Meanwhile, in Texas.
Dave Wasserman
TX: Hidalgo, largest Hispanic county in state, has already cast more votes than in all of '12 - and we haven't even reached Election Day.
Dave WassermanVerified account
TX: Hidalgo, largest Hispanic county in state, has already cast more votes than in all of '12 - and we haven't even reached Election Day.
Why even bother worrying about this BEFORE the election? I'll think about it if Clinton somehow wins by 1 or 2 EC votes.
One of the electors sounds like he's protesting the electoral college and wouldn't do anything if it's close. The other guy says he will ensure Trump wins if it's 270-268.
But that won't happen because that map won't happen....This happens, -2 EVs, no one hits 270, sent to the house, they elect Trump.
Game over, man.
This happens, -2 EVs, no one hits 270, sent to the house, they elect Trump.
Game over, man.
I'm still going to be mildly upset if Wi-Fi gets 2 electoral votes even if Hillary ends up with around 320 EVs.
Bernie will make these electors find Jesus.
There is no way they let that happen. You guys bein crazy.
One of the electors sounds like he's protesting the electoral college and wouldn't do anything if it's close. The other guy says he will ensure Trump wins if it's 270-268.
I honestly believe there is gonna be even more scandals revealed in the months after the election. I'm convinced by the end of 2017, Trump will end up having to escape from the spotlight.I really wish there was one final massive oppo drop on Donald.
Probably not going to affect the election at this point, but still... just for giggles.
What an obnoxious ass.One of the electors sounds like he's protesting the electoral college and wouldn't do anything if it's close. The other guy says he will ensure Trump wins if it's 270-268.
Reading the articles, one of them sounds like they could be talked down, the other guy is a crazed radical...
One of the electors sounds like he's protesting the electoral college and wouldn't do anything if it's close. The other guy says he will ensure Trump wins if it's 270-268.
This happens, -2 EVs, no one hits 270, sent to the house, they elect Trump.
Game over, man.
Busters need to learn pragmatism. !!!Washington state Dems are fucked up. We have a second Buster who says he may not vote for Hillary.
Someone get Bernie to yell at these fuckers.
I can only imagine how much pressure that would be put on the guy (and anyone else) if he does that in that situation.
I mean, god, he'd basically have a bullseye on his back.
Seems like attention seekers. Have to imagine they'll cave under the pressure of the voters.
Meanwhile, in Texas.
Dave Wasserman
TX: Hidalgo, largest Hispanic county in state, has already cast more votes than in all of '12 - and we haven't even reached Election Day.
If we can't outright ditch the electoral college, we need some sort of reform to bind the electors ASAP. I feel like with the general falling apart of things this election, pettiness, conspiracies, and ...I dunno, nothing-matters-anymore-ness of it all, we're going to see more and more of this in the future. I mean we're seeing people volunteer to be put up as electors, wait until the last minute, and then bust out "LOL PSYCH I HOPE I GET TO FUCK YOU ALL OVER."
I feel like in the future we could see this from 10, 15, 50 electors. It COULD theoretically render an entire election meaningless. What the hell is happening.
Are state electors locked in? Washington Dems can't just replace those two guys?
Trump fans have managed to put together the least biting anti-Hillary meme of her life.
Literally the only thing there that has any effect of how someone should view Hillary is "Sniper Fire"...
Trump's schedule tomorrow is, literally, crazy. He shouldn't go to Iowa. He shouldn't go to Minnesota. He shouldn't go to Leesburg.
I am having a hard time understanding the other dates on the schedule. Why should he be in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Virginia? Aren't those all pretty solid Clinton states, at this point?
Some states do have laws against faithless electors and if someone pulls that shit this time expect more to be passed.
Literally the only thing there that has any effect of how someone should view Hillary is "Sniper Fire"... They don't have her Iraq War vote or questionable things she has actually done, just Vince Foster and Whitewater, lol.
I am having a hard time understanding the other dates on the schedule. Why should he be in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Virginia? Aren't those all pretty solid Clinton states, at this point?
Washington State needs to fix this somehow, I don't want any faithless elector marring the final tally.
If we can't outright ditch the electoral college, we need some sort of reform to bind the electors ASAP. I feel like with the general falling apart of things this election, pettiness, conspiracies, and ...I dunno, nothing-matters-anymore-ness of it all, we're going to see more and more of this in the future. I mean we're seeing people volunteer to be put up as electors, wait until the last minute, and then bust out "LOL PSYCH I HOPE I GET TO FUCK YOU ALL OVER."
I feel like in the future we could see this from 10, 15, 50 electors. It COULD theoretically render an entire election meaningless. What the hell is happening.
Laws that can't stop them from voting as they please and may not even be able to fine them after the courts have their say.
In Florida, at least 200,000 more Hispanics had voted early as of Friday than did during the entire early voting period four years ago, according to an analysis by Steve Schale, a Democratic strategist who helped run President Obama’s two campaigns here.
The turnout has been particularly explosive in South Florida and Central Florida, where thousands from Puerto Rico and other regions of Latin America have migrated in recent years. And 24 percent of the Hispanics casting early ballots were first-time voters, the analysis showed.
“It’s the demographics that are bailing her out,” Mr. Schale said.
In Orlando, voters waited up to 90 minutes on Saturday at one early voting location at a library, some spending the time taking pictures of one another in front of candidates’ signs. Parking lots for a quarter-mile surrounding the area were packed.
Mrs. Clinton clearly carried the day there. Jon-Carlos Perez, 30, an independent voter and a concrete laborer originally from Puerto Rico, said he cast his vote for Mrs. Clinton in part because “she’s not an idiot like Trump.”
Alyssa Perez, 23, a doctoral student at the University of Central Florida who voted at another busy location in Orlando, said she considered Mr. Trump to be “anti-women, anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim” and said, “I don’t want to live in a country where there is a president who has those kinds of views.”
Canvassing on Saturday morning in North Miami, Mary Kay Henry, the president of the Service Employees International Union, and a handful of local members focused on households, many of them Haitian or Hispanic, with an infrequent voting history. But nearly every resident who answered their door assured her they had already voted.
“The word is out,” said Ms. Henry, as roosters scooted between yards.
But it was not just Florida where Hispanics were poised to send a powerful message. In Nevada, which has the fastest-growing Latino population in the West, Democrats appeared to have built a fearsome advantage in Las Vegas’s Clark County at the end of early voting Friday, largely because of a surge of votes from Mexican-Americans. The early voting period was extended until 10 p.m. at one Hispanic grocery store in Las Vegas, where the images of hundreds of voters waiting in line ricocheted across the internet. (On Saturday, Mr. Trump claimed, without any evidence, that the hours had been extended so Democrats could be bused in.)
There's no way to fix it.
Washington has 1k fine
He has to win Michigan or Penn to win the election so he should campaign there probably.
(He's not going to win the election).
Either electors can be faithless or they're not necessary. Doesn't really make sense to make faithless elector laws if you could easily just get rid of them instead.