotta say, I agree a bit with Metsfan. Both sides are not the same, but I don't see any problem calling out poor behavior when it comes outta the side I agree with. Seeing bad news and rushing to discredit/other the person who delivered it is a bit... well, shit. Is it possible that Comey did this deliberately towards partisan ends? Sure. But jumping to conclusions and demonizing the man doesn't do any good.

I say, keep calm, it's almost certainly nothing significant. If there was anything to find, I'm reasonably certain that the dozens of very well supported efforts to destroy Clinton would've come across it by now. Worst case scenario, this feeds a media hungry for a horse race narrative, and we have to put up with a few days of "OMG EMAILZZZZZZZ" before Trump inevitably says and/or does something horrific and that becomes the story again, and we win anyway. Hell, that second to last bit doesn't even have to happen, the lead is baked in at this point.


Neo Member
I'm sorry anyone saying that Comey should not be fired immediately after inauguration or even sooner is part of the reason Democrats get walked all over.

I'll even take it farther I hope Hillary parades out his replacement and gives a whole long speech about how she hopes a new era of a non politicized FBI will be brought to bear under new leadership.

Then I want that new FBI director to announce an investigation into Comeys emails to determine whether there's been any contact between him the RNC and the Trump campaign during the past year.

I completely agree. I was just talking to my friend about this at lunch today. Democrats (and liberals in general) tend to not be aggressive enough. If the GOP want to play hard ball, then you play harder ball back. It also applies to Trump, he's a classic bully and the best way to deal with a bully is to break his nose.

She needs to make an example of this guy and anyone else who crosses her path. It's exactly what I would do. Who cares how people see it, people come at you, you go back at them twice as hard.
I completely agree. I was just talking to my friend about this at lunch today. Democrats (and liberals in general) tend to not be aggressive enough. If the GOP want to play hard ball, then you play harder ball back. It also applies to Trump, he's a classic bully and the best way to deal with a bully is to break his nose.

She needs to make an example of this guy and anyone else who crosses her path. It's exactly what I would do. Who cares how people see it, people come at you, you go back at them twice as hard.

I completely agree that Democrats need to be more aggressive, but c'mon, punishing your political opponents is not okay.

The real problem, imo, is that Dems are willing to accept the Republican premise so much of the time, and are so unwilling to attack them for their many failures and hypocrisies. It took a Trump-tier candidate for the knives to really come out, and that's still mostly confined to him. But that's totally unrelated to the Comey thing.

It's not going to happen. Not in a million years.

The story broke a couple of hours ago, lol. Give it a bit.


It's almost funny to see how fast the headlines have shifted. "Reviewing new emails" or "taking another look at emails" are more prominent instead of the "re-opening investigation" ones a few minutes ago.


Chaffetz re-endorsed Trump yesterday.

Think about it.

He's running for Issa's old seat, i.e. Tormenter-in-chief.

Democrat partisans should be incensed by this whole thing and should be MORE motivated to volunteer in the final days of the season. There's no way to spin this other than it being a clearly partisan attack at the end of the election.

Trump wasn't capable of delivering effective attacks on Clinton anymore-the debates took that away from him. That's why this stinks so much-they needed to attack Clinton but it had to come from another angle and WHAM this garbaggio.


It's almost funny to see how fast the headlines have shifted. "Reviewing new emails" or "taking another look at emails" are more prominent instead of the "re-opening investigation" ones a few minutes ago.

And it's still basically fucking bullshit. Chaffetz baited them all.


But the investigation was never closed? The FBI is constantly evaluating old material and classifying that which they deem sensitive.



It's almost funny to see how fast the headlines have shifted. "Reviewing new emails" or "taking another look at emails" are more prominent instead of the "re-opening investigation" ones a few minutes ago.
The press realized how hard they got spun and are trying to break out of it.
Comey Clown Shoes

Not related to the private server at all! But still felt the urgency to send a letter to feeding frenzy. Woww

Step down, guy


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Almost there AP, you can do it. There's still the "emails aren't even from Hillary herself" part.

They are probably corroborating the info, but at least they are putting in the work before the evening news runs with it.


I cannot wait for this fucking election to be over.

Atleast then we won't be losing our heads over every tiny bit of email news.

People laugh about diablosing, but the real truth is that everything affects Hillary twenty times more than it should, while the opposite is true for Trump.

I don't think that it's possible to stop a Clinton presidency, but it's just priming the public to hate Clinton on any kind of frivolous piece of shit information. And it sucks. And even if a Clinton presidency is inevitable, it doesn't change that I want this to be one of the biggest landslide victories of any election, because that's what it should be.

I'm just sick of the bullshit. Why can't we just have a normal fucking political competition?
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