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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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Isn't North Carolina gone for Trump now? Early voting seems to show Queen winning by 6pts.....it's over already isn't it?
So it's business as usual. I wouldn't stress about it.

The GOP isn't smug about Comeyghazi-gate because they think it's going to change the outcome of the POTUS election. They know it's just another excuse to perpetuate the witch-hunt panel they've been flogging for the past 2yrs.

Perhaps Clinton's first 100-days should include initiating a new round of BRAC and ensure that the Joint Chiefs focus heavily on Utah. The Mormons need to get their dim attack dog on a leash.


Don't get the reference, Ohioan.

Well, (((globalist))), in 2012 Dick Morris claimed a landslide victory for Romney and was still confident deep into election night. Free Republic treated him as their north star. The first indication those freepers had that they had been sold a pig in a poke was when Morris suddenly stopped tweeting around 10pm.


Too many goddamn Trump commercials during football in Florida. I'm already pissed that the Saints are losing, don't need to see the orange monster's stupid face in every commercial break.
Holy shit! I was just going to glance at the story but ended up reading the whole thing. This is insane.

There are conspiracy theories that park staged the sewol incident to sacrifice the 300 students to her god. Its probably bs but the fact that this kind of thepry is trending it just shows how absurd this whole thing is.
It should've been Christie, damnit.

Pence was a fine VP pick, Trump didn't make the wrong decision in the end.

I disagree. Pence is ultimately a better candidate than Trump, and that's not a great look. Pence also completely sold out Trump for the past few weeks, and you know that Christie wouldn't have done that. Christie would end up being a decent Trump stand-in and would probably be able to whip up more rallies for him. Pence is a snooze, and ended up not doing all that much to help Trump with moderate Republicans.
I disagree. Pence is ultimately a better candidate than Trump, and that's not a great look. Pence also completely sold out Trump for the past few weeks, and you know that Christie wouldn't have done that. Christie would end up being a decent Trump stand-in and would probably be able to whip up more rallies for him. Pence is a snooze, and ended up not doing all that much to help Trump with moderate Republicans.

Saying this after the bridgegate stuff that has broken recently is insane. Trump dodged a bullet.


This just shows the final prediction of Upshot based on their single poll where she was +6 plus some early vote modeling folded in. Primarily it is useful to see whether early vote is proceeding well for Hillary (which it is, she has ticked up half a percent).

The point is that the vote trend so far is validating their model.....NC is gone.
I disagree. Pence is ultimately a better candidate than Trump, and that's not a great look. Pence also completely sold out Trump for the past few weeks, and you know that Christie wouldn't have done that. Christie would end up being a decent Trump stand-in and would probably be able to whip up more rallies for him. Pence is a snooze, and ended up not doing all that much to help Trump with moderate Republicans.

if you're not in the NJ area, you may not realize what a dumpster fire the bridgegate story is for Christie.

His approval rating is in the 20% range. People are giving sworn testimony that christie lied about his involvement and EVERYONE is throwing him under the bus now. He's about thirty seconds from criminal charges.

If Christie were VP, this story would be national and an unprecedented PR disaster for the Trump campaign. Pence being "boring" or being a "better candidate than trump" (who isn't???) doesn't come close.


So, this is what I think had happen...

Weiner's dirty ass was snooping on Huma thinking she might be cheating, because of HIS guilt because HE was doing HER dirty all around town.

Left the password on his computer.

FBI finds it.

This is some Love and Hip Hop DC type shit.



What the fuck.
Silly conspiracy theories have nothing to do with this situation and the very real and completely warrented outrage of the South Korean public. Their president, who has been inept thus far turns out to be both corrupt and even more inept than previously thought. She has basically farmed out her policy portfolio to a friend and a group of non-government advisors who seem to have extreme leverage over her. A small but degrading example, ber friend bought her cheap knock off clothing for her presidential wardrobe while pocketing all the money meant for luxurious clothes for the president. THe president seemingly knew and went along with it anyways.


So, this is what I think had happen...

Weiner's dirty ass was snooping on Huma thinking she might be cheating, because of HIS guilt because HE was doing HER dirty all around town.

Left the password on his computer.

FBI finds it.

