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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Comey will have to do something if he values his job. That letter of his that leaked doesn't look good for him at all and I would not be shocked if the narrative now switches to him potentially swaying the election and how unprecedented that is.

Seriously Dems and Reps are shocked at how this is being handled.

I'd be shocked if he says a word. He knows he's fucked, he can't say anything to get him off the hot seat now. It would only make it worse.
There's nothing in that letter that says he's being a partisan hack. In fact the opposite. It's almost like the last line about "being misunderstood" is really pertinent.

And yet there was a lot more he could have said in that letter to not be misunderstood.

Even if he isn't a partisan hack he's completely inept if he thought this was the best way to go about things.

I don't particularly understand the defense.


Jason Chaffetz tells me he is NOT considering bringing Comey before the Oversight committee before the election.
Of course he's not. The damage has been done, and this is a clear signal that he realizes bringing Comey before them would probably just hurt their cause as he scrambles to justify his reasoning for sending such a vague letter.

Chaffetz and Comey are speaking in code. A code that anyone who is at least somewhat up to speed on this election can crack.
Comey is out come January. He's not staying in a Clinton administration.

Ideally Obama would take the hit and boot his ass on December 23 though

Agreed on both counts. This is wild incompetence. If he had nothing of substance to say to Congress, why send the letter? The FBI likely has thousands of cases right now; why send vague letters over just this one case?


In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.

This feels like it should be the beginning of a letter, not the last sentence.
Heez joost dewing hizz job
That would be unprecedented partisan behavior. No incoming president has fired the previous fbi director of the previous president. Clinton fired sessions after 6 months.

Clinton if she wins isnt going to fire him. There's nothing to pin on her. And you're not going to fire someone for no legal reason and purely you believe they might have hurt your party in the previous elections.


Well, if the FBI rank and file is upset about this—which some might not, they run conservative, but they may feel it does not reflect well on their organization—then we will see some leaks from within.


if he was a partisan hack he would have taken her to court.
What's the difference if this was his end goal? It's easier to just try and get her to lose the election then to take her to court. If Hillary loses no one is going to give a damn about locking her up other than the most hardcore of Trump supporters, of course.


There's nothing in that letter that says he's being a partisan hack. In fact the opposite. It's almost like the last line about "being misunderstood" is really pertinent.

Are you fucking kidding. That line is the damning part.

For heaven's sake, it SPELLS OUT that he knew that letter was brief and would be misunderstood, unprecedented for election year, and sent it anyway because feelings.

Comey needs to step down.


Well, if the FBI rank and file is upset about this—which some might not, they run conservative, but they may feel it does not reflect well on their organization—then we will see some leaks from within.

We're already getting leaks. That letter to the WaPo was an internal email that was leaked to their DoJ correspondent.
And yet there was a lot more he could have said in that letter to not be misunderstood.

Even if he isn't a partisan hack he's completely inept if he thought this was the best way to go about things.

I don't particularly understand the defense.
There's a lot he said that could make this less damaging for clinton, yes.

Guys the FBI can't prosecute. The DOJ does that.
Also just for the record I haven't liked comey since he stood and claimed without any evidence that viral videos were stopping police from being able to do their job.

That being said I don't think Clinton needs to try and get in a battle of trying to force him out when she will have so many other problems to deal with.
NYT's editorial board has an article up that's focused on how badly Comey botched this, and that he needs to rush out with more info now.

This is all his fault, and he can enjoy the shit he's about to paddle through.


With that letter it takes a profound ignorance of politics AND some wild mental gymnastics to still latch onto the non-partisan defense.
If Comey had no obligation to Congress, boot his fucking ass. 11 days to an selection and he pulls this shit? GTFO, he's lost control and confidence of the FBI.


Damn that memo is pretty damning.
Anyone with basic reading comprehension can read it for what it is.

1.) He admits not having to do this.
2.) He admits he does not know shit about the relevancy of this new stuff to Hillary.
3.) Coyly admits he might be misunderstood politically (oldest "im objective trust me" trick in the book)
4.) Despite not knowing anything, he writes this letter to a Republican dominated committee.

This off the back of his universally derided unprecedented partisan hackjob on Hillary when he gave his not indict speech.

This is inarguably done to fire up the imagination of voters designed to think the worst of Hillary due to her trust deficit. Political hackery 101.

Comey is a sick bastard, and he will be punished in his career for his grotesque behavior.


And here we all thought these next 11 days would be "boring"...


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The "obligation to congress" line is a load of shit.


What's the difference if this was his end goal? It's easier to just try and get her to lose the election then to take her to court. If Hillary loses no one is going to give a damn about locking her up other than the most hardcore of Trump supporters, of course.

Reward him for his shitty partisan hackery?

At best he's been proven to be incompetent, he needs to go

How could that possibly be tenable with the outrage from both sides? There's no way he stays.

No. After that little stunt he's done.

I promise that letter was leaked by someone in the FBI because they don't agree with what he did.

He's just doing his job. Fire him for doing what he is required to do?
oh wow, this is going to turn against Comey real bad. That leaked memo is pretty awful.

He's just doing his job. Fire him for doing what he is required to do?

He's NOT required to do what he did, as he said himself.

To all:

This morning I sent a letter to Congress in connection with the Secretary Clinton email investigation. Yesterday, the investigative team briefed me on their recommendation with respect to seeking access to emails that have recently been found in an unrelated case. Because those emails appear to be pertinent to our investigation, I agreed that we should take appropriate steps to obtain and review them.

Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record. At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.

Jim Comey


Yeah, after having read the letter over several times, Comey comes off as as incompetent at best, partisan at worst. Neither one is a good look but clearly one is worse.
He's just doing his job. Fire him for doing what he is required to do?

No one is saying that he shouldn't have had the FBI look into whatever information they have found. Where he decided to take it a step further was to send this letter that he knew was going to be misinterpreted and did very little to stop that misinterpretation.

I mean I'm willing to sort of give his a slight benefit of the doubt and say he was just trying to save his own ass so he didn't get grilled when this got released after the election, but being incompetent on something this high level does not endear him to me.


Yeah, after having read the letter over several times, Comey comes off as as incompetent at best, partisan at worst. Neither one is a good look but clearly one is worse.
Agreed, but the CNN's of the nation better get off their DEAD HEAT high horse and start calling this out for exactly what it is -- a farce brought forth by a partisan hack.
He's just doing his job. Fire him for doing what he is required to do?

His internal letter is pretty clear. He was never obligated to send that letter, and could've at least waited 12 hours to actually send a decent write-up of the situation.

Both Republicans (who now look stupid) and Democrats (who are obviously unhappy) are calling him out.
Read that letter as if your reading from the right.

A lot of his actions have been to give cover for what is a plainly stupid case to begin with.

Coney cares that the FBI can be respected on the right

And when he gives clinton cover next week...
Read that letter as if your reading from the right.

A lot of his actions have been to give cover for what is a plainly stupid case to begin with.

Coney cares that the FBI can be respected on the right

And when he gives clinton cover next week...

Willing to bet on this?


Aside from what this may or may not mean for the election, I think the most dispiriting thing about it is how badly it reflects on the FBI and undermines their credibility -- the same credibility that Comey went at lengths, ad nauseam, to defend in front of Congress just a couple months ago.
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