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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I love Hillary's response to all this. She's forcing the FBI's hand and if they don't have shit they get put in a corner. I'm also pretty sure the rest of the new cycle will be about Comey and the partisanship of the FBI. I think people are going to be concerned about the FBI's actions moreso than what was actually released. Similar to how the DNC hacks coming from Russia overshadowed the actual contents of the e-mails.

I think the fates just needed one more plot twist in this wacky election.

I hope your right. Media has been pretty maddening all year.


Nobody needs to be calm when righteous anger is the actual appropriate response. Comey just used his power to give Trump a solid 72 hour news cycle. Because he is a Republican nutjob. The Senate fights are already close. If we lose even one point nationally, it could make us lose a close race or two.

Republicans already trying to get the country comfortable with eight justices. You want a Hillary presidency where from day one even Supreme Court nominations are a no go?

This is why fury is justified. No one yet has made a plausible argument that such a few point dip wouldnt put the Senate in jeopardy. Except "my gut says so.".


This is all it will take gentlemen for us to have our Madame President in 11 days!


She's got this, and we will still take the Senate.[/QUOTE]

I wish the House dream were alive, but it never really was alive.
Very pleased with how Hillary has managed this situation. The worst possible thing she could have done was immediately get defensive and evasive over the situation (even though she would objectively have every right to). Instead, she's simply letting Comey have the rope to hang himself.


So I just got back from work, any update on what happened today regarding news drops/polls?

Is Hillary still good for the presidency?


Nobody needs to be calm when righteous anger is the actual appropriate response. Comey just used his power to give Trump a solid 72 hour news cycle. Because he is a Republican nutjob. The Senate fights are already close. If we lose even one point nationally, it could make us lose a close race or two.

Republicans already trying to get the country comfortable with eight justices. You want a Hillary presidency where from day one even Supreme Court nominations are a no go?

This is why fury is justified. No one yet has made a plausible argument that such a few point dip wouldnt put the Senate in jeopardy. Except "my gut says so.".

Agreed. Sometimes anger is the appropriate response. To be an activist is to be furious.

It's not going to stop me from doing the real work, like a lot of us do. But damnit, I'm also going to call Republicans out whenever and wherever I can. They're a hateful, rancid, ass-backwards party. And they don't deserve the advantage of a calm response to everything they do.

Comey is a heel.


Nobody needs to be calm when righteous anger is the actual appropriate response. Comey just used his power to give Trump a solid 72 hour news cycle. Because he is a Republican nutjob. The Senate fights are already close. If we lose even one point nationally, it could make us lose a close race or two.

Republicans already trying to get the country comfortable with eight justices. You want a Hillary presidency where from day one even Supreme Court nominations are a no go?

This is why fury is justified. No one yet has made a plausible argument that such a few point dip wouldnt put the Senate in jeopardy. Except "my gut says so.".

I'm piling the shade on Comey thick like he deserves, but I also don't think there will be a sizable swing because of this, especially in light of his memo being exposed. At best he comes off as a fool - even lazy students don't simultaneously have the gall to say "yeah I know my paper is poorly written but I'm turning it anyways" and the expectation that saying that will help in anyways - at worst he comes off as the partisan hack he is exposing himself to be.

Very pleased with how Hillary has managed this situation. The worst possible thing she could have done was immediately get defensive and evasive over the situation (even though she would objectively have every right to). Instead, she's simply letting Comey have the rope to hang himself.

I agree with this. Now it's Comey's job to prove that this is something people should care about - and he's already admitted he hasn't even looked at the evidence yet! Even Julian is more thorough than that!
Nobody needs to be calm when righteous anger is the actual appropriate response. Comey just used his power to give Trump a solid 72 hour news cycle. Because he is a Republican nutjob. The Senate fights are already close. If we lose even one point nationally, it could make us lose a close race or two.

Republicans already trying to get the country comfortable with eight justices. You want a Hillary presidency where from day one even Supreme Court nominations are a no go?

This is why fury is justified. No one yet has made a plausible argument that such a few point dip wouldnt put the Senate in jeopardy. Except "my gut says so.".
And you've not made an argument why it will besides your gut says it will.

As Adam says. You want to fight to prevent it, fight to prevent it. Your ability to affect change hasn't changed since yesterday.

It'd been less than 12 hours and it seems clear clinton isn't facing the worst of this but we're fretting about an already in place tighting narrative?
Real talk. The access Hollywood tape didn't hurt downballot.
but somehow this will? I mean I get it. FBI and Clinton doesn't look good, but alot of you project the worst with literally no facts.

