Guise I spaced sending in my AZ ballot and now it's too late to mail, should I still vote or is this thing locked up?
go vote
Guise I spaced sending in my AZ ballot and now it's too late to mail, should I still vote or is this thing locked up?
Guise I spaced sending in my AZ ballot and now it's too late to mail, should I still vote or is this thing locked up?
Guise I spaced sending in my AZ ballot and now it's too late to mail, should I still vote or is this thing locked up?
Guise I spaced sending in my AZ ballot and now it's too late to mail, should I still vote or is this thing locked up?
You're either a very elaborate troll or you actually support him.
I'm just kidding I can take it to city hall which I'll be doing after work
My wife and house mates all sent theirs in while I had mine in my car. +4 queen and Kirkpatrick
"Queen" is our euphemism for Jill Stein right?
Any Trump path is basically dependent on CO, NV or WI flipping.
One of those HAS to flip and none of them will.
Or Michigan.
MSNBC just said Clinton still has a shot at Georgia
How would he describe Trump's electoral map then? Both candidates need a miracle to win? How does that even work?
"Queen" is our euphemism for Jill Stein right?
Everybody's always talking bout Nate Silver and Sam Wang, but what about Drew Linzer? Doesn't he have the quantitative analytical skills to earn a place in your fantasies?I genuinely hope at some point after this election someone just throws Wang and Silver into a rooms and locks it for 12 hours
By the time the room is unlocked one or both of them will be dead
I'm just kidding I can take it to city hall which I'll be doing after work
My wife and house mates all sent theirs in while I had mine in my car. +4 queen and Kirkpatrick
If you were unable to mail back your early ballot in time, you can skip the line and turn it in at any polling location within your county. The poll workers will be able to assist and show you where to drop off your early ballot.
Kurt Eichenwald Verified account
Turkish president tells associates he will not allow US access to airbase used in war on ISIS if Trump is president.
Everybody's always talking bout Nate Silver and Sam Wang, but what about Drew Linzer?
I know this is late, but this:
is crazy to hear. I wonder whatever allies do the same if it happens.
Everybody's always talking bout Nate Silver and Sam Wang, but what about Drew Linzer? Doesn't he have the quantitative analytical skills to earn a place in your fantasies?
You're the Dave Wasserman of Michigan.
Several recent polls still have it really close.
My family in Florida said they are all voting early/absentee this year. Simply can't risk not being counted, and are concerned about potential polling place shenanigans from Trump supporters.
I could see the optics looking very pro-Trump with signs and supporters on election day because of this.
We'll set you up with a beautiful Asian comic geek for your reward.If she wins by one it was me
MSNBC just said Clinton still has a shot at Georgia
Everybody's always talking bout Nate Silver and Sam Wang, but what about Drew Linzer? Doesn't he have the quantitative analytical skills to earn a place in your fantasies?
You're either a very elaborate troll or you actually support him.
To my knowledge Drew Linzer and Nate Silver used to work closely together. I wonder what he thinks of Nate's model this cycle.
If she over performs her polls by 3+ points, she has a really good chance of taking Georgia.
And it isnt just that Hispanics are voting, it is the types of Hispanics who are voting. Here is one way to look at it: Right now, statewide, 16% of early voters are either first time Florida voters, or havent voted in any of the last three elections. Across party lines, 24% of all the Hispanic votes today come from these first-time voters. Among Hispanic Republicans, it is 14%, among Democrats, it goes up to 26%, and among Hispanic NPAs, a whopping 32% have no previous or recent voting history.
When you expand it out to voters who voted in one of the last three, which is what I define as low propensity, it goes up to 53% of Hispanic Democrats and 60% of Hispanic NPAs. That, my friends, is the definition of a surge.
Right now, Democrats hold a 117K vote advantage among all low propensity voters, in large part due to this Hispanic surge. 32% of Democratic voters so far are low propensity voters, compared to 26% of the GOP voters. But among NPA, the number rises to 48%. Thats right, 48% of NPAs who have voted so far are low propensity and 25% of those are Hispanic.
In fact, of the NPA low propensity voters, a full 42% of them are non-white. That right there is the Clinton turnout machine edge.
One last thing on these NPA voters, right now, the overall electorate is 68.6% white, but among NPAs, that number drops to 65%. In other words, NPA voters are more diverse than the electorate as a whole. That almost certainly bodes well for Clinton.
Why does it seem like all Trump supporters are fucking liars? If they aren't walking around with TRUMP tattooed across their head, they pose as Johnson supporters or disgruntled former Clinton voters.
Just own it.
Depends. I think Republicans are cannibalizing their election day vote a bit with the new VBM system, and seeing how Hispanic and black turnout has surged over the past 2 days (and should continue into the weekend), election day voting might be more non-white than the electorate at large.I could see the optics looking very pro-Trump with signs and supporters on election day because of this.
I would have no problem saying I am a Trump supporter.....if I were a Trump supporter.
I did my part, come on GA!
Regarding your first three quotes, maybe sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet.
I would still sleep fine with a President Trump, but it doesn't mean that I support him. I will vote for who I think is right - or not vote at all. I will never vote for a party, and I don't plan to vote for a party downballot tomorrow either. It is my right and my vote after all.
And since you looked at my whole posting history, your select pickings was just great to fit your narrative that I'm a Trump supporter.
We'll set you up with a beautiful Asian comic geek for your reward.![]()
Rig it hardRigging
I would have no problem saying I am a Trump supporter.....if I were a Trump supporter.
How can you sleep easy knowing what a Trump presidency would mean for minorities and women? Or do you not care, since you can sleep easy?