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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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This is not going to change the final outcome of the race. It's just not. The emails are baked in. Even in polls where Hillary is leading bigly, something like 67% of people say the email thing is bad and reflects negatively on her. This isn't going to change that.

Trump is the worst messenger for this. He's been screaming this for weeks and weeks. I can think of no one Hillary lost with this story. The whole email/wikileaks thing has been baked in for months. The public is 100% over this election, and they are 100% over Hillary's emails.

At the end of the day, Trump still has a demographic problem. He still has a GOTV problem. This isn't going to fix any of that.


Don't label this as freaking out, but I do believe it will motivate Trump, Republican voters more so the election will possibly be a bit closer than it should be unfortunately.

Sucks that people equate emails to the immorality of Trump. And shame on the media. $$$$ trump's human lives on the line, including their own with the threat Trump has on freedom of the press. Idiots.

If I'm wrong, great!!


CNN is treating this like it's campaign ending.

Am I missing something?! Are they seeing between lines no human eye can see?

I guess Clinton's the new CNN punching bag. Keep that horse race alive.

I think they are trying to prove to the Trump people they are in fact not biased and will cover this liek they would anything regarding Trump. Seriously. I have heard 4 different anchors say the exact same words to open things up, October bombshell. This is intentional.

In the end it's like I said though. There is no real bias. Whatever gets them the viewers. People want this news right now. Well not us, but you know, other people that would cry tears of joy at the sight of Hillary in chains because emails.


i tuned in and saw a roundtable with corey lewandowski and immediately shut it off. fuck this i'm gonna spend the weekend thinking about baseball. i'm out until monday.

His smug giddiness during that panel was mind-bending. He looked like a kid on Christmas day.

I think they are trying to prove to the Trump people they are in fact not biased and will cover this liek they would anything regarding Trump. Seriously. I have heard 4 different anchors say the exact same words to open things up, October bombshell. This is intentional.

In the end it's like I said though. There is no real bias. Whatever gets them the viewers. People want this news right now. Well not us, but you know, other people that would cry tears of joy at the sight of Hillary in chains because emails.


Plus it gives us confident Trump. And confident Trump will be insane, especially with many, many appearances in the next few days.


Um tons of people watch CNN like people who aren't politically savvy.

This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Nobody is watching CNN on a friday night on Halloween weekend. Cubs and Indians are playing. You'll see the ramifications of this on Sunday or even Monday if the story doesn't lose it's luster.


Don't label this as freaking out, but I do believe it will motivate Trump, Republican voters more so the election will possibly be a bit closer than it should be unfortunately.

Sucks that people equate emails to the immorality of Trump. And shame on the media. $$$$ trump's human lives on the line, including their own with the threat Trump has on freedom of the press. Idiots.

If I'm wrong, great!!
You are not making sense.

This is not going to change the final outcome of the race. It's just not. The emails are baked in. Even in polls where Hillary is leading bigly, something like 67% of people say the email thing is bad and reflects negatively on her. This isn't going to change that.

Trump is the worst messenger for this. He's been screaming this for weeks and weeks. I can think of no one Hillary lost with this story. The whole email/wikileaks thing has been baked in for months. The public is 100% over this election, and they are 100% over Hillary's emails.

At the end of the day, Trump still has a demographic problem. He still has a GOTV problem. This isn't going to fix any of that.
Yep pretty much 18 million votes already


You are not making sense.
I never was great at analysis admittedly, this is why I am mainly a spectator lol.

Although I do like to think the observation the media sucks makes sense.

I personally am not freaking out at all. Whatever happens will happen. I am merely offering my point of view. Flawed as it may be.
Why do people here even watch CNN.

Dunno. I'm glad I don't have cable. Every time I go to my in laws and they have Fox or CNN or whatever other news channel on, I can't stand it. It's awful and embarrassing to watch.
Maybe it's because I've gotten used to reading the news.


This is not going to change the final outcome of the race. It's just not. The emails are baked in. Even in polls where Hillary is leading bigly, something like 67% of people say the email thing is bad and reflects negatively on her. This isn't going to change that.

Trump is the worst messenger for this. He's been screaming this for weeks and weeks. I can think of no one Hillary lost with this story. The whole email/wikileaks thing has been baked in for months. The public is 100% over this election, and they are 100% over Hillary's emails.

At the end of the day, Trump still has a demographic problem. He still has a GOTV problem. This isn't going to fix any of that.
I don't know. Best case I think this is 50/50 Senate and Hillary wins. That we have no idea when we will know more and what it is terrifies me.

