No shit. He's down 8-10 thereBeautiful.
Unaffiliated is a popular thing in NC because it's the only way you can vote in a different primary if you choose. Most people I know here are unaffiliated as am I.
Mark Murray ‏@mmurraypolitics 45s46 seconds ago
Final national NBC/WSJ poll of '16 race
Clinton 44
Trump 40
Johnson 6
Stein 2
Clinton 48
Trump 43
Nov 3-5, MOE +/- 2.7
My first reaction was there's no way Johnson is at 6Johnson at 6 and Stain at 2? No way
haha it is the high school poll isn't it
They could be going up to the Duluth area to get on the media market in the upper michigan peninsula. Don't know how the teevee works in that part of the country.
Does that mean you get the GOP crazy direct mail? The Democratic ones are just awful wastes of trees.
Good result. This is a +5 race.
Isn't this higher than Obama's lead at this point in 2012?
Isn't this higher than Obama's lead at this point in 2012?
@ElectProject 14m14 minutes ago
NC #earlyvote indicates Trump lead. Sizable increase in unaffiliated early voters wildcard
If Stein gets 2% nationally I will give away a copy of Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 for PS3.
If you want to hear something horrible, Jay Z said the N word the other night at a concert put on by Hillary Clinton, and she said she enjoyed the concert.Ted Nugent is going to say something fucking horrifying tonight and I can't wait for Trump to say "GOTTA LOVE TED NUGENT. AIN'T NO ONE LIKE EM."
There we have it from data guy himself.
Dems are underperforming, partly due to the voting restrictions put in place.
He's making the call based purely on party registration. I don't understand why you are freaking out about this.
He's looking at what's known. What's unknown is NPA vote. I would think that will favor Dems.There we have it from data guy himself.
Dems are underperforming, partly due to the voting restrictions put in place.
Johnson at 6 and Stain at 2? No way
He's making the call based purely on party registration. I don't understand why you are freaking out about this.
Mark Murray ‏@mmurraypolitics 4m4 minutes ago
More inside crosstabs:
Men: T 47, HRC 42
Seniors: T 49, HRC 42
Whites: T 53, HRC 38
College whites: HRC 51, T 41
Non-college: T 60, HRC 30
Because Obama had a lead in NC EV in 2012?
Of course they wouldn't.Very unlikely event:
let's say that Hilary won the popular vote by a significant margin (say +5), but was tied on EV though some shit luck (I know, extremely unlikely, but w/e).
Would the republicans hand the vote to Hillary out of respect for the popular vote?
I would imagine one more tonight and tomorrowAlso is that the final ABC/WaPo tracker or is there one tomorrow?
It's all about GOTV now, guess who has the advantage.
Because Obama had a lead in NC EV in 2012?
Vote with a Friend (for safety)
Posted November 6th, 2016 @ 7:58am in #Trump #Clinton
The odds of mischief and violence on election day this year are alarmingly high. For your safety, I recommend that you don’t wear any Trump-related hats or clothing. That’s just asking for trouble.
You might also want to meet a friend or family member near your voting place so you can vote together, just to feel safer. To make it easy to meet up with a friend, I recommend using my start-up’s new app: WhenHub. (It’s free.)
WhenHub is like the Uber app but without an Uber car. Any two or more people can temporarily geostream their locations to a map on the app to make it easier to find each other on the way to a meeting. It works for any combination of iPhone and Android users.
Here are the links to download the free app:(hit the god damn app store you lazy bum, i aint urling that)
The WhenHub app is a tiny part of what is coming soon from WhenHub. I’ll tell you later how it is part of a larger cloud platform. The larger part is still in beta.
The WhenHub app’s advantages over its competition in this space will grow as we integrate it with the larger platform later. But for now it’s a perfect standalone app for geostreaming your location on the way to a meeting point with family, friends, or co-workers. I use it several times a day and can’t imagine a world without it. It saves all of the “Where are you?” texting when one of you is driving.
I hope you like it. And stay safe on Tuesday.
David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe 18h18 hours ago
Four years ago. 332 electoral votes. HRC well north of 300 in two days.
Kellyanne Conway knows she's losing. She could not be more whiny on CNN
Kellyanne Conway knows she's losing. She could not be more whiny on CNN
FUCKGingrich is his normal full of shit self on MTP.,