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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Tad Devine called NYDN a tabloid. Is it really a tabloid? I thought tabloids were National Enquirer level abominations. Why would a tabloid have a political editorial board?

Like most old news they're trying to re-invent themselves for the internet age and care more about clicks than anything else.

How the New York Daily News Became Twitter’s Tabloid said:
Its charismatic editor Colin Myler left, to be replaced by his deputy, Rich. He doubled down on Myler's emphasis, in the last few years, of publishing to the new digital beat: faster, more national, and increasingly fueled by a certain populist partisan glee.

The latest and most visible manifestation of that new strategic direction is a reinvention of the paper's "wood" — newsman-speak for page one — for an era of hyperpartisan social sharing. Just as tabloid covers used to amuse, inform, and outrage passersby on the sidewalk, enticing them to pick them up and read all about it, the Daily News has arguably been the most aggressive and successful newspaper brand at turning the old-school institution of a front page into an irresistibly "like"-able image on Facebook — at least for people who don't care for the right-wing politics of the New York Post. “You’ve seen it with the gun issue; you’ve seen it with Trump,” Rich, 44, explained one afternoon in early January in the paper’s quarters downtown. “We don’t shy away from the controversial issue. You’ve seen publications on the right, but there’s a vacuum on the middle left on these issues, a consistent, strong voice, and I like to think we’re doing a decent job of filling that void.”



No Scrubs
There have been so many TRUMP IN DISSARAY articles this past week that I almost want to think he is going down

But I've been fooled before

His win in NY will wash all that away. We're likely headed toward a contested convention, but the last few contests just haven't favored Trump at all.


No Scrubs
Like most old news they're trying to re-invent themselves for the internet age and care more about clicks than anything else.


To be fair to them, they've always been like that. They've loved controversy on their front page since I was a kid. If anything the internet age got it's business model from them.
Tad Devine called NYDN a tabloid. Is it really a tabloid? I thought tabloids were National Enquirer level abominations. Why would a tabloid have a political editorial board?

Tabloid is a format (as opposed to large fold-out papers like the New York Times or Washington Post) and the Daily News is a tabloid. It's also varyingly sensational and has gotten more so in the past year or two. It's the left-leaning rival of the NY Post although it's not quite as trash.

Newsday is also technically a tabloid but much less sensational.
Wishful thinking.

Plus we always say after the next set of states or what have you, Bernie is finally done. Never happens though.

Really worried that Devine is going to push Bern over the edge and make him try to blow up the party with an independent bid.
From your lips to God's ears, Diablos!
If anyone is trying to destroy the Democratic party it is Bernie/Devine/Weaver. And of course Sanders' win last night emboldened my FB Bernie supporters which I find funny because no peep out of them when he won Washington/Hawaii, but Wisconsin matters.


Ugh, I did the last thing I wanted to, both on GAF and Facebook: The whole "fuck it, take your ball and go home" to the Bernie or Bust people.

I'm not proud of it.

Help me breathe, PoliGAF.
Tabloid is a format (as opposed to large fold-out papers like the New York Times or Washington Post) and the Daily News is a tabloid. It's also varyingly sensational and has gotten more so in the past year or two. It's the left-leaning rival of the NY Post although it's not quite as trash.

Newsday is also technically a tabloid but much less sensational.

Its pretty telling how it took a fuckin tabloid to ask the important questions to Sanders. What have the NYT been doing? WaPo? DMR? Atlantic? Tribune? WSJ? All beaten by a tabloid on a turf that belongs to these "respectable" newspapers. Shame!


Do you guys think Obama will be looked back on fondly in the future? Not like four years from now but like a decade or two. I have so much respect for the guy and ACA has helped so many people (including my own family). It has a good foundation and I hope Hillary is able to be given the chance to build on it like she has promised. It's just sad that he has had to deal with such a shitty Congress.


Ugh, I did the last thing I wanted to, both on GAF and Facebook: The whole "fuck it, take your ball and go home" to the Bernie or Bust people.

I'm not proud of it.