Nobody is watching CNN on a friday night on Halloween weekend. Cubs and Indians are playing. You'll see the ramifications of this on Sunday or even Monday if the story doesn't lose it's luster.
Everyone has smart phones, news, facebook. People are always connected to the election.
I mean, this might screw us out of the House, assuming we had a shot because of a hidden ground game element that had us out-perform the polls by three or four points, but it's not changing the WH race, and honestly, I think we clear the Senate by at least two seats no matter what.

We'll see, of course.

If you're panicking, also remember that we've banked a ton of votes already!
Um tons of people watch CNN like people who aren't politically savvy.

This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Republicans are enthused now too. Dems are confused and concerned. Everything just got turned upside down.

so the race can change in a matter of hours, but then when there is only a week left it can't change again? that makes sense


Um tons of people watch CNN like people who aren't politically savvy.

This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Republicans are enthused now too. Dems are confused and concerned. Everything just got turned upside down.

Man I'm watching CNN right now and I'm not seeing the freak out. No one backing Clinton is going to suddenly switch to Trump knowing he bragged about assaulting women sexually. It's not really conceivable. Think she still ends up winning handily and that Dems take the Senate too. Pussy-gate was way worse and more damaging.


First off. Trump is the worst messenger. He'll say something completely stupid.

We've got a ton of votes already in with EV and honestly we'll have more after this weekend. Clinton just needs to keep campaigning and we all need to trust the ground game.

Again I'm not worried. Situation isn't ideal, but shit happens and we'll navigate through it. And honestly I think a lot of people are sick and tired of emails.


I never was great at analysis admittedly, this is why I am mainly a spectator lol.

Although I do like to think the observation the media sucks makes sense.

Hey I don't disagree. I think had this not happened the final numbers would have been better. But it's nothing in the end.

Hey practice and you'll get better. This place used to intimidate the hell out of me. Well I was also a Bernie supporter and even to this day Bernie is kicking some people's dogs around here damn him, but, my point is, just be honest and share your opinions before long you'll be getting your point across like a pro.


Um tons of people watch CNN like people who aren't politically savvy.

This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Republicans are enthused now too. Dems are confused and concerned. Everything just got turned upside down.

Boy, you missed us having to use your name as a verb, didn't you?

And, come on.

Anybody thought we go just two weeks without Hillary taking a hit? If anything, the dynamics by Monday or next will shift back against Trump right on time.


Always viewed CNN as the neutral. Not this election cycle though

For the longest time people thought Fox News and MSNBC were the right and the left with CNN in the middle. They might have started out that way but CNN for a very long time has been Fox News light a lot of the time. I recognized that over a decade ago when I first started to pay attention to political news. Then there is an attempt to be in the middle by them but in a dumb way. Sometimes things are black and white. Many times the truth falls on one side and there are no two valid sides of an argument. They go out of their way to make sure there are two sides when there shouldn't be.
Um tons of people watch CNN like people who aren't politically savvy.

This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Republicans are enthused now too. Dems are confused and concerned. Everything just got turned upside down.

Trump is actually correct that CNN isn't really that watched these days. Their prime time shows usually don't hit a million.

Also, give it a few days. We have no idea what the impact is, if any. I know you don't like your name to be used as a verb, but this is why people started to do so.


Man I'm watching CNN right now and I'm not seeing the freak out. No one backing Clinton is going to suddenly switch to Trump knowing he bragged about assaulting women sexually. It's not really conceivable. Think she still ends up winning handily and that Dems take the Senate too. Pussy-gate was way worse and more damaging.

It's not about changing votes, it's about people not bothering to vote for anyone and staying at home.
Yeah I have a hard time believing this will swing the election toward Trump by the amount his deficit currently is, but damn has it been giving me a near anxiety attack all day.


It's not about changing votes, it's about people not bothering to vote for anyone and staying at home.
DO people really believe stuff like this?

The email stuff is old as hell and this has nothing to do with her.

People minds are made up no matter what millions and millions already voted.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yeah but you don't usually unexcite people this late in the game. The stuff with the DNC emails was scary because you risked losing liberals or the left flank forever. The cake has been baking for a few months. That's not to say you can't spoil things by taking the cake out of the oven too soon. You definitely can. But there's a reason no candidate has ever come back from 3+ points 2 weeks out...people don't follow minute to minute news, they form opinions of candidates and those are very hard to change the longer people marinate on things.

