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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Can someone explain to me the NPA role in the dem primary in California? Is it an open primary? Can people with no affiliation vote in the dem primary?
Non-affiliated voters can but if you're affiliated with a party you must vote for that party's ballot only.

There's a party called the "American Independent Party" that has more than a few people registered because they think it counts as not affiliated. These people will not be able to vote in the primary but it's only a few.


Semi open. No republicans allowed, but independents can vote.

and since its californi and the majority of offices are held by democrats, and most elections consist of picking 1 of 4 democrats there really is no need to affiliate ... i assume there are quite a lot of non-affiliated voters.
and since its californi and the majority of offices are held by democrats, and most elections consist of picking 1 of 4 democrats there really is no need to affiliate ... i assume there are quite a lot of non-affiliated voters.
Yes, non affiliation is extremely popular in California. Both parties are seeing registration drop off. Though Republicans at a much higher rate.


FGC Waterboy
Vox hasn't been good lately but I found this to be a pretty good take:

Pretty much. I've been saying that the media will do everything it can to tighten up the race / make it controversial on the Dem side because it's just too damn boring (and makes no money otherwise). It's telling that most of the folks who remember 2008 are collectively rolling their eyes at the "nastiness" of 2016 - and heaven help you if you were involved in the 2000 GOP race.

Just like there will be a massive rush of "contested convention" / "Paul Ryan" articles on the GOP side unless trump hits the 50% mark in NY and it's back on for 1237, or if trump continues to falter, the "what will happen!!!!???" narrative will be pushed to get that money.

I've never seen a single Clinton supporter say that. At least not here and r/hillary. Almost everyone thinks he's a novice that's just too way in over his head about the job, and will be a general election disaster.

Twitter, and it's said in couched ways here (opportunistic joining of dem party, etc etc). I suspect if I read more Reddit / twitter; I'd be more pro-Hillary, as someone who reads here primarily - I've become more pro-Sanders (even though he hasn't had a chance in months).

It seems about as likely to me that Donald Trump is a Bill Clinton designed Trojan horse.

Which is to say, it is not likely at all. As much as the idea of a narrative where Bill Clinton is so good at politics he can win the nomination of the other party with a cartoonish sock puppet candidate he's secretly working the mouth of appeals to me, probably not something that's happening in the real world.

Let me belieeeeeeeve dang it. :-D
and since its californi and the majority of offices are held by democrats, and most elections consist of picking 1 of 4 democrats there really is no need to affiliate ... i assume there are quite a lot of non-affiliated voters.
Assuming is bad!

Americans who are NPA: 42%
Californians who are NPA: 24%
Americans who are Democrats: 29%
Californians who Democrats: 44%

Sources: http://www.gallup.com/poll/188096/democratic-republican-identification-near-historical-lows.aspx



What people have been arrested on the subway for campaigning?

We got crazy evangelicals, performers, scam artists, the guys running around giving out food from the food bank, everything. If he hadn't mentioned it at this point I would think campaigning was even allowed on the subway lol

Moreover I was reading the Rules of Conduct
Section 1050.7

Disorderly conduct.

No person on or in any facility or conveyance shall:
(a) litter, dump garbage, liquids or other matter, create a nuisance, hazard or unsanitary condition (including, but not limited to, spitting, or urinating, except in facilities provided). Trash and other waste materials contained in waste receptacles shall not be removed, except by persons duly authorized by the Authority;

(c) sleep or doze where such activity may be hazardous to such person or to others or may interfere with the operation of the Authority's transit system or the comfort of its passengers;

(e) create any sound through the use of any sound production device, except as specifically authorized by 1050.6(c) of these rules. Use of radios and other devices listened to solely by headphones or earphones and inaudible to others is permitted;

(j) (1) occupy more than one seat on a station, platform or conveyance when to do so would interfere or tend to interfere with the operation of the Authority's transit system or the comfort of other passengers; (2) place his or her foot on a seat on a station, platform or conveyance; (3) lie on the floor, platform, stairway, landing or conveyance; or (4) block free movement on a station, stairway, platform or conveyance; or
Man if that's the case police would have to arrest a lot of people, including probably homeless. You know how much shit gets thrown onto the tracks? We got rats there too.

