Poor Iowa. I guess it's gone forever.
Poor Iowa. I guess it's gone forever.
Poor Iowa. I guess it's gone forever.
Trump: "If a company wants to fire their worker... we will make them pay a tax of 35 percent."
Alex Jones just said on his live show that the polls are all skewing Hillary 9-50 points higher than she actually is.
How is she even running right now?!
Oh darn my bad.You're posting stuff that's days old.
Poor Iowa. I guess it's gone forever.
Gonna need a source on this
I believe you but gotta see them sweet receipts
I don't really understand why they went for Obama at all.
My friend I have been gaming with for years is from there. He is one of those Bernie to Trump people. Infuriating.Iowa has the only millennials in America basically where they support Trump over Hillary (discounting Utah where all Utah millennials are for McMuffin). It's going to get worse there.
Probably gone forever.
Man what happened to David Shuster...
Ya, but that's killing all the birds.Wind energy?
does Alex Jones have a wife? and if the answer is yes, is she also deaf, blind, and imaginary.
35 percent of what? And under what conditions would employers have to pay when they fire someone?
Regardless of the details, any policy that makes it harder to fire people will also cause employers to be more cautious when hiring people, and push investors to be more conservative with trying to expand since the costs of failure would be higher. Letting them fire people at will isn't great either, but there is a balance to be struck here and I severely doubt Trump's ability to find a good one.
Iowa Starting Line
Insane Iowa poll numbers
2008 voters under 35: 33% ID as Dem, 26% GOP
Today under 35: 25% Dem, 32% GOP
Man what happened to David Shuster...
So a bonus of this election will be to increase the irrelevancy of Iowa and New Hampshire.
Trade off. More Ralston less Selzer.
does Alex Jones have a wife? and if the answer is yes, is she also deaf, blind, and imaginary.
Trump on polling places being kept open: "Folks, it's a rigged system!"
Same with Colorado according to recent polls. I have no idea but my guess is that misinformation and blaming problems on everyone but themselves is resonating.Why is NH so weird anyway? It seems like it should be part of the blue wall.
Trump on polling places being kept open: "Folks, it's a rigged system!"
Random fact, Rush Limbaugh's wife is actually blind.
I don't really understand why they went for Obama at all.
Fuck off every state that goes red on Tuesday.fuck off iowa
Random fact, Rush Limbaugh's wife is actually blind.
Random fact, Rush Limbaugh's wife is actually blind.
Yup. The liberal kids are getting the fuck out of dodge.
Yup. The liberal kids are getting the fuck out of dodge.
Fuck off every state that goes red on Tuesday.
I will not forget.
Des Moines Register ‏@DMRegister 3m3 minutes ago
New #IowaPoll: Trump grows lead over Clinton here, 46-39
I'm really curious why we haven't gotten a good Maggie Haberman or Costa piece from inside the Trump Camp lately? Where is the good gossip from Trump Tower of chaos or turmoil?
They just feel relatively calm or at least leak-free with such little time left.
From a technical and thematic perspective it's a well made ad. It's also packed with anti-Semitic dog whistles and anti-Semitic tropes. I'm not even sure whether it makes sense to call them dog whistles. The four readily identifiable American bad guys in the ad are Hillary Clinton, George Soros (Jewish financier), Janet Yellin (Jewish Fed Chair) and Lloyd Blankfein (Jewish Goldman Sachs CEO).
The Trump narration immediately preceding Soros and Yellin: "The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who control the levers of power in Washington [start Soros] and for the global [start Yellin] special interests [stop Yellin]. They partner with these people [start Clinton] who don't have your good in mind."
For Blankfein: "It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the [start Blankein] pockets of a handful of large corporations [stop Blankfein] and political entities."
Here's the "certain people" video: https://youtu.be/npbfWWP5HCs