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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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There was a tape of Trump saying vile shit that didn't hurt the downballot even though his numbers were in the tank.

Why are we assuming this will do the same? A lot of us are making assumptions with no facts. Some are saying dems will stay home and there is some secret republican majority that just woke in light of this news waiting to breakdance to the polls.


I don't see this having much impact on the election itself. However, I think this might prevent Huma from having a position in Hillary's office depending on what was on there.


Well I hope nobody has any doubt that Comey did this completely because of political reasons. He either personally felt that owes the fucking republican shits in congress something or is trying to cover his cowardly ass in case orange turd wins.
There was a tape of Trump saying vile shit that didn't hurt the downballot even though his numbers were in the tank.

Why are we assuming this will do the same? A lot of us are making assumptions with no facts. Some are saying dems will stay home and there is some secret republican majority that just woke in light of this news waiting to breakdance to the polls.
Because Dems are all wilting flowers and Reps are mighty lions.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
There was a tape of Trump saying vile shit that didn't hurt the downballot even though his numbers were in the tank.

Why are we assuming this will do the same? A lot of us are making assumptions with no facts. Some are saying dems will stay home and there is some secret republican majority that just woke in light of this news waiting to breakdance to the polls.

People always say this.

Liberals = soft flower pansies who freak out and bedwet all the time
Conservatives = stiff upper lip joe the plumbers who celebrate the slightest bullshit

I would love to be a republican because they never lose.


Comey graduated from the College of William and Mary (1982), majoring in Chemistry and Religion. His senior thesis analyzed the liberal theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and the conservative televangelist Jerry Falwell, emphasizing their common belief in public action.[8]

Well, this sounds like a bucket of fun


Im getting sick.

If it helps, a lot of our resident "polling experts" here are questioning some of the shifts in their LV screening which is causing the changing numbers. Also it was probably never actually a +12 lead.

Also the Trump-friendly IBD poll which was +1 Trump a week ago is now +4 Clinton


I refuse to talk to any individual who admits to be voting for orange turd. These people are lost and deranged. They don't deserve our understanding or compassion. My only hope is that they will eventually realize how wrong they are but I'm not holding my breath.

Do they fucking realize the type of mother fucker they are supporting? Do they not see how dangerous and stupid he is? I'm done with trying to reason with these assholes whose sole existence is to fuck other people over.
a bad news cycle that will only last for a few days and may be eaten by a Trump story or the press moving on. Polls change rapidly. Don't fret.

Precisely. Yes, newspaper headlines today, many written yesterday before the picture was as clear as it is now, don't reflect what we know now.

But they only lag behind by a day or so. This broke yesterday afternoon. The Sunday papers will be more critical of Comey, than Clinton. So basically it'll amount to the damage that can be done in a day or two of early voting.




Something to keep in mind for the actual day of the election. From the Upshot, an estimation of NC:


Also, a nice article. Nothing really new, but it's well written: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/10/trump-campaign-final-days.html

“You do know you just attacked a Gold Star family?” one adviser warned Trump.

Trump didn’t know what a Gold Star family was: “What’s that?” he asked.

Also, a quote for the Ivanka fanboys.

But Conway told me that on the day the Access Hollywood tape leaked, Ivanka took her father’s side completely. “She was defiant,” Conway recalled. “She told him, ‘It’s 11 years old, you have to fight back. You have to say you’re sorry. But you have to fight back.’ ”


My girlfriend just voted for Murphy and Hilary in FL.Broward County. So +1. Can't vote myself as I'm still a permanent resident.


Guys, I can't stop thinking about the inevitable impeachment that's coming our way. We better be prepared.

And after 2018 midterms and everything is controlled by GOP again, can they actually succeed in impeaching her?

This all sucks. I was confident we'd get the Senate and make gains in the House and now I'm not expecting it. Will anything get done in the next 4 years? Ugh.....

Someone talk some sense into me because I think I'm back to bed wetting.

The public can tell overreaching when it sees it. It took years for it to happen for Bill, but impeaching hillary on day one will speed up the process. Backlash against clear overreach would be one of the few things that gives us a good 2018 (and maybe some deals with the moderates who are disgusted by it).


Someone talk some sense into me because I think I'm back to bed wetting.

A simple majority of the U.S. House of Representatives (at least 218 votes) is required to impeach a U.S. President, followed by a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate (at least 67 votes)

The last time a party had the votes for that was 1967. The last time the GOP had the necessary numbers was never.



oh probably a byproduct of my old church going loony evangelical
A week is too long to recover. I'd bet Friday again.
Yeah, if anyone remembers the fallout from the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape (I know it was so long ago) the Republicans were in complete disarray for the weekend. The debate was a mitigating factor that they won't benefit from this time either.
After this whole load of bullshit, which sums up to a government agency meddling with a political process, I have a huge thirst for political revenge. Drop all your oppo on Trump, tear that man into pieces, break that sham of a party down, I don't even care for dialog right now, the GOP insists on playing a dirty game and by all means they should have a taste of their own poison.


Guys, I can't stop thinking about the inevitable impeachment that's coming our way. We better be prepared.

And after 2018 midterms and everything is controlled by GOP again, can they actually succeed in impeaching her?