That said, you never want the focus of media attention to be on you, ever. And being in the headlines with "FBI" next to your name is bad. I am pretty unhappy with this. I think it is only downside. And I think who knows what they could release...it could actually be bad for Hillary. Like what if there IS something (which there isn't)?

I think the more damaging thing is to partisans who have to suffer through the minute to minute news cycle because they're addicts.

The debates cemented opinions and that's why polls moved very little after the first debate. I suggest people give it a few days.

A 3 point drop in each of the battleground states means Hillary still wins and 3 points is a lot.

Edit: I also don't believe anyone is watching CNN to watch Kellyanne Conway on a Friday night, sorry.


So far experts across the field are stunned at the way this was handled, Republicans and Democrats both. But no lets not fire this piece of shit Coomey for being an incompetent Trump wannabe hack, youll become Darth Vader if you do.

Fuck him, fire his ass, force him to flip burgers in Vermont. Until he dies.

End Team of Rivals philosophy in modern era.
If every person in this thread would know Chaffetz would do this, why aren't we holding the director of the FBI to a standard that people on a video game forum could meet?

If the two people who were just on MSNBC are to be trusted (one worked under Eric Holder in the DOJ, the other was an AG), then Comey knows he did the wrong thing. Apparently there are strict rules on not influencing an election, and thus releasing a letter like this within 60 days of one is a big issue and has never been done before in history (not sure how far that goes back, like recent history or back to start of the nation history). Even worse, the fact that the letter was vague and can have a lot read into it, that then a few hours later information comes out and its not even related to Hillary or her servers, just compounds the problem. I mean, when you have both GOP and Dems saying this doesnt seem right and they want more information from Comey, you have to wonder (hell Mike Pence is even demanding more information because this doesnt seem right).

Comey had no obligation to send this letter, especially with no facts. He did in a political gambit to save himself if somehow Trump won. They made the analogy on MSNBC that he basically opened up the door and put one foot through and hasnt continued through the door. He really needs to get out there and explain this, the longer he waits, the worse it potentially is for Hillary (unless the media as a whole changes the narrative to the correct narrative and not the sensationalist bullshit one it was all day) and the more it looks like he has totally forgone the political impartiality that is supposed to be inherent in the role he has.

So far experts across the field are stunned at the way this was handled, Republicans and Democrats both. But no lets not fire this piece of shit Coomey for being an incompetent Trump wannabe hack, youll become Darth Vader if you do.

Fuck him, fire his ass, force him to flip burgers in Vermont. Until he dies.

End Team of Rivals philosophy in modern era.

Yeah, when you have both sides saying you messed up by doing this and need to explain yourself, you probably did mess up and probably severely when even Mike Pence, one of the people who stands to gain the most as he could end up VP, states "hey something doesnt seem right here, you need to come out and explain everything."
This is not going to change the final outcome of the race. It's just not. The emails are baked in. Even in polls where Hillary is leading bigly, something like 67% of people say the email thing is bad and reflects negatively on her. This isn't going to change that.

Trump is the worst messenger for this. He's been screaming this for weeks and weeks. I can think of no one Hillary lost with this story. The whole email/wikileaks thing has been baked in for months. The public is 100% over this election, and they are 100% over Hillary's emails.

At the end of the day, Trump still has a demographic problem. He still has a GOTV problem. This isn't going to fix any of that.

Like I said earlier, when Erick Erickson is bitching about Comey being partisan...
I think this sorta plays into the rigged talk, except to independents it makes Trump look worse.
Trump talking about the election being rigged. Comey releases what essentially is a hit piece. Now Trump is celebrating the situation and the FBI?
Yea I don't think independents buy it; they'll see it for what it is: another failed attempt to vilify Hillary.
Yeah but you don't usually unexcite people this late in the game. The stuff with the DNC emails was scary because you risked losing liberals or the left flank forever. The cake has been baking for a few months. That's not to say you can't spoil things by taking the cake out of the oven too soon. You definitely can. But there's a reason no candidate has ever come back from 3+ points 2 weeks out...people don't follow minute to minute news, they form opinions of candidates and those are very hard to change the longer people marinate on things.

That said, you never want the focus of media attention to be on you, ever. And being in the headlines with "FBI" next to your name is bad. I am pretty unhappy with this. I think it is only downside. And I think who knows what they could release...it could actually be bad for Hillary. Like what if there IS something (which there isn't)?

I think the more damaging thing is to partisans who have to suffer through the minute to minute news cycle because they're addicts.