Help me breathe, PoliGAF.
Don't worry, you're not alone. I've done the same on FB. At least it was good practice for debating online. I'm not the best but it's more fun than frustrating in general. I've learned something out of it at least. Thanks Poligaf!:p
Do you guys think Obama will be looked back on fondly in the future? Not like four years from now but like a decade or two. I have so much respect for the guy and ACA has helped so many people (including my own family). It has a good foundation and I hope Hillary is able to be given the chance to build on it like she has promised. It's just sad that he has had to deal with such a shitty Congress.

Unquestionably. He did so much like help put the economy back on track after Bush. Granted people who do not understand how the US government works think he did not do enough.



Its pretty telling how it took a fuckin tabloid to ask the important questions to Sanders. What have the NYT been doing? WaPo? DMR? Atlantic? Tribune? WSJ? All beaten by a tabloid on a turf that belongs to these "respectable" newspapers. Shame!

They probably thought they would get super easy softball questions from a Tabloid that wants press.

And avoid the more normal organizations interviews.


Deep into his 30th decade
Ugh, I did the last thing I wanted to, both on GAF and Facebook: The whole "fuck it, take your ball and go home" to the Bernie or Bust people.

I'm not proud of it.

Help me breathe, PoliGAF.

I am giving people the benefit of the doubt right now, emotions are high, and Sanders is dying a very slow painful death.

But if I see that on my facebook or on GAF around October, I am going to lay into them with such fervor that I will probably end up being unfriended or banned. Especially if this is verses trump.
Tad Devine called NYDN a tabloid. Is it really a tabloid? I thought tabloids were National Enquirer level abominations. Why would a tabloid have a political editorial board?

Technically, tabloid is just the paper size (versus broadsheet, like the NYT). It just has certain connotations as such.


Ugh, I did the last thing I wanted to, both on GAF and Facebook: The whole "fuck it, take your ball and go home" to the Bernie or Bust people.

I'm not proud of it.

Help me breathe, PoliGAF.

I am getting close to it, thankfully most the people who support Bernie I know personally are also life long democrats who have already come out and said they would support either candidate in the general (So at least I'm not fighting with a friend over it). I don't usually hang out in the OT looking through threads relating to Bernie or Hilary because I know it will give me a headache but stepping into that thread on whether Bernie is a democrat or not is making me feel like the best thing I can do for people to the left is to finally challenge those voices and dare them. Tired of playing kids games because they keep threatening "We don't get what we want we won't show up, you attack my candidate you risk alienating the youth." I am sorry, if you can vote you are adults, if you are adults its time you learned to be treated like one and not some spoiled brat thinking their thoughts are the ONLY ones that matter.

Majority of the people voting in the party support Hilary Clinton, a Majority of her stances (far more then a simple majority) are in direct support with what Sanders cares about, you cannot possibly get the things you want without support, if you can't get support you will do more damage for your brand then you can ever have by just being a voice in the background. I personally think at this point should Sanders somehow pull off a win, and he maintains his antagonism with the party he hijacked he will be out in 2020, and will damage his brand of socialism in the US for decades because of how inept he appears to be on pushing policy.

I wanted Sanders in because I hoped we would have a firm and resolute voice that bucked the trends of the democratic party to accept or at least look into other left policies like how we had proper dialogue and difference between Clinton and Obama in regards to healthcare, despite both wanting to obtain the same result. But that hasn't happened with Bernie, and after that interview I now know there never was going to be. He is a horrible voice for the cause of the far left, he cannot articulate or produce a reliable and potentially supportable path or platform for which future candidates can spring on to. He isn't some messiah, I actually think he is going to be worse for the far left then Hilary could ever be at this point.
Do you guys think Obama will be looked back on fondly in the future? Not like four years from now but like a decade or two. I have so much respect for the guy and ACA has helped so many people (including my own family). It has a good foundation and I hope Hillary is able to be given the chance to build on it like she has promised. It's just sad that he has had to deal with such a shitty Congress.

He's quite an accomplished president, especially given that he only had a functional Congress to work with for two years. I think he'll be well regarded.


Are they're any good books on Campaign Finance Reform? I just bought Money, Power, and Elections by Rodney A. Smith, and I'm hesitant to read it in full because of his ties to the RNC and the NRSC.


