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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Yeah, it's annoying that none of the top tier pollsters have been doing much work in this final week.

But, come on, NH has been swingy for the entire campaign, and Trump has never gotten an average better than a tie, while HIllary has had up to a 10 point average lead (IIRC).

Obama is going to go there and knock some sense into them and that will be that.

What's annoying that, for some reason, Michigan and New Hampshire still have many pollsters who poll there, but none of them are very good.



Yeah, that's been out for a couple of hours. Predictably, The Hill (which is really just political clickbait articles) reported it as "Emails on Weiner's computer not duplicates!" when that's not what CBS is reporting.

But that's not news. It's the same as "may be pertinent", and they knew that because it did look like there were some emails from her tenure.

The "good" news is that, it's now becoming obvious to even the mainstream media that there's real partisanship within the FBI, so they will be much more careful about what they will report and make a big splash about it. The voters also now know about this too.


I was away for a few hours. Did Rick Wilson's oppo finally drop?

the fbi is deep shit after the election. but we probably won't find out about it for years.


Wasn't this a Metal Gear plot?


I am kinda surprised they have NC as leaning blue whereas FL is still tossup... I'd think it would be the other way around
Well one of the strangest things this election is that Hillary has polled better in NC than in FL.

She's winning both though so whatever.


Has NH always been this close?

Rasmussen Reports	11/4 - 11/4		Obama +2
PPP                     11/3 - 11/4	        Obama +2
New England College	11/3 - 11/4		Obama +4
ARG	                11/2 - 11/4	        Tie
WMUR/UNH	        11/1 - 11/4		Obama +3
Gravis Marketing	11/1 - 11/1	        Obama +1
NBC/WSJ/Marist	        10/28 - 10/29	        Obama +2

Final Result:

Obama 51.98%
Romney 46.40%


I am kinda surprised they have NC as leaning blue whereas FL is still tossup... I'd think it would be the other way around

HIllary's lead in polls in NC has been much more consistent than in Florida (even though that's mostly due to crappy R-leaning pollsters).
Yeah, that's been out for a couple of hours. Predictably, The Hill (which is really just political clickbait articles) reported it as "Emails on Weiner's computer not duplicates!" when that's not what CBS is reporting.

But that's not news. It's the same as "may be pertinent", and they knew that because it did look like there were some emails from her tenure.

The "good" news is that, it's now becoming obvious to even the mainstream media that there's real partisanship within the FBI, so they will be much more careful about what they will report and make a big splash about it. The voters also now know about this too.

The Hill really is an awful website. I think they've been blasting out rumor articles about Paul Ryan all day also.


Harrison County is in East Texas. Romney won it by 34 points in 2012.
Hurts the local party but I would think people outside of East TX give zero fucks.

Although I hope if nothing else Hillary's performance in the state exposes some cracks that can be exploited in future elections in TX. Even if she loses she wins in that regard


Rasmussen Reports	11/4 - 11/4		Obama +2
PPP                     11/3 - 11/4	        Obama +2
New England College	11/3 - 11/4		Obama +4
ARG	                11/2 - 11/4	        Tie
WMUR/UNH	        11/1 - 11/4		Obama +3
Gravis Marketing	11/1 - 11/1	        Obama +1
NBC/WSJ/Marist	        10/28 - 10/29	        Obama +2

Final Result:

Obama 51.98%
Romney 46.40%

Hmm, maybe we're worrying over nothing then.
They're souped up police. They know under Trump due process will be easily waived. Lets hope they don't get their wish.

I'm not sure if it's that, but more that there are just people in the FBI who are wrapped up in conservative opinion news and feel it's either their responsibility or just their desire to use their positions in the FBI as the Limbaugh/Breitbart alternate reality they live in dictates that they should or must.
Anecdotal, but I guess you can only eat so much shit before you quit

Harrison County, TX GOP Chair Resigns Position; Says He Can't Support Trump

Further, the GOP will have only themselves to blame if Mr. Trump loses this election. They have become complicit in the corruption that has angered so many Americans. As a national delegate to the Republican convention, I witnessed first hand how the GOP squashed any attempt by conservatives to voice their opinions," said Brumit. "Texas' own Toni Ann Daschle, Steve Munisteri and Dan Patrick failed to fight for conservative views and rules that would have allowed other voices to be heard. They instead decided to side with chairman Priebus and his establishment cronies. It seems to me that there is no room for conservatives in the current GOP leadership. If the Republican Party is ever to win a presidential race again, there needs to be some serious changes among the 168 committeemen and women starting with the firing on Reince Priebus and whom the Texas RPT choose to represent them at the national level."

