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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Watching Trumps live rally.

"Build the wall build the wall" chant in full motion.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but, c'mon. Even if Trump was the president there will be no wall. Just funny seeing so many people hyping themselves over that.

Oh let it happen can't wait for the Tax hike when it happen.
Watching Trumps live rally.

"Build the wall build the wall" chant in full motion.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but, c'mon. Even if Trump was the president there will be no wall. Just funny seeing so many people hyping themselves over that.

To be fair to these animals, it's a lot harder to chant "We hate Mexicans" in rhythm.


remember me

My little Marco can't be this cute

Have you ever wanted to date presidential candidates? Now you can, with Grand Old Academy, a comedic visual novel!







Why is Gen Z male jerking himself off
If those words described you, you'd think pretty highly of yourself. This reminds me of the Malcolm in the Middle where he puts his family into the Sims and they all are great and he turns out an overweight Scotch-guzzling drunk.


She's not a generational political talent though.

I'm not sure Obama was an actual generational political talent when it came to governance. No one that deserves that moniker would have spent so much time trying to placate Republicans only to be rebuked over and over and apparently not learn his lesson.

Talented when engaging the public? Absolutely.

Talented when engaging the opposition party and pushing hard against them? Not so much.
omg that kickstarter

There’s something innately creepy and offputting about Ted. Nobody else at the Academy seems to like him, probably for good reason. Ted comes across as slimy and deceitful; he’ll try to win your sympathy by acting pathetic one moment, and then double cross you the next moment if it’ll benefit him. Whenever he tries to smile, it almost looks more like he’s grimacing in pain. It seems like he’s hiding something, deep, deep inside himself. Is it a heart of gold, or a terrible secret?

seems like they're super worried about their presidential race.

RALEIGH, N.C. — Hillary Clinton’s campaign has reached out to dozens of Democratic House and Senate candidates this week to offer an endorsement and support from her massive digital organizing program in an effort to bolster down-ballot candidates and get out the vote in the lead-up to Election Day.

Clinton officials contacted a select group of House and Senate campaigns across the county with the same question: What do you need? On the table: Clinton’s endorsement, to use in whatever way best suits the candidate, along with a menu of options from the campaign’s digital field operation — social media posts, text messages, emails encouraging voters to volunteer, and access to Clinton’s online organizing tools.

Dozens of Democratic House and Senate candidates, including in non-battleground states Indiana, New York, and California, heard from the campaign early this week, in most cases from one of its state directors, according to a person familiar with the effort.

The down-ballot digital push, confirmed by a Clinton aide on Thursday, is aimed in particular at House races — smaller operations that typically don’t have as developed a field program as a large U.S. Senate race. (Some, for instance, have no SMS engagement plan for the Election Day homestretch — a gap Clinton can help fill with her own text message program.) Clinton aides describe their digital organizing operation, led by digital organizing director Jess Morales Rocketto, as the most advanced of any presidential campaign to date.

Dozens of down-ballot campaigns will receive the offer, one Democrat with knowledge of the outreach effort said. (The campaign declined to provide an exact number.)

As her aides opens access to the organizing program and its resources — including the campaign’s call tool and digital get-out-the-vote media and ads — Clinton has made more of an effort at her campaign events to boost House and Senate candidates, urging supporters at nearly stop this week to vote Democrat all the way down the ballot.

Priorities USA Action, the multimillion-dollar super PAC supporting her candidacy, has also released a series of new ads aimed at linking congressional Republicans to Trump.

As she’s made a final swing through the battleground states, hopping from Ohio to Florida and back to North Carolina here on Thursday, Clinton has also acknowledged that without more Democrats in Congress, her policy agenda would face instant and near insurmountable roadblocks. And after a highly divisive campaign, Clinton remains one of the least liked and trusted presidential nominees in the history of US elections.

It’s a hard reality to contend with for Democrats facing competitive races in some parts of the country — particularly those dependent on the non-college-educated white voters who widely oppose Clinton — turning even this week’s digital organizing opportunity into something of a political tightrope for some who received the offer.

For one such House candidate, a strategist on the race said, operatives agreed they would benefit from Clinton’s digital get-out-the-vote tools and fundraising apparatus. But they passed on the idea of a public media push from the Clinton team.

The strategist explained: “It’s a ‘How do you politely decline a fruit cake?’ kind of thing on some of these races.”

Clinton has long emphasized the need for a “deep bench” of new Democratic talent. And on the trail, senior aides say daily that high Democratic turnout is essential to their plan for a victory on Tuesday, countering what a senior Trump campaign official recently described as a three-tiered “voter suppression” effort underway, targeting key swaths of the Democratic electorate: women, young voters, and black voters.

“Complacency is probably our biggest enemy right now,” Mook, the Clinton campaign manager, told reporters late last week. “We’re running like we’re 20 points behind.”


Holy shit I didn't see Rudy on Fox 2 days before the FBI note dropped. What a shitstain. He knew

Very connected to the FBI, he has inside knowledge of their investigations. It is nuts. Trump is literally privy to all kinds of inside FBI info.
Talented when engaging the public? Absolutely.

Talented when engaging the opposition party and pushing hard against them? Not so much.

this is the exact reason I voted Hillary in the NC primary in 08. I'm not at all bitter about how it came out or anything-I love me some barry-but I really wanted somone who would rip the heart out of the republican party, not try to sit down and understand it.
But didn't the Tea Party just try to primary him? I thought he clobbered the guy.

They had zero ammo there. But if Ryan actually capitulates openly with moderates (aka RINOS to the Tea Party camps) which he'll have to do if he wants to keep that speaker position, then they'll have him easily.