This is some Love and Hip Hop DC type shit.


I wouldn't be at all shocked if this was close to the truth.

I actually thought about this earlier.
Saying this after the bridgegate stuff that has broken recently is insane. Trump dodged a bullet.

if you're not in the NJ area, you may not realize what a dumpster fire the bridgegate story is for Christie.

His approval rating is in the 20% range. People are giving sworn testimony that christie lied about his involvement and EVERYONE is throwing him under the bus now. He's about thirty seconds from criminal charges.

If Christie were VP, this story would be national and an unprecedented PR disaster for the Trump campaign. Pence being "boring" or being a "better candidate than trump" (who isn't???) doesn't come close.

You're right, I'm not in the NJ area. Along with most of the country.

And if scandals actually mattered to Trump's campaign, then sure, Christie's own scandals would be a problem. But I honestly had to chuckle at the idea that somehow anyone in Trump's camp would care about a scandal they know nothing about and subsequently wouldn't care about. If Christie isn't on tape saying something vulgar, no one cares. The idea that this story would be national implies that you think the media would actually care to cover it instead of more Trump stuff. I strongly disagree.


That's why there are so many stop and surrogates in NC, I presume. But what does that say about NH? Are there planned Clinton stops next week there, or is Ayotte fading?
I think we read too much into where surrogates go (except Arizona for obvious reasons).

What I think the Clinton camp is doing is drawing a line at states that Trump HAS to win (FL, NC). Take either of those and that's the election right there. Don't take and they still have a very solid path to 270. Ross is probably part of it though.
You're right, I'm not in the NJ area. Along with most of the country.

And if scandals actually mattered to Trump's campaign, then sure, Christie's own scandals would be a problem. But I honestly had to chuckle at the idea that somehow anyone in Trump's camp would care about a scandal they know nothing about and subsequently wouldn't care about. If Christie isn't on tape saying something vulgar, no one cares. The idea that this story would be national implies that you think the media would actually care to cover it instead of more Trump stuff. I strongly disagree.

You're really misunderstanding the role of a VP if you think it was a mistake not to select Chris Christie considering what is happening to him right now. If he was Trump's running mate this story would be known. The first rule of selecting a VP is not to take someone that will hurt you or become the story.

If anything is chuckle worthy it's the idea that, hey no one cares about Trump's scandals, he should have picked the most scandalous VP. Maybe Trump should have picked Weiner.


You're right, I'm not in the NJ area. Along with most of the country.

And if scandals actually mattered to Trump's campaign, then sure, Christie's own scandals would be a problem. But I honestly had to chuckle at the idea that somehow anyone in Trump's camp would care about a scandal they know nothing about and subsequently wouldn't care about. If Christie isn't on tape saying something vulgar, no one cares. The idea that this story would be national implies that you think the media would actually care to cover it instead of more Trump stuff. I strongly disagree.

Bridgegate was a big deal and with the new info out now I would only imagine it would be even bigger if Christie was a potential VP
That makes sense, but it seems odd that every day it keeps moving in the same direction.

it started off at the very far end of positive results in the first place at +14 or something equally silly.

Any movement at all should have had it moving back towards the mean (that being closer to trump) where most of the other polls are in the 7-10 point range.

This one just seems to be moving TOO far, and now it's off in the "1 point or tie" range which pretty much nothing is except LA times/USC.

This election is one where the vast majority have already decided whether they're sticking with trump or clinton- there aren't a ton of legitimately undecided voters. a 13 point movement in poll results in a week with no event to cause it points to a problem with sampling or methodology- especially when no other poll is showing any movement close to that.
I just don't see how anyone can really think this will lose Hillary the election. There may be some overall effect, such as a few states on the tip going red, but overall, another e-mail 'scandal' isn't going to sink her. It didn't when he were at the height of e-mail fever, and that was well before Trump had his dirtiest (maybe?) laundry out there and lost the debates so soundly. I don't downplay this as nothing, since it's clearly getting a lot of discussion, but come on...just think logically about it for a minute. If Trump wins, I would dare this had little to do with it overall, because his only realistic chances of winning at this point are so far out there that if they do occur, they were already going to occur and nothing could have probably stopped it.
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