Edit: Beaten


Hmm, maybe we're worrying over nothing then.
I mean if they're crappy pollsters they're crappy pollsters. Gap is probably smaller this time but it sucks to have 3-4 polls in a row for NH that aren't that great, even if they are not of the best caliber.


Sanders/Hillary rally in NC... After this, you might say I'm feeling...

A slight...


hillary was p gud too i guess


Neo Member
I also am sad that I am saying that because as a Christian myself, I should not be judging the evangelicals. What a quandary I am in.

You could just let go of that baggage. Then, no quandary.

Dammit, I wished I lived somewhere awesome enough to warrant political rallies having A-list DJs doing free shows.

It's probably not worth the tradeoff.

Bernie didn't get screwed. He lost because minorities in the Democratic party didn't want him but he was far from screwed. The DNC could have not let him run, justifiably so, and they rolled out a red carpet for him.

I see a lot of questions about why people are still relitigating the primaries. No, it shouldn't be happening. But you guys also shouldn't be playing revisionist historians and occasionally outright lying about what happened. That doesn't help either. Bernie did get screwed by some individuals in the DNC. Minorities did overwhelmingly vote for Hillary, yes, but it had nothing to do with not wanting nor loathing Bernie. The DNC could NOT have prevented him from running, and they did NOT roll out the red carpet for him (until they had no choice to). If you want to stop talking about this pointless discussion, you should probably stop lying about it. Otherwise you bear a portion of it.

Edit: And since you will probably assume otherwise instead of focusing on the merits of those points, I already voted for Hillary. Because she's the best candidate running, understands policy, has put forth good policy platforms after taking cues from the base, has a wealth of experience, is a savvy politician, and because the other people are bona fide idiots.


You could just let go of that baggage. Then, no quandary.

It's probably not worth the tradeoff.

I see a lot of questions about why people are still relitigating the primaries. No, it shouldn't be happening. But you guys also shouldn't be playing revisionist historians and occasionally outright lying about what happened. That doesn't help either. Bernie did get screwed by some individuals in the DNC. Minorities did overwhelmingly vote for Hillary, yes, but it had nothing to do with not wanting nor loathing Bernie. The DNC could NOT have prevented him from running, and they did NOT roll out the red carpet for him (until they had no choice to).

If you want to stop talking about this pointless discussion, you should probably stop lying about it. Otherwise you bear a portion of it.

Minorities didn't want Bernie.

If they did, they wouldn't have given overwhelming margins to Hillary.

Time to get over it.

(And for what it's worth, the continued insistence that Bernie "only lost because" whatever-the-excuse-is-this-week hugely discounts the enthusiasm and margins Hillary consistently got among minority demographics, and is the exact kind of soft racism that pissed black folks off about Bernie, his campaign, and a lot of his supporters.)
If you want to stop talking about this pointless discussion, you should probably stop lying about it. Otherwise you bear a portion of it.

Bernie never was, and never will be a Democrat. The Dems let him have the seat rather than turn it over to a Repub by running against him.

He was a shitty candidate who couldn't build a coalition that 1. Could figure out how to fill out paperwork correctly 2. Vote down ballot 3. Were even going to vote for him if he had won 4. Attract the core demographic of Obama's coalition in numbers that would propel him to a primary victory 5. Staff his campaign with people who weren't idiots, thieves, or divas 6. Craft a campaign message that extended past "banks=bad and free college" *with massive tax increases that will magically be paid for

You want to not relitigate the Primary? Then stop your revisionist, paranoid fantasy and take the 3/4 loaf that Clinton represents. Or, just trust Bernie knows who advances his priorities better than rando Internet commenter.
You know they're sitting there in Trump Tower pissed as fuck that they don't have more people on that map. Also, where is Pence on that list?

Oh, and Virginia the Sunday before the election. Sure okay. Good plan


Oh right I forgot Sarah Palin was in the Trump camp LOL

I see a lot of questions about why people are still relitigating the primaries. No, it shouldn't be happening. But you guys also shouldn't be playing revisionist historians and occasionally outright lying about what happened. That doesn't help either. Bernie did get screwed by some individuals in the DNC. Minorities did overwhelmingly vote for Hillary, yes, but it had nothing to do with not wanting nor loathing Bernie. The DNC could NOT have prevented him from running, and they did NOT roll out the red carpet for him (until they had no choice to).

If you want to stop talking about this pointless discussion, you should probably stop lying about it. Otherwise you bear a portion of it.

Actually, by definition, when you don't vote for someone it at very least means you don't want them.

Like take the L man. He lost because he got fewer vote than his opponent. The end. Why are we even talking about this now? Nobody has even had a bad word to say about Bernie in ages. It's pretty clear people have been happy with his efforts in the recent weeks. Stop being salty about the primaries (which is how you're coming off).
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