I think you're taking issue with the label of "Trump Supporter". You don't identify that way. Fine alright, no labels. Would you at least be willing to admit that you are a defender of Trump and his positions more often than not? And also admit that you almost never defend Hillary? I mean your posting history is there for all to see. Prove me wrong.
I think both are horrible candidates. I just think both right and left wing people are bigoted as all hell. I dislike the fact that the DNC was openly cheerleading for Clinton when they should be neutral.
Can't defend Trump on his position for climate change. I do think he is a racist, misogynist, xenophobe. I do like the fact that he would cut my taxes. I like the fact that he's an atheist. His plan for health care reform is a joke, as is his immigration plan. You ain't deporting 11 million people and building that wall is not happening. I think he is very politically incorrect and that rubs people the wrong way.
Can't defend Clinton on abortion at 9 months and I'm very pro choice. I do think she is a liar and a demagogue. I'm okay with her flip flopping on gay marriage, better late than never, I guess. I don't like her free college plan because it doesn't include everyone. Can't defend her flip flopping on TPP, keystone pipeline, and especially single payer healthcare. I think her position on immigration and path to citizenship is a major plus. As is her position on women's rights and gun control.
Does that make me a defender of Trump and not a defender of Clinton? I don't know. I don't care. Maybe because GAF is so pro Clinton, you only see me being a Trump defender, I guess?
For someone who mmerely entered the thread to ask an innocent question, you sure seem to be sticking around in defense of your Trumpism.
You're telling on yourself and you just can't seem to help it.
You guys keep engaging me, so yeah....
The issue people are taking is that you say these Trump things "sarcastically" and then, in complete earnestness, profess that you would sleep just fine under his presidency. Your supposed sarcasm is extremely disingenuous because it is indeterminable from what you actually feel.
In other words, you are not being sarcastic. You are being playful. There is a difference.
"The Donald, I love you" is not sarcastic if you do not actually condone his existence. At best, it is an exaggeration of the fact you are completely comfortable with him, which is not exactly an exonerating explanation.
We don't label you. You label yourself.
I have probably said "Jeff Rigby I love you" on the gaming side forum. I guess I have a profound love for the Jeff.
I haven't labeled myself, but I don't care what you guys label me.
The fact that I would be comfortable with Trump as president has everything to do with it being out of my control and "there is nothing I can do about it". It has nothing to do with me condoning him. The reason I never voted is because I always felt my vote doesn't really count and the electoral system is just garbage. I have felt this way since Bush won despite losing.