Edit: Also, lol at "Self-reliant" 12-18 year olds. Really bringing home the bacon.
GenZ is suddenly less entitled? Hahahaha. Are they self-aware of their entitlement maybe, and give zero fucks anyway? And no generation that's had a broadband internet plugged into their brain from birth and communicates predominately via apps is "self-reliant."

Millennial = Having computers in elementary school > do you remember 9/11? Early-end millennial is hard to define since it's partially a technological state of mind. It's varies on how good your schools were, how tech-oriented you were and if you had internet access when you were younger. Did you have computers in elementary school? Could you type by middle school? Did you have home internet before high school? Millennial. That's easily a 5-year span depending on where you're from.

Actually let's define it by gaming since that's more fun. Millennial = 2nd > 5th generation consoles. Zs will be 6th > 8th.

lol @ John King's "the blue wall" on CNN of 242 gimmie EVs. At least he's admitting what a starting advantage Clinton has vs the horserace bullshit.
Thinking about the Guardian article on the FBI, I might have a little sympathy for Comey as he's probably been dealing with the possibility of leaks all along from the disgruntled Trump supporters. If he hadn't sent that letter, and it had leaked they were looking at more emails from one of those employees it could have been an even bigger shitstorm. Of course, this doesn't mean I think Comey is doing a good job or should keep his job.


and for the record, Mitt Romney won white voters over obama 59-39...and lost by about 75,000 votes.

Trump's share of the white vote in FL isn't any better- he's at about 58%.

This year white voters as a percentage of FL's population has declined, and you are spiking the latino vote by a conservative 100% margin over 2012 so far, with 365K more latinos showing up to polls vs. this point in 2012 and clinton is winning those voters 60-30.

If those new voters don't ticket split for Rubio (and again...why would they?) Rubio ends up getting steamrolled purely by the volume of new voters running to the polls and pulling the "D" lever.

I feel like you should get a Rubio avatar if he wins, but I don't have avatars enabled, so I wouldn't notice anyway


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
lol That Gen Z description might be the biggest load of bull shit ever

I've been teaching high school for over a decade now. That Gen Z description is absolutely 100% correct. It's a really, really good group.


As of Oct. 30, nine days before the Nov. 8 election, 13 percent of the early ballots cast in Arizona came from Latino voters, up from 11 percent at the same point prior to the 2012 presidential election and from 8 percent in 2008.

The increase from 2012 to 2016 is the largest increase in early voting by Latinos in any state, according to statistics compiled by Catalist, a data company that works with progressive candidates and groups.

Nevada and Colorado have had the second- and third-largest increases in Latino early voting, according to the Catalist data, based on 37 states that have reported early-voting results.

Data tabulated by Arizona's Democratic Party showed an even bigger increase in early voting by Latinos in Arizona, from 6.2 percent in 2012 to nearly 12 percent through Nov. 1. The data is based on Hispanic surnames.



For one such House candidate, a strategist on the race said, operatives agreed they would benefit from Clinton’s digital get-out-the-vote tools and fundraising apparatus. But they passed on the idea of a public media push from the Clinton team.

The strategist explained: “It’s a ‘How do you politely decline a fruit cake?’ kind of thing on some of these races.”

Running away from your leader again.

Stupid dems haven't learned shit.
Running away from your leader again.

Stupid dems haven't learned shit.

Depending on the area, this is actually a good idea. Many of the red state dems can't afford to be linked to Clinton right now as her favorability in those red states are so low. This why she and Kander haven't done a rally together.
GenZ is suddenly less entitled? Hahahaha. Are they self-aware of their entitlement maybe, and give zero fucks anyway? And no generation that's had a broadband internet plugged into their brain from birth and communicates predominately via apps is "self-reliant."

Millennial = Having computers in elementary school > do you remember 9/11? Early-end millennial is hard to define since it's partially a technological state of mind. It's varies on how good your schools were, how tech-oriented you were and if you had internet access when you were younger. Did you have computers in elementary school? Could you type by middle school? Did you have home internet before high school? Millennial. That's easily a 5-year span depending on where you're from.

Actually let's define it by gaming since that's more fun. Millennial = 2nd > 5th generation consoles. Zs will be 6th > 8th.

lol @ John King's "the blue wall" on CNN of 242 gimmie EVs. At least he's admitting what a starting advantage Clinton has vs the horserace bullshit.

It's marketing nonsense, not something to be taken seriously.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 1m1 minute ago
top Dem pollster, asked if there's significant movement in key states affecting Clinton lead over Trump: "not movement that matters"
Running away from your leader again.

Stupid dems haven't learned shit.

Hillary Clinton is massively unpopular in large parts of the country. In many situations running away from her is the right way to go. The idea that the Democrats lost in 2012 because they weren't sufficiently pro-Obama is something liberals tell themselves to feel better with very little supporting data.
This is the type of shit I knew would happen even with a Democratic majority. Fucking spineless assholes.

The problem for a lot of Dems, even ones in relatively safe seats, is that there is an always loud contingent of our own purity-ponies threatening to stay home if they don't get a full loaf.

Every 'Progressive' that was yelling "Kill The Bill!" in concert with Tea-Baggers in 2009 should eat a bag of salted dicks, because this is the calculus some of these Dem candidates have to make. It's not "keeping them honest" it's an ignorance of political strategy, and an inflexible politics that even the bat-guano GOP don't possess when it comes to raw votes and power-plays


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 1m1 minute ago
top Dem pollster, asked if there's significant movement in key states affecting Clinton lead over Trump: "not movement that matters"

What does this even mean?
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