The debates cemented opinions and that's why polls moved very little after the first debate. I suggest people give it a few days.

A 3 point drop in each of the battleground states means Hillary still wins and 3 points is a lot.

Edit: I also don't believe anyone is watching CNN to watch Kellyanne Conway on a Friday night, sorry.

Everything about this is correct.


It's not about changing votes, it's about people not bothering to vote for anyone and staying at home.

She has a GOTV initiative on par with Obama 2012 or even better. Trump doesn't have the capacity to even compete with this. I'm looking at people like my GF (anecdotal I know), fits your standard definition of independent voter, really did hear out both sides. Made up her mind on voting for Hilary after the 1st debate (said only one person on stage looked like they had a clue what they were talking about). I have CNN blasting and she asked about the emails stuff and was like isn't this like old news..I explained...she's still voting for Hilary in FL tomorrow. I maintain this does not change that many minds radically. Decisions are already baked in and all the polling thus far has shown it.


Hey I don't disagree. I think had this not happened the final numbers would have been better. But it's nothing in the end.

Hey practice and you'll get better. This place used to intimidate the hell out of me. Well I was also a Bernie supporter and even to this day Bernie is kicking some people's dogs around here damn him, but, my point is, just be honest and share your opinions before long you'll be getting your point across like a pro.
Thanks! I did edit my post to make it come across a bit better. I hope I succeeded in that regard.

I really enjoy posting here so I'm fine with people pointing out and offering constructive criticism. A lot of the time, I can be wrong and have been called out in various topics! I have become a better poster and even person as a result so it's cool.😃

I still stand by my original post though. If I'm wrong, great again!


Nothing will change.

Anyone lashing out at Comey or anyone besides the Republicans who are making hay out of this nonsense is doing nothing but embarrassing themselves.

Anyone freaking out about this and thinking that Trump will win because of it is painfully ignorant of how modern presidential elections work.

Anyone who is looking for early voting data in the next few days for signs that this is dampening turnout is legitimately, troublingly irrational.

The return to "emails!!" coverage isn't a fun event, but it's not going to change anything in any significant way. No one whose vote is up for grabs is as obsessed with 24/7 news coverage of the election as you are. Please get some perspective.


CNN: he has already broken the unspoken FBI philosophy not to announce stuff like this 60 days prior to election. Already broke all precedent in his finger wagging judgment call of Hillary during his "we cant indict" speech.

No guys this hack should be allowed to continue! Fuck outta here. Coomey better get the fuck out of dodge before Hillary becomes president. Garbage tier human

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Clinton was winning while she was actively under threat of indictment, I don't know what makes you think this is going to cause the 5+ point slip that would be required for Trump to become competitive.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Dropping something like this close to an election has to be either stupid or malicious on the FBI's part.


Nothing will change.

Anyone lashing out at Comey or anyone besides the Republicans who are making hay out of this nonsense is doing nothing but embarrassing themselves.

Anyone freaking out about this and thinking that Trump will win because of it is painfully ignorant of how modern presidential elections work.

Anyone who is looking for early voting data in the next few days for signs that this is dampening turnout is legitimately, troublingly irrational.

The return to "emails!!" coverage isn't a fun event, but it's not going to change anything in any significant way. No one whose vote is up for grabs is as obsessed with 24/7 news coverage of the election as you are. Please get some perspective.

This last part so so much. People think the average voter cares as much, and is as informed as someone who actively posts on a politics forum on the internet. They're not.


Clinton was winning while she was actively under threat of indictment, I don't know what makes you think this is going to cause the 5+ point slip that would be required for Trump to become competitive.
Because it's unprecedented for this to drop right before an election. With 11 days left you don't want words like FBI and SEXTING and NEW EMAIL INVESTIGATION next to your name if you're Hillary Clinton.

I'm so fucking pissed off I want to throw something.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Because it's unprecedented for this to drop right before an election. With 11 days left you don't want words like FBI and SEXTING and NEW EMAIL INVESTIGATION next to your name if you're Hillary Clinton.

I'm so fucking pissed off I want to throw something.

Maybe avoid your mother's chicken nuggets until you calm down.
This could change the entire race. Not just the Senate. Even if it takes 5 days for facts to come out we are OUT OF TIME. That it even leaves lingering doubts about her is just awful. The timing could not be worse. This is a nightmare.

Republicans are enthused now too. Dems are confused and concerned. Everything just got turned upside down.

Can someone temporarily Scalia you for the next 10 days
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