So the FBI had the emails but supposedly it took more than two weeks to develop software to separate messages to Huma from the rest. Just enough time so the Comey letter hits 10 days before the election.
Give me a break. I don't even believe their existing software can't already do that, but even if didn't, I could do it in any possible archive format in like two hours. Any document management software already does it. Any library for any language, python, ruby, etc, could do it in like 20 lines.
I'm super creeped out that the FBI might not be that different than the notoriously sketchy FBI of the past. Thumb on the scale, more like smashing the scale.
This is depressing. In this podcast they keep checking in with undecided voters over time, four in total. One voter had decided on Clinton, but changed their mind at the most recent check in because they say they can't vote for anyone under FBI investigation. One voter had decided not to vote for anyone but is now leaning Trump after he heard the FBI had reopened the case he went Trump. "Dealbreaker. Nothing else is comparable. Nothing Trump has done is illegal. This is totally different. Criminal investigation. I trust the FBI. Don't you trust our FBI?"
Give me a break. I don't even believe their existing software can't already do that, but even if didn't, I could do it in any possible archive format in like two hours. Any document management software already does it. Any library for any language, python, ruby, etc, could do it in like 20 lines.
I'm super creeped out that the FBI might not be that different than the notoriously sketchy FBI of the past. Thumb on the scale, more like smashing the scale.
This is depressing. In this podcast they keep checking in with undecided voters over time, four in total. One voter had decided on Clinton, but changed their mind at the most recent check in because they say they can't vote for anyone under FBI investigation. One voter had decided not to vote for anyone but is now leaning Trump after he heard the FBI had reopened the case he went Trump. "Dealbreaker. Nothing else is comparable. Nothing Trump has done is illegal. This is totally different. Criminal investigation. I trust the FBI. Don't you trust our FBI?"