We won't know anything numbers wise until like mid next week. What if it shows a small change or no change at all?
Clinton is held to a different standard remember.
I love Hillary's response to all this. She's forcing the FBI's hand and if they don't have shit they get put in a corner. I'm also pretty sure the rest of the new cycle will be about Comey and the partisanship of the FBI. I think people are going to be concerned about the FBI's actions moreso than what was actually released. Similar to how the DNC hacks coming from Russia overshadowed the actual contents of the e-mails.

I think the fates just needed one more plot twist in this wacky election.

Is there any video of her response?


Nate the Great speaks

Florida's registered voters, now final:
2016: White 64.2, Hispanic 15.7, Black 13.4
2012: White 66.5, Hispanic 13.9, Black 13.6

Looks good, but where do the fabled one million incoming Puerto Rican voters figure in?


I think there's a difference between discussion and just being emotionally despondent about something that we can't change. But, everyone do you, and if people want to just want to do whatever this is, that's not up to me. I just don't like to see people get so upset about something that we have no control over.

Sure, and some people are definitely overreacting. However, there's as much of a valid reason to be angry about something and express it here as there is to celebrate good news.


This isnt a do this or choose that scenario. This election isnt a wii. I dont have to choose between horrendous visuals and hd consoles.

I already volunteer exhaustively, have since i turned 18. Was a lobbyist in Washington, helping to push certain progressive legislation. I phone bank, i canvass, i go to rallies. Ive met and spoke with Hillary, McCain, Romney, Bill, Pelosi and Obama and countless members of the House besides.

The point of saying that is one can call Comey the abominably ignorant partisan hack director and still have plenty of energy to go to work for what you believe in.

If say the totality of this latest Comey partisan hackjob was Hillary loses two points in aggregate, we absolutely will win less House Seats and the Senate chances become perilously close.

So yea, you can stay in that kill with kindness trip. But his career needs to be destroyed, and it will be. He is a partisan piece if detritus unfit for his station. And i am totally energized to see his career in shambles. Just like i am energized to see Dems win the White House and Senate.
Whoa, nice. Often? Were they in depth discussions or what?


So I just got back from work, any update on what happened today regarding news drops/polls?

Is Hillary still good for the presidency?
Comey, the Republican fbi director nutbag loser, used his power to send a note that said they found more emails from Weiner and Huma which may or may not involve Hillary (who knows! Even he doesnt) and he was just "asking questions" 11 days out from election in unprecedented fashion (he himself admitted he didnt have to do it). But he totes has our best interest in hearts and didnt play to human natures biological drive to fill in blanks with imaginary knowns.

You should make a call for hillary and send ten bucks, that will make what Monster Comey did ok.
Sure, and some people are definitely overreacting. However, there's as much of a valid reason to be angry about something and express it here as there is to celebrate good news.
Of course. And I wasn't reading anyone. But some people are getting incredibly upset, and I just don't think that's the best response. I don't have the right to dictate a response, of course, but I just don't like seeing people so upset. That's all.

Life, in and of itself, is a series of pain and misery. Nothing matters. Darkness comes for us all. Eat at Arby's.


About 150,000 Puerto Ricans registered in FL since 2012.


Florida has gained 929,327 registered voters since the last presidential election, according to voter registration data released late Friday.

About 39 percent of that gain came from Hispanics, who as a group traditionally underperform for their numbers at the ballot box.

The biggest voter-registration gains have been along the Interstate 4 corridor, where tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans have settled in the last several years since the island's economy soured. In fact, almost half of the new numbers of registered voters came from the corridor stretching from Tampa to Orlando to Daytona Beach and the Space Coast.

Since the last presidential election, Florida has gained a little more than 475,000 Hispanics, and a third were Puerto Rican.

Eat at Arby's.


They closed all the Arby's close to me (Halifax, Nova Scotia). I would have to drive like an hour to go to Arby's.

I'm not driving an hour for Arby's.
We still need someone to betray Trump in the final act. The tax return leaked, but that was merely foreshadowing.

Jaws music.


And you've not made an argument why it will besides your gut says it will.

As Adam says. You want to fight to prevent it, fight to prevent it. Your ability to affect change hasn't changed since yesterday.

It'd been less than 12 hours and it seems clear clinton isn't facing the worst of this but we're fretting about an already in place tighting narrative?

No we have had plenty of polls when this race was closer that showed we wouldnt win the Senate at a certain margin. If Hillary were to go from +6.5 average to, say, +4.5 nationally, based on past polling this year we would be perilously close to losing even a slim majority in Senate. That is the story the numbers have told throughout the year.

Margins matter. Comey is a monster and if he causes such a point decline, he is responsible.

Whoa, nice. Often? Were they in depth discussions or what?

Well this was way back, when Hillary and Obama were still Senators. We were pushing bills like the expansion for American Peoples with Disabilities act. We met with them, discussed why it was important and in some cases had individuals with us to explain why the act was important to them.