This all sucks. I was confident we'd get the Senate and make gains in the House and now I'm not expecting it. Will anything get done in the next 4 years? Ugh.....

Someone talk some sense into me because I think I'm back to bed wetting.

Impeachment ATTEMPTS.
Guys, I can't stop thinking about the inevitable impeachment that's coming our way. We better be prepared.

And after 2018 midterms and everything is controlled by GOP again, can they actually succeed in impeaching her?

This all sucks. I was confident we'd get the Senate and make gains in the House and now I'm not expecting it. Will anything get done in the next 4 years? Ugh.....

Someone talk some sense into me because I think I'm back to bed wetting.

Yeah it's going to be bad, all my co workers talk about it all the time. we will win down ticket snd impeach her they feel like Trump stole the nomination or some shit it's like bizzaro world


I don't see this having much impact on the election itself. However, I think this might prevent Huma from having a position in Hillary's office depending on what was on there.

Hope I'm wrong, but I get the feeling Huma is going to take the fall for all this.

Went out to dinner with my wife last night and couldn't help overhearing a couple next to us giddy about how Hillary's going to jail over this and "they got her this time!" Really hope it all amounts to Lucy pulling the football on them again.
I'm out of cell/wifi service for a wedding, and I come back to you folks letting the FBI start fuckery? Damn, I'm disappointed that you haven't released the Oppo-Bomb we all had agreed on if The Truth were to pop-up. Step up y'alls game while I'm enjoying rustic living. Also, I will need someone to wet the bed for me, the place we're renting doesn't have rubber sheets available. Sad!


The public can tell overreaching when it sees it.

The last 6 years and multiple threats to shut down the government (with one actually occurring) say "Hi." The GOP has dug in its heels for the entire Obama Administration and has allowed the Senate and House approval ratings to sink to their lowest ever... and nothing changed.

I'm sorry to say it, but once Hillary wins, the real fight begins; governing with a brick wall.


The last 6 years and multiple threats to shut down the government (with one actually occurring) say "Hi." The GOP has dug in its heels for the entire Obama Administration and has allowed the Senate and House approval ratings to sink to theiro lowest ever... and nothing changed.

I'm sorry to say it, but once Hillary wins, the real fight begins; governing with a brick wall.

Obama's stonewalling was about policy. Totally different than what they did to Bill.


If Huma takes the fall for this absolute nonsense then it just signals that GOP can get away with more fuckery. No way that should happen.
You never should feel bad about that.

A preview:

Using the heel of his toothbrush, Donald gently pinned the dead Hair Mouse inside the cigar box as he poured all the blood into the toilet. The hard edges and corners of the wooden box made for a sloppy pour, spreading blood everywhere despite Donald’s best attempts to contain it. Frustrated, he dumped the Hair Mouse onto the marble sink like a dish towel. It landed with a sop.

He hung his suit jacket on the back of the door, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and began washing his hands in the sink. Outside of a container, the Hair Mouse seemed to bleed more slowly.

But it still bled. Even after all this time, it never stopped. It overflowed every container he kept it in and it never turned cold.

“I guess you know you can’t flood the whole world, don’t you Hair Mouse?” Donald asked. Its little black eyes were wet, but empty.

The Hair Mouse didn’t answer.

“You wouldn’t flood the world anyway. You wanted to burn it.”

The Hair Mouse didn’t answer.

“Will the fire still come, Hair Mouse?”

The Hair Mouse didn’t answer.

“Hair Mouse, I am a train off my rails. Please help me.”

Still, it did not answer.

Donald turned the water off and nudged the blood body of the vermin into the sink. If it was determined to fill the basin, at least it would drain into the sewer. His eyes stung from wiping so much sweat from his brow. The presidential election was killing him. He couldn’t take the heat. Without the Hair Mouse, all he could do was sweat.

There was a candle on the back of the toilet, something Ivanka had given him as a father’s day gift. It was the kind of easy gift that meant nothing to either of them, but it had fulfilled the obligation. Beside it was a matchbook from some Trump venue in Atlantic City he was sure was out of business. He turned away from the mirror and felt his neck hair stand up - as if his reflection was still watching him. He had the matchbook in his hand when he looked back.

He pressed down the drain stopper and struck a match from the book. Donald wasn’t sure why, but he had resolved to try to burn his murdered arbiter. Hopeless men are prone to desperate experimentation and Donald was at the end of his rope.

He lit the rest of the book and held it over the sink. The dead eyes of the mouse glimmered orange under the flame.

“What have I got to lose?” He asked.

He dropped the little burning book. Very suddenly, and very bigly, the fire came.

And the Hair Mouse answered:

Pull me from here, Donald. It is foul.
If Huma takes the fall for this absolute nonsense then it just signals that GOP can get away with more fuckery. No way that should happen.

The GOP base ignores everything on their side. Always have. They do it now! "Yes Trump said bad things, but that was years ago" meanwhile everything Clinton ever did or said is fair game. It's not a surprise the modern day GOP are basically super villains


Democrats are so annoying. We worry about what people "could" think about. Republicans don't give a shit. They look for confirmation of beliefs they already have and shout from the roof tops whenever they can point to something as "proof."
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