Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 5s5 seconds ago Manhattan, NY
The characteristics of those early voters who were not initially 'almost certain':
White 61, Black 27
D 43, R 29
Voted 12: 76%
Voted 14: 59%
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 1m1 minute ago Manhattan, NY
Clinton led 57-32 among respondents who were not 'almost certain' to vote, but since voted early (Corrected; I said 55-40 initially) @jbouie
@nate_cohn: Clinton led 57-32 among respondents who were not 'almost certain' to vote, but since voted early (Corrected; I said 55-40 initially) @jbouie
Conservative family claims that Wikileaks has proof that the latest daily episode of EMAILS is being suppressed, which is totally why it isn't blowing up on the social media, not just that everyone who could possibly care about Hillary's damn emails already does.
This is ridiculousCome on, NYT. You should know better.
"Clintons Did Not Obtain Permits to Renovate Their New Chappaqua Home, Records Show"
Right, cause the campaign needs to deal with this shit.
Kevin McGilly
@RadioFreeTom Anything - anything - that makes it easier to vote is a good thing.
Tom Nichols ‏@RadioFreeTom 3h3 hours ago
Tom Nichols Retweeted Kevin McGilly
I have never, ever agreed with this. I believe citizens should have to exert at least minimal effort and awareness to engage in this duty.
You should string them along on other conspiracy theories and see if they'll bite. Tell them you've been reading secret EU emails explaining that HAARP was able to lead Hurricane Matthew along the east coast.
Another good thing about being on the West Coast. I'd have to be awake before 6AM for that show to be on the TV.
Sorry to go all retro but did Trump get called out on "I never even apologized" ?
Huma should tell them to go fuck themselves and Hillary can pardon her if need be. It's time to stop playing nice with people who obviously are politicizing our institutions. I hope Hillary appoints 0 republicans to run anything.
Those are Hep C drugs?
I'm talking about alcohol addiction treatment.
Were still talking about that guy during a presidential election? Mr. Burton fumed, using a profane seven-letter word instead of guy.
Yeah, drink a lot and get cirrhosis and then we fix that. It's easier
What's the seven letter word? Asshole? I was hoping it was mofucka.
Oh come on now! This is so unreasonable.
Hillary can appoint some Republicans to head the Congressional daycare department.
What's the seven letter word? Asshole? I was hoping it was mofucka.
Oh come on now! This is so unreasonable.
Hillary can appoint some Republicans to head the Congressional daycare department.
I'm not sure I trust Republicans with children.
.... There are other problems about alcohol though!
And doesn't Hep C come from heroin?
The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clintons use of a private email server knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director, according to people familiar with the case.
A public revelation in early October might have been less politically damaging for Clinton than one coming less than two weeks before the Nov. 8 election. It is also unclear what agents have been doing in the intervening timefor instance, whether they were trying to learn more about the emails before notifying Comey. An FBI spokesman declined to immediately provide a statement.
Is this the closest Colorado's been?
So I've been at a con all weekend avoiding politics like the plague. What have I missed since Nothinggate? Anything?
I really want to know if this email thing has had any effect at all on polling numbers.
Sercet Clinton voters?
Oh come on now! This is so unreasonable.
Hillary can appoint some Republicans to head the Congressional daycare department.
This thing gets sillier every day.
What's the seven letter word? Asshole? I was hoping it was mofucka.
LOL (email title):
Hang on I'll ask
They shouldn't have announced this weeks ago just as they shouldn't be announcing anything until the investigation is complete.This is why you don't air all your investigative laundry for the whole world to see. Do your job: investigate and bring charges when/if you have them. Editorializing with the appearance of transparency is a farce for an institution that should pride itself in due diligence, fair trial, and non-partisanship.
I fucking hate that it takes days to see results. Makes me restless.
So the FBI director needs senate approval to be appointed.
Comey afraid that he was going to lose his job when Hillary won, so he decides to play dirty in order to save his position?
He doesn't need to be reappointed, the job was his until 2023.
LOL (email title):