The best one was actually when we met Representative Kanjorski. He had an emergency vote on the floor and had to cancel. We were disappointed until one of his interns said Kanjorski asked him to give us a behind the scenes tour of the Capitol building. We got to go places waaay off the tour. That is how we ran into Pelosi. Intern went down wrong hall and Pelosi came out this one room with her entourage and she agreed to talk to us a bit.

Then we got told to go to the Rayburn room right off the voting floor. Some lady was singing in there, and Kanjorski met us personally there. Was awesome. Later we had a dessert ... A white chocolate shaped like the White House filled with mousse. Was amazing.

I still got pics of my old fatass at McCain, Hillary and Obamas senate office iirc. Lemme try to find them.


She has a GOTV initiative on par with Obama 2012 or even better. Trump doesn't have the capacity to even compete with this. I'm looking at people like my GF (anecdotal I know), fits your standard definition of independent voter, really did hear out both sides. Made up her mind on voting for Hilary after the 1st debate (said only one person on stage looked like they had a clue what they were talking about). I have CNN blasting and she asked about the emails stuff and was like isn't this like old news..I explained...she's still voting for Hilary in FL tomorrow. I maintain this does not change that many minds radically. Decisions are already baked in and all the polling thus far has shown it.
Clinton's GOTV operation far surpasses Trump's, but her campaign infrastructure still lags Obama's. When I last checked a few weeks ago, she had near 300 fewer field offices than Obama. I assume she's opened more since then although she probably won't match Obama's effort. And that's a testament to Obama's masterful GOTV operation. It's become the paradigm of presidential campaigns. So I don't expect Hillary to match Obama. But that won't matter. Trump's relative lack of a GOTV operation is already hurting his campaign. Moreover, the distribution of the GOTV operations also bodes well for Clinton. Trump has most heavily invested in his PA operation. But Clinton has also invested heavily in PA, more than Obama in 2012, which has offset Trump's effort. She's led there comfortably since the convention. The same thing has happened in WI. I still don't understand why Trump has prioritized WI. Otherwise, Trump's campaign significantly lags Clinton in all of the remaining battleground states.

For those who think Trump will outperform the polls, consider that the polls don't factor his feeble GOTV effort. If either candidate outperforms the polls, it should be Hillary.
This is all it will take gentlemen for us to have our Madame President in 11 days!


She's got this, and we will still take the Senate.
Sam Wang's model automatically calculates the effect of a 2% shift towards Trump on the Electoral College. And although 2% may seem small, it would be monumental at this point of the election. Under that scenario, Clinton would still win with 323 electoral votes. Will today's news shift the electorate by 2%? Not likely. Voters have already factored the e-mail scandal into their decision. It's old news.
What was Comey thinking? I read his statement and it's trash. Why did he do this at this time? There is no other reason that I can think of other than trying to influence the election. He found nothing and reported nothing. The media is trying to make something from nothing.


I thought it was a million Puerto Ricans hitting the state?

Yeah, that 1 million coming in sounded too high. There are 1 million total and 150k registered in the last 4 years. Nothing to sneeze at but not a deluge where Murphy is going to suddenly win.


I've never eaten at Arby's and there's one just down the road. The steak doubledilla at Taco Bell next door always won out. So you're saying I should try Arby's finally?

The true oppo.


This whole thing sucks but I do see the narrative shifting a bit toward Comey and the FBI. Lots of people including some on TV now wanting details. I don't anticipate it being anywhere near as damaging as the original press conference or pneumonia-gate.


The biggest thing that pisses me off?

Trump goes on trial in November for fraud, and for child rape in December and the media has been completely silent on that.


Unless Comey brings out more information this will run out of steam, I think. Clinton drops from +6 to +4 at worst, little effect on the presidency, even less effect on the Senate as looking at the forecasts the Senate has been surprisingly independent of the horse race.

The House was never in reach anyway without another oppo.
I've never eaten at Arby's and there's one just down the road. The steak doubledilla at Taco Bell next door always won out. So you're saying I should try Arby's finally?

The true oppo.

Arby's is good. Get you one of the Beef and Cheddars. It's got cheddar, beef and red ranch. Nice order of curly fries. Right now, they got this apple crisp that is LEGIT delicious. Seriously good.

But, as you eat, realize that your life is a series of unrelated events, in which nothing you say or think matters in the grand scheme of the universe's eventual heat death.

Eat at Arby's


This whole thing sucks but I do see the narrative shifting a bit toward Comey and the FBI. Lots of people including some on TV now wanting details. I don't anticipate it being anywhere near as damaging as the original press conference or pneumonia-gate.
With Clinton and the media essentially on the same side in pushing for more details about this investigation, I do believe all the pressure's going to be on Comey and the FBI and he's going to get roasted from all sides if he doesn't have some answers soon.
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