Unquestionably. He did so much like help put the economy back on track after Bush. Granted people who do not understand how the US government works think he did not do enough.

He's quite an accomplished president, especially given that he only had a functional Congress to work with for two years. I think he'll be well regarded.
I'm really gonna miss him. As much as I would vote for Hillary on her own, a part of me is very happy that she is campaigning on continuing his programs and building on them. The ACA is still a bit shaky but there is so much room for it to grow and blossom. It's helped so much people and improved their lives already in the few years it has been around. Doing away with it, like Sanders wants, would just be a waste to me.


...yeah it got to the point for me where I'm like nvm I'm out before I say something really bad :D


Visit /r/hillaryclinton for more delicious shrilling circlejerks.

TBH on facebook I have no intention of saying anything to my Sanders friends. In the end, they're all my friends (I've culled my list from 1,000 to about 250, so these are true friends), and I love them first as person. I feel your pain though.

My own father sprouts off anti-Hillary rhetoric all the time and it's just /shrug.

I've said nothing on Facbeook and will not until I do my #ImWithHer 'I Voted' sticker selfie.
I've said too much on Facebook and I'm probably gonna stop entirely for a few months, because it's getting really fucking tiring to need to re-explain the several reasons I like her more as a candidate every single time some fuckwit decides to tag me


I'm sorry for turning the thread into a temporary support group :p

To expand on it a bit, I don't even mean on GAF as much, I like the heated debate in general. It's that particular approach, especially with Facebook people, of saying things tantamount to "You know what, fuck this, I would vote against my own financial interests and you guys want to throw it all away for perceived slights and ideological purity?" that I don't think is in any way productive.

And kind of a dick move, tbh!


get fucked Sanders supporters

oh my god



get fucked Sanders supporters

oh my god


Are those percentages showing what I think they are showing, did Sanders get 0 votes for people over 74?

Edit: ah Exit poll, number is 919 so there could have been a very small weight given to people in that age bracket
Are those percentages showing what I think they are showing, did Sanders get 0 votes for people over 74?

Edit: ah Exit poll, number is 919 so there could have been a very small weight given to people in that age bracket

Yeah it just means he got a statistically irrelevant number of those voters who did the exit poll

User 406

In other news, Bill Clinton's nearly forgotten 1992 sex scandal. I'm not sure that anyone who was over the age of 10 forgets any of that CNN and I'm pretty sure that horse is pulp.

lol, "nearly forgotten" my ass. Gennifer Flowers is almost as big a household name as Monica Lewinsky. Type "Genn" into Google and see what pops up on the suggestions. CNN so dum.


F is for FUCK!!!!!

S is for Sad!

Do you guys think Obama will be looked back on fondly in the future? Not like four years from now but like a decade or two. I have so much respect for the guy and ACA has helped so many people (including my own family). It has a good foundation and I hope Hillary is able to be given the chance to build on it like she has promised. It's just sad that he has had to deal with such a shitty Congress.

He's by far the best President of my lifetime, and I can remember when Carter beat Ford. The ACA alone would guarantee him a pretty hefty mention in the history books.
I just have to remind myself with the "Bernie or bust" crowd (in general, not just on GAF) that (a) a bunch of them will fall in line in November and (b) the ones who won't are basically people who can't be persuaded and hence aren't worth arguing with.

Clinton will get most of the Sanders voters at the end of the day. The ones she doesn't are mostly people who would've stayed home or voted third party if Sanders didn't run anyway.

get fucked Sanders supporters

oh my god


Political revolution! He's getting young people involved in the process like never before!
i wanna see age crosstabs for "bernie or bust" because i have the distinct feeling that hardly anyone in that group votes to begin with, which is consistent with literally everything regarding under-34s' voting behavior for the past 40-plus years
Do you guys think Obama will be looked back on fondly in the future? Not like four years from now but like a decade or two. I have so much respect for the guy and ACA has helped so many people (including my own family). It has a good foundation and I hope Hillary is able to be given the chance to build on it like she has promised. It's just sad that he has had to deal with such a shitty Congress.

VERY much so. He's a once-in-a-generation politician.
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