Who the F is coming up with this campaign schedule?
Seriously. I don't have a sign for Hillary outside of my home and neither do any of my friends. But we have phone banked like crazy for her. We'll talk to people about her if the issue pops up but apart from that we keep our political preference to ourselves. Hell when everyone and their mother had an Obama sign in my neighborhood in 2008 I still didn't put one out and I was 100% for him after the Primary. People are free to do whatever they like on their property but its just not my thing.
Less regular voters are steadily representing a larger and larger share of N.C. early voters
The only person who has ever taken a yard sign from me is my 90 year old neighbor. Because she wanted it for herself. So, she just grabbed it, knocked on my door and said "I want this."It seems like the attraction of yard signs has an inverse relationship with general intelligence in a swing state. No matter who you're for, I'd wager you've increased the likelihood of targeted vandalism several times over by putting up a yard sign.
Tremendous strategywhy is trump going to nevada the day after early voting is over
Franklin and Cuyahoga counties (strong Democrats) are up in early voting I believe. And the initiative this weekend with the Jay Z/Bey concert and LeBron's thing on Sunday might encourage more Democrats to vote.
Today's events
Do I smell a little hopium in here?
Do I smell a little hopium in here?
Right? He'll need to win the election day vote by like 20% to even squeak by (Clinton has a good chance to win it), and that margin is not going to come from Reno.why is trump going to nevada the day after early voting is over
nc, nv, nh, and fl are on lock
Hillary Clinton is only appearing at 1 event tomorrow? I guess she really does lack stamina.
Early voting in FL has been very encouragingWhat makes you think the FL is on lock?
still going with a 7 point win:
50 hrc
43 djt
5 gaj
1 jws
1 other
What makes you think the FL is on lock?
Why pay people for months when you can pay them for 3 days and still perform the sameAccording to Politico (I know, but it's a GOP operative), Trump hired some ground people in Florida today. TODAY. 3 days before the election.
According to Politico (I know, but it's a GOP operative), Trump hired some ground people in Florida today. TODAY. 3 days before the election.
Why pay people for months when you can pay them for 3 days and still perform the same!
clinton's been leading in more than 50% of the polls there within the last week, and early voting data's been a strong indicator of a dem win.
According to Politico (I know, but it's a GOP operative), Trump hired some ground people in Florida today. TODAY. 3 days before the election.
he thought GOTV stood for gregarious orwellian television
no wonder he thought he was winning big league
Bad. Lil' Marco is probably going to hold his seat.How do you rate Murphy's chances?
Grand Old Television.
How do you rate Murphy's chances?
Colt fell asleep instantly, and I'm still awake.I thought you were going to sleep. Why are you still up reading that trash.
Could very well be a major factor. Bad polling of Hispanics in key states giving the appearance that this race was close. It's the reason I think FL polling is going to be off by a bit.Is it fair to say polling may be off due to all the new hispanic voters that didn't exist in 2008/2012 models?
That grocery store where they said 1000 people were in line? It was 1900.
According to Politico (I know, but it's a GOP operative), Trump hired some ground people in Florida today. TODAY. 3 days before the election.
The only person who has ever taken a yard sign from me is my 90 year old neighbor. Because she wanted it for herself. So, she just grabbed it, knocked on my door and said "I want this."
How do you rate Murphy's chances?
This is a silly thing to do three days before a GE, but keep in mind that RPOF and RNC have always had a crew running Trump's GOTV operation here. Obviously, they're not built to handle the job all by themselves, but they're competent from what I hear, and they've been on the ground since at least September.
It won't save him, but from what i've heard it was meant to provide a buffer for the down-ballot and provide coat-tails for Trump as a spill-over effect.
Bad. Lil' Marco is probably going to hold his seat.