Smiles and Cries
Seems legit.
make one showing HRC over 300
Seems legit.
Any scenario where Trump wins is bordering on "impossible" territory right now.
He needs to flip PA, FL, or NV...and all of these are out of reach right now using a number of metrics.
Linzer is basically saying a Trump win would probably mean we'd have to throw everything we know about data out the window.
make one showing HRC over 300
i liked fang, I think it was the accent.
I always used her as my party lead whenever I could.
Maybe I am Steve Schale.
did I just blow your mind?
You are not Florida Man.
"There's no crying in baseball!" -Obama
Ha ha ha ha! Oh man, Obama is so great at this...
"There's no crying in baseball!" -Obama
Ha ha ha ha! Oh man, Obama is so great at this...
Ah yes that's it. I remember Vanille so well because her English VA was sooooooooooooo badHer name is Fang, and she was my favorite character in the game and is one of my favorite FF characters period.
I am wondering the same thing. Although if the trend of nearly 1/3 GOPers breaking for Hillary + higher Hispanic turnout by deafult holds I guess I can see why he is so confidentManmademan, you say FL is not even close and yet Steve Schale says it is. He's an expert. WHY ARE YOU SO CONFIDENT I JUST CANT KNOW
Manmademan, you say FL is not even close and yet Steve Schale says it is. He's an expert. WHY ARE YOU SO CONFIDENT I JUST CANT KNOW
What am I going to do with my time
I check this thread basically every ten seconds
And now that I discovered McDonald, Schale, and Godcohn on Twitter I check TWITTER every ten seconds and I HATE twitter
I wake up now at 2AM in a cold sweat and check my work emails and then twitter and then this thread
I'm going to get back like 18 hours a day of my life
There's no way Jared Kushner accounts of 18% of all Jews. Bad polling
Coconut Tequila Margaritas
Speaking of NM we need some polling from there... has there been anything decent lately? Anything coming?
Ariel, 26, sold 1500 of these in two hours yesterday in North Carolina, two for $5.
There's no way Jared Kushner accounts of 18% of all Jews. Bad polling
Picked the wrong week to stop sniffing gasoline.
Speaking of NM we need some polling from there... has there been anything decent lately? Anything coming?
Why would you fuck up a delicious margarita with coconut-flavored tequila? Come on, dude!
Not even fresh lime juice and a good triple sec will save that drink. That's Adam-tier, man, come on.
(The rest of the menu looks delicious!)
Picked the wrong week to stop sniffing gasoline.
Not just polls right? I remember benchmark pol uses demos that still shows Nevada/FL etc trending clintons way
The electorate continues to get more diverse. The electorate is now under 68.6% white (67 In 2012), with Black and Hispanic voters continuing to grow in share of the electorate.
First, through Wednesday, 170,000 more Hispanics had voted early (or VBM) in 2016 than voted early or by VBM in the entire 2012 cycle. And keep in mind, because Hispanic is a self-identifying marker, studies have found that the real Hispanic vote is larger than the registration. So while Hispanics might make up 14.2% of the voters who have voted so far, in reality, the number is larger.
And it isnt just that Hispanics are voting, it is the types of Hispanics who are voting. Here is one way to look at it: Right now, statewide, 16% of early voters are either first time Florida voters, or havent voted in any of the last three elections. Across party lines, 24% of all the Hispanic votes today come from these first-time voters. Among Hispanic Republicans, it is 14%, among Democrats, it goes up to 26%, and among Hispanic NPAs, a whopping 32% have no previous or recent voting history.
When you expand it out to voters who voted in one of the last three, which is what I define as low propensity, it goes up to 53% of Hispanic Democrats and 60% of Hispanic NPAs. That, my friends, is the definition of a surge.
Right now, Democrats hold a 117K vote advantage among all low propensity voters, in large part due to this Hispanic surge. 32% of Democratic voters so far are low propensity voters, compared to 26% of the GOP voters. But among NPA, the number rises to 48%. Thats right, 48% of NPAs who have voted so far are low propensity and 25% of those are Hispanic.
One last thing on these NPA voters, right now, the overall electorate is 68.6% white, but among NPAs, that number drops to 65%. In other words, NPA voters are more diverse than the electorate as a whole. That almost certainly bodes well for Clinton.
Why do I mention all this? Well, it is because so much attention is paid to the top line EV numbers: R versus D. But the more I think about it, the more I think the fact Ds have trailed later into EV than normal, the more I wonder it has more to do structurally with HRCs coalition than it does any partisan advantage. As I told a reporter, I think the R vs D number now is more of an optics problem than an electoral one.
And never fly in the continental US againDamn that's good money if you can get it
Speaking of NM we need some polling from there... has there been anything decent lately? Anything coming?
Simmer down
And never fly in the continental US again
I haven't heard anything about Iowa lately; how has early voting been going?
I wrote off Iowa a long time ago, but I do remember seeing early voting had been good for dems?
These are just the PPP polls though. I wonder how many more we'll get before Tuesday?
I appreciate what you're saying but I don't think anyone two weeks ago thought that the race would be this close, do you? How can we say for sure Comey had no effect for example? What else could it be? GOPers coming home? They were not going to vote for Trump when the Access Hollywood tape dropped. Now all of the sudden they're coming home. Something had to boost their morale. It's not Trump's way with words...
Trump on HRC's debate prep: "If you dont know the subject well enough that you have to prep for two weeks, youre the wrong person anyway.
lime and coconut never go well together.
Hey, Silver agrees.
No oppo is gonna drop now
Fuckin' done with this election, the media and some folks in the real world.
One thing I can't reconcile tho, why is the electorate 68.6% white this time around vs. 67% in 2012, even tho all of these numbers suggest higher minority voter turnout? Is that an early voting only metric and the 67% in 2012 figure applies to the entire electorate in 2012? Which implies that early voting skew more white?
I guess I just can't comprehend Trump's logic (what else is new?). I think he has a perfection complex combined with a superiority complex. He believes everyone needs to be perfect 100% of the time while also believing he himself is perfect 100% of the time.I desperately want to see Trump's math exam scores.