Voysa Reezun
Again, I think it's a little much to dogpile on Nate when he's giving sound reasoning at a macro level. Litigating some of the details is definitely warranted. But his notion of using a model that correlates the states and takes into account National Polls has not been entirely disputed yet, scientifically.
Wang's notion of a state independent meta-margin is also a defensible path to this whole thing. Our sample size is so small and overall polling is very easy to "call" and defend your method as the correct one.
The problem is that Nate needs to stop being thin-skinned and continue to help educate the public on his model's successes and failings. I bet it must be super frustrating for non-math people to misconstrue you, but that's how math and science works. That's the field he's in.
I'm fine with focusing on national polls as well as state polls, but I just wish that I understood more about stuff like polls-plus, how different elements like the economy or the sitting president's popularity are weighted and why, why he didn't build his model to consider early voting numbers, and whether or not he would make that change and why, etc.
I feel like he did lay out his argument for endorsements being weighted into the primary numbers, but when that whole model blew up, Bronze sort of stopped explaining what he's actually doing over there.
I've only taken Stats 101, so I am not a statistician by any means, and I don't mind learning! But Bronze throwing hissy-fits online and accusing other people of ignoring data-based evidence is absurd and puts me right off of this dude.
Plus, 538's podcast is a dumpster fire of shitty analysis and stupid jokes. That podcast has done more to cool me off of Nate's work than anything else he's done. If you think the shitty punditry on his Twitter feed is bad, just listen to him hash out the race with Clare Malone and Jody Avirgan. Sweet fuck, they care about narratives as much as a dunce like Mark Halperin does, except that I expect better from 538.