I understand that early voting looks really good, but I read an article (by Nate or one of the other people at 538) that early voting is not usually a very good an indicator of final results. Polling tends to be more a lot more accurate. One of the examples he used showed a 10% or maybe even 20% percent swing from early voting versus the actual final result.
This explains everything.@FridaGhitis
Político writer tells MSNBC that Trump has stopped polling - because he refuses to pay his pollster. May explain campaigning in odd places.
Ok so, are there *any* Massachusetts early voting numbers out yet? I mean, I get that we aren't a swing state, but you'd think that there would be SOMETHING by now...right?
Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have had terrible track records in recent midterms even though they're all fairly secure at the presidential level.
Notice that Wolf won decisively in PA in a terrible year for Democrats and suddenly most of the concern about PA is gone. You have to go back six years to find a bad result there.
It's all coming down gloriouslyThis explains everything.
Very likely.
In addition, for some context, Obama made 3 stops in WI in the last 5 days of his 2012 campaign despite that it had gone D since 1988. Sometimes campaigns have motives and aren't just freaking out.
Good Lord, I'm about to put someone on ignore for the first time.
Michigan doesn't have early voting!!
NE-2 flipped blue in 2014 iircMichigan also elected Gary Peters (who is fine, but not like...a sensation or anything lol. He's super boring) in 2014 midterm, and while it was technically a Dem hold he was the only non-incumbent Dem elected to the senate that year. I don't even think offhand there were any non-incumbent Dem winners in the house either, though I'm not 100% on that.
Genius.This explains everything.
This explains everything.
I swear some of you intentionally TRY to find things to worry about
This explains everything.
Ohio this weekend:
I don't want to be under a shroud of self-imposed delusion like the Republicans in 2012. Early voting sounds good so far, but I'm worried by the independent and no-party affiliation percentages. I have no idea what way those people are going to break because my own observations lead me to believe that a lot of them are just Republicans that don't want the baggage associated with the Republican label. Yeah, it's anecdotal, but it's part of the reason I can't rest easy until this over.
We have absentee where you can walk into a city clerk office and fill your ballot out on the spot. You need an excuse to get an absentee ballot, but saying you won't be able to get to your polling place on Tuesday is one of those excuses. I voted that way 2 weeks ago and my clerk's office was packed with people doing the same. The votes don't get counted until Election Day though.
Also absentee voting by mail.
I don't want to be under a shroud of self-imposed delusion like the Republicans in 2012. Early voting sounds good so far, but I'm worried by the independent and no-party affiliation percentages. I have no idea what way those people are going to break because my own observations lead me to believe that a lot of them are just Republicans that don't want the baggage associated with the Republican label. Yeah, it's anecdotal, but it's part of the reason I can't rest easy until this over.
My gut is telling me that Clinton wins but won't be a landslide. With all the shit 538 is getting, it will probably be the poll that's looked back on as being the most accurate. With that said, I can't even look at it anymore.
My gut is telling me that Clinton wins but won't be a landslide. With all the shit 538 is getting, it will probably be the poll that's looked back on as being the most accurate. With that said, I can't even look at it anymore.
My gut is telling me that Clinton wins but won't be a landslide. With all the shit 538 is getting, it will probably be the poll that's looked back on as being the most accurate. With that said, I can't even look at it anymore.
Jeez the last few pages. Does GAF have a Suicide Watch?
Republicans are older and wealthier, so they have more time to vote on election day iircI know Dems generally seem to do better than Reps in early votes, but does that necessarily mean Republicans always do better on election day?
My gut is telling me that Clinton wins but won't be a landslide. With all the shit 538 is getting, it will probably be the poll that's looked back on as being the most accurate. With that said, I can't even look at it anymore.
The sad thing about it is that Trump essentially has no ground game or surrogates, and still has high possibility of winning the state regardless of the all-star lineup Clinton has.
talking about race or racism as if it exists at ALL makes white americans extremely uncomfortable, and they will go out of their way to use tortured logic to avoid saying "oh yeah, those are racists."
"economic anxiety" is false, but its a fiction everyone wants to believe so they keep using it.
it's why the media always refers to the "working class" when they mean "uneducated white people who are probably racist."
@jbouie's been teeing off on this crap coming from the far left for months.
Sanders is absolutely wrong about this, it is precisely what made him a bad candidate in the first place. People are flocking to trump on the basis of lies and a promise of a singular white America where foreign cultures are no longer acceptable.
None of his proposals make any economic sense and to make things worse, it would require decimating most federal environmental regulations.
I wish Sanders would know better. These people that trump attracts are not representative of what America is. They are more representative of Russia than the USA.
I mean this was Sanders' mo during the campaign, and probably my most fundamental disagreement with him.
You can't go around claiming you're the hero of minorities and #blm and such because you marched with King but then argue that winning white support is what's important and the only reason they aren't Democrats is that they're pissed about the economy.
Is 538 something I shouldn't be looking at anymore? Goodness have her chances dropped...... And the Senate, too. Is this real life? I was so optimistic after the Nevada supermarket stuff, and now it looks blah.....
So, Trump is going to Minnesota. Stupid, right?
Jake Tapper
Trump today says an internal poll shows him doing “phenomenally” in MN; Dem Senator @alfranken will join me live on @CNNSotu to discuss --
Trump no longer has internal polling. So, why would he say this?
Because of this.
MN high schools had a mock election. Trump won it. It was covered on Fox News.
So, he's running his campaign based off of mock elections covered by Fox News. Because, why not!
It's fine to look at 538 but don't use it as your only source. Other prediction models have Hillary at a pretty healthy lead. Look at everything and then make your own decision from there.Is 538 something I shouldn't be looking at anymore? Goodness have her chances dropped...... And the Senate, too. Is this real life? I was so optimistic after the Nevada supermarket stuff, and now it looks blah.....
Oh my fucking god.
He realizes fucking Mondale even won Minnesota right?
So, Trump is going to Minnesota. Stupid, right?
Jake Tapper
Trump today says an internal poll shows him doing phenomenally in MN; Dem Senator @alfranken will join me live on @CNNSotu to discuss --
Trump no longer has internal polling. So, why would he say this?
Because of this.
MN high schools had a mock election. Trump won it. It was covered on Fox News.
So, he's running his campaign based off of mock elections covered by Fox News. Because, why not!
So, Trump is going to Minnesota. Stupid, right?
Jake Tapper
Trump today says an internal poll shows him doing phenomenally in MN; Dem Senator @alfranken will join me live on @CNNSotu to discuss --
Trump no longer has internal polling. So, why would he say this?
Because of this.
MN high schools had a mock election. Trump won it. It was covered on Fox News.
So, he's running his campaign based off of mock elections covered by Fox News. Because, why not!
Trump no longer has internal polling. So, why would he say this?
Ohio this weekend:
Republicans are older and wealthier, so they have more time to vote on election day iirc
I mean, someone like Pence or Conway - who is a POLLSTER - would put a stop to hypothetical stupidity like that right?