Colbert is pretty good tonight so far. He's straight up made fun of the 583 forecast.
So I got my 2017 ACA plan rate change info in the mail today. My plan's monthly rate is going up 68.3%. I have already voted, but I wonder how getting these statements in the mail will effect how people vote on Tuesday. Trump getting rid of this no longer affordable Affordable Care Act seems like a good idea now. Beginning in January, AFA will no longer be affordable for me![]()
Trying to placate the crazy faction inside the FBI that wants blood. The thing about Comey is that for all his faults he really doesn't come across as some one in bed with the alt right especially considering his time during the Bush years.
It seems like he is just far in over his head. He needs to go though.
I think some on Poligaf might.
OMG!!! Anyone else suffer from ESD (Election Stress Disorder)?
So I got my 2017 ACA plan rate change info in the mail today. My plan's monthly rate is going up 68.3%. I have already voted, but I wonder how getting these statements in the mail will effect how people vote on Tuesday. Trump getting rid of this no longer affordable Affordable Care Act seems like a good idea now. Beginning in January, AFA will no longer be affordable for me![]()
In a possible blow to Mr. Trump, two Republican senators up for re-election, Rob Portman of Ohio and Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, have directed their field organizations to try to turn out groups of voters, like suburban women and college-educated moderates, who are largely hostile to Mr. Trump. In Florida, Senator Marco Rubios campaign has taken a similar approach to Hispanic voters, according to several Republicans briefed on the senators plans, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss closely guarded field operations.
I believe for 85% of people, there is no change. For a lot of people, the rates will even go down! It depends where you are. Of course, for those whose rates are going up, it sucks. Of course, repealing it would me either losing insurance or paying a lot more than now for most.
You can also shop for another plan at a lower price.
This is really not going to do much, IMO.
I can't believe with all the bullshit Trump has done he still might only do 2-3 percent worse than the regular Republican nominee they usually put up.
It's entirely Republicans fault that Obamacare is in a broken state though. They always forget to mention that when saying how horrible it is though.So I got my 2017 ACA plan rate change info in the mail today. My plan's monthly rate is going up 68.3%. I have already voted, but I wonder how getting these statements in the mail will effect how people vote on Tuesday. Trump getting rid of this no longer affordable Affordable Care Act seems like a good idea now. Beginning in January, AFA will no longer be affordable for me![]()
They are cherry picking data for the horserace narrative. Dem turnout is higher than Rs in Nevada and even FL right now, and so it is in AZ.
If I'm not mistaken, that was in North Carolina specifically. Mark Preston mysteriously left out that it was that specific state in his explanation, but it said North Carolina on the stat graphic he was talking about.
So, no real evidence then? Because those numbers are two days old and things have since changed.
Reliable GOP voters on election day are voting more in early voting. This doesn't mean much. It only matters if unrealiable voters are turning out.
Again, I expect the black vote to be down slightly (almost all among millennials) because Obama. But it won't matter much, I think. And will easily be countered by the uptick in hispanic voters.
Jon Ralston ‏@RalstonReports 58s59 seconds ago
Huge day for Dems in Clark County. Dems won by nearly 6,000 votes (18,122-12,328). Mr. Trump, they have built that firewall above 60,000.
Worse? He's poised to do better right now.
it's happening!
Wait, what? Now I'm confused. I donated today.
We're at 60k with one more day to go, and we still have a 1000k lead in Washoe (in 2012, we were behind there by 500 votes or so)
So CNN bullshit? Unfortunate they do this to make their own narrative. Then you have Trump supporters on yelling about all the momentum they have.
I'm a dumb. I fixed it.Reno is a lot bigger than I remember.
Not in Texas. BCBS is one of the last remaining providers on the ACA. The others jumped ship. It's no longer competitive so I guess its not surprising the prices are going up so much.
it's happening!
I'm practicing my smirk for the holidays nowI've told myself if hillary wins to not be a sore winner and refrain from rubbing the noses of trump supporters I know in shit but it's going to be tough to not do it. I'll just be so pumped/grateful if she wins
So I got my 2017 ACA plan rate change info in the mail today. My plan's monthly rate is going up 68.3%. I have already voted, but I wonder how getting these statements in the mail will effect how people vote on Tuesday. Trump getting rid of this no longer affordable Affordable Care Act seems like a good idea now. Beginning in January, AFA will no longer be affordable for me![]()
Totally OT, but how does transition from Junior to Member work around here? Is it based on time-frame or comment count without being banned?
Just noticed I was no longer a Junior tonight.
Sexual favorsTotally OT, but how does transition from Junior to Member work around here? Is it based on time-frame or comment count without being banned?
Just noticed I was no longer a Junior tonight.
Totally OT, but how does transition from Junior to Member work around here? Is it based on time-frame or comment count without being banned?
Just noticed I was no longer a Junior tonight.
Totally OT, but how does transition from Junior to Member work around here? Is it based on time-frame or comment count without being banned?
Just noticed I was no longer a Junior tonight.
I've told myself if hillary wins to not be a sore winner and refrain from rubbing the noses of trump supporters I know in shit but it's going to be tough to not do it. I'll just be so pumped/grateful if she wins
Totally OT, but how does transition from Junior to Member work around here? Is it based on time-frame or comment count without being banned?
Just noticed I was no longer a Junior tonight.
Time and Post Amount (I think its 3 months and over 300 posts).
I've told myself if hillary wins to not be a sore winner and refrain from rubbing the noses of trump supporters I know in shit but it's going to be tough to not do it. I'll just be so pumped/grateful if she wins
If you're on 50 posts-per-page, we're on page 270. JUST LIKE HILLARY'S GOING OT GET.
I have 1 co-worker who openly supports trump. I need to find the perfect picture to email him when she wins. Nothing over the top but just enough to rub it in.
Warp speed, OT 270.we should try and get to OT16 in time for the '16 election, for good luck
Sexual favors
You have been blessed by our Hopium Overlords.
Asked this earlier but who are we betting get the oppo bomb dropped on the tomorrow. Friday before the election there has to be a huge bomb out there. I'm hoping it's a nuke against Donnie.
Fuck and all.
Is he also a cleveland fan?
No one. It would have been dropped already. Might get something like last week that doesn't do much but drives the narrative for a while.Asked this earlier but who are we betting get the oppo bomb dropped on the tomorrow. Friday before the election there has to be a huge bomb out there. I'm hoping it's a nuke against Donnie.