It really pisses me off that the only reason this is even close is because of Bernie's shitty primary and Comey.
Had Bernie been less of an asshole the party would have been more united and Trump wouldn't have opened that window that Bernie first cracked opened with white male voters.
Eh...I dunno.
The people that are still hardcore, off the wall berniebros crying about the DNC stealing elections and whatnot are ultra-unlikely voters and stealth libertarians that never would have shown up in the general regardless. Many of them didn't even bother voting in the primary- they just enjoy showing up to rallies and airing grievances.
Lots of sound and noise, but no actual impact on election day.
Clinton's actual coalition is a lot wider than Obama's in 2012. There is a dramatically higher increase in minority participation from blacks and latinos, and college educated whites of both genders are leaning D by 10 points.
There is no way this is a 4 point election or even close to it- Obama v. Romney was 3.7.
I put this margin close to 2008 numbers once the final vote is actually tallied.