I started a discussion a few months back on here about how democrats need to start reaching rural whites more with their message. Iowa and the shrinking leads in the Midwest is showing why.
Not to me. Iowa's super white. I don't know why it wouldn't be a huge issue for Clinton.
Not going to help him. He's catering to people that were going to vote for him. At least Jay Z is trying to get the black votes up and out.Ted Nugent is joining Trump at a rally on Sunday. Hold onto your butts.
Make a bet on how long before he goes full bore racist.
I see people with armor on at the Trump rally! Was somebody killed?
Holly Bailey ‏@hollybdc 3m3 minutes ago
Traveling press is now being rushed to motorcade
Actually, if that argument requires that we accept diet racism, sexism and homophobia in order to make some rural whites happy...then no. If they want to vote for a literal Nazi, then I don't need to have a conversation with them.I started a discussion a few months back on here about how democrats need to start reaching rural whites more with their message. Iowa and the shrinking leads in the Midwest is showing why.
I started a discussion a few months back on here about how democrats need to start reaching rural whites more with their message. Iowa and the shrinking leads in the Midwest is showing why.
They have the economic policies to do it. The poor and lower middle-class just get reamed by the GOP in comparison to the rich when it comes to taxes. The democrats just can't package the message well enough to reach that group. Romney's 47% comment crushed him, but he made the comment himself .
I started a discussion a few months back on here about how democrats need to start reaching rural whites more with their message. Iowa and the shrinking leads in the Midwest is showing why.
It wasn't a big issue for Obama. I don't really understand why it's gone to far toward Trump, but that's the direction it's been trending since Obama was elected. Makes me sad. (It's my home state.)
Stream saying it could've been a firearm, unconfirmed
Ted Nugent is joining Trump at a rally on Sunday. Hold onto your butts.
Make a bet on how long before he goes full bore racist.
What are early polling? Are they just exit polls and demographic data? Or are they actually tallying up votes being sent in early??
Actually, if that argument requires that we accept diet racism, sexism and homophobia in order to make some rural whites happy...then no. If they want to vote for a literal Nazi, then I don't need to have a conversation with them.
Honestly, I say fuck 'em. I mean, craft policy to help them, but rural whites are irrelevant to the new Democratic coalition.
It's better and easier to energize Latinos and Latinas, keep African-American participation high, and appeal to urbanites and educated women.
If Iowa and Michigan and Ohio want to go red, that's fine. They're bleeding population and will end up losing EVs to newly blue Arizona, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, and to established blue states such as Washington, California, Minnesota, and New York after the next census anyway.
I'm tired of my party trying to appeal to rural white folks. Those people don't want to be in a party with my black ass anyway. Do something for me and women and gay and transgender folks, and do something for people who live in urban centers instead.
"Media could not be played"
I can't figure it out myself entirely. I get that it's incredibly white and uneducated but I don't understand the incredible disdain for Hillary. Maybe because of the how uneducated we are, the majority are more easily duped into believing all of this Hillary nonsense? I can't believe how many of my friends are full-Trump supporters. Like, they hate Hillary irrationally. I'm a millennial and so are most all of them. Even if Obama broke them how did we vote for him twice?
It makes no sense.
Is it misogyny that is our problem over being racist? I think about this often.
There is going to be so much violence if he wins. Like, for years.Trump is praising his supporters beating up a protester.
Uhh, I think we need some more info on this to see if this person was a threat at all.
This is a bad strategy for anything but winning Presidential elections and getting gridlock. You can't win Congress with urban votes.
You can if you can re-draw the maps!
NH and ME are just as lily white but they vote Democratic more often than not. Im surprised Obama did as well with non-college in IA/midwest and bombed with them elsewhere.
IA should vote like the South but Democrats have except for 04 and maybe now 16 won it.
I started a discussion a few months back on here about how democrats need to start reaching rural whites more with their message. Iowa and the shrinking leads in the Midwest is showing why.
You can't redraw the maps without winning state legislatures in those states. And those legislatures can't be won with just urban votes either.
Reports are someone pulled a gun. Unclear if it was against Trump or not.
Either way, this shit needs to be under control for the next 3 days (and beyond). The last thing we need is violence to come out against him.
The agents could audibly by heard saying "gun gun"
Yup. Pandering to these assholes is not the way to go. Fuck them. The country is changing and they are just going to have to fucking deal with it.The problem with this is that the Democrats' message is ALREADY tailored to rural whites.
--Expanded government programs and safety nets.
--Lower middle class taxes.
--Traditionally not as pro-trade as Republicans.
--Pro infrastructure spending.
If we were to compare the two, the Democrats have the far friendlier platform in regards to appealing to what the rural white vote CLAIMS to want.
Where Republicans have them beat? Dog-whistle racism.
The "rural white vote" as a block want all the things that the Democrats want to offer...minus inclusion for minorities. Until that changes, nothing the Democrats ever do win that vote. Not without ejecting minorities/women.
All white crowd right?
What's that got to do with it?
Trump complains about HRC doing event with Jay Z because lyrics. Trump will appear tomw in MI with Ted Nugent. I am dead now.
The problem with this is that the Democrats' message is ALREADY tailored to rural whites.
--Expanded government programs and safety nets.
--Lower middle class taxes.
--Traditionally not as pro-trade as Republicans.
--Pro infrastructure spending.
If we were to compare the two, the Democrats have the far friendlier platform in regards to appealing to what the rural white vote CLAIMS to want.
Where Republicans have them beat? Dog-whistle racism.
The "rural white vote" as a block want all the things that the Democrats want to offer...minus inclusion for minorities. Until that changes, nothing the Democrats ever do win that vote. Not without ejecting minorities/women.
Would someone like Biden lose Iowa? I doubt it.Obama won Iowa twice by good margins, but now all of sudden Iowa is full of irredeemable white nationalist deplorables and Dems should give up on the state. Fickle bunch here.
Oh facebook
Ridiculous. School lunches were never edible.
Yup. Rural areas, to put it in their terms are "takers" when it comes to tax redistribution. Government is what keeps half these areas alive. There's nothing the Democrats can do to gain their votes until they deal with their racism.
Would someone like Biden lose Iowa? I doubt it.
Obama won Iowa twice by good margins, but now all of sudden Iowa is full of irredeemable white nationalist deplorables and Dems should give up on the state. Fickle bunch here.