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to move between subway cars—there's stickers on every single door saying "don't go through here" or "don't lean on this"—but EVERYBODY does it.

lol NYC


Does it bother you that many attacks against Hillary from Bernie people are just rehashes of republican attacks and many complaints, such as those about that damn 'liberal/Hillary' media are pretty much the same?
Not sure specifically what types of attacks. I guess you mean the "corruption" stuff? Or more Secretary of State affairs?

I'm not much for attacking but rather defending, but her new strategy for New York consisting of "disqualify and discredit" and later unite the party upsets me even if it's standard political fare.

Are you not American? If not, what country?
Chile. I'm following Sanders because I'm invested in seeing the USA steer towards a social democracy to lead by example for other countries to follow. It doesn't hurt that his integrity backs him up as well.
At least when they're new. I still remember going into a KB Toys when I was significantly less old and seeing a demo for the original Metal Gear Solid playing.

I remember distinctly thinking it looked like I was peering through a little window into the real world. Which seems patently absurd now because it looks like a janky pile of polygons in comparison to what we have now. If I brought my past self forward and booted up Bloodborne, he'd be changed forever. That would've been like seeing the face of God for my childhood self.

Kids these days can't appreciate how revolutionary that stuff was in its time. I was legit blown away by the graphics in FFVII.


I love this "unqualified" flap so much. Everyone is saying Clinton never called Sanders unqualified, so the media transcribes or plays the part of the Morning Joe interview where she didn't say it. They talk about the NYDN interview that Sanders bombed in the interview, and if they don't know about it, now they do and it makes Sanders look worse.



If foreigners who don't understand American politics but talk about them on the internet anyway could vote in the primary, Bernie would win in a landslide.


Speaking of foreign policy, Democracy Now! just had an interview with a professor of international relations from Boston University and war historian agrees with Sanders and calls out how worry some the national discourse has become towards war and calls Hillary an "Unreconstructed Hawk".


And if anyone wants to call Democracy Now! a random YouTube channel, Amy Goodman was just inducted into the IF Stone hall of fame for independant journalism and is celebrating it's 20th anniversary.


I love this "unqualified" flap so much. Everyone is saying Clinton never called Sanders unqualified, so the media transcribes or plays the part of the Morning Joe interview where she didn't say it. They talk about the NYDN interview that Sanders bombed in the interview, and if they don't know about it, now they do and it makes Sanders look worse.


That's the crazy part of Sanders not backing down once it was proven he was wrong and just read a headline. To talk about this you have to actually look at if she actually said those words and she didn't. In doing so you shine a spotlight on what she was talking about and it was his horrible interview. If he hadn't flew off the handle the way he did I really doubt the interview would have gotten much play. He ultimately put a big focus on it.
Non-affiliated voters can but if you're affiliated with a party you must vote for that party's ballot only.

There's a party called the "American Independent Party" that has more than a few people registered because they think it counts as not affiliated. These people will not be able to vote in the primary but it's only a few.

The AIP is perhaps most notable for nominating segregationist George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election. Wallace is, to date, the last third party candidate to carry any states in a presidential election. The party quickly sank into irrelevancy after that and has followed the fairly common minor party pattern of factionalism and party splits. As far as I know it only really exists in California at this point, serving as a state level affiliate of larger third parties.


Is the May primaries thread spot still open?

yes. If you want to do May then that would be great.

April Madness- dramatis
* All April Contest

May Meltdown- dramatis
All May Contest

June Showdown- Adam287
All June contest

*Veepstakes is going to be in PoliGAF

2016 Republican National Convention-b-dubs
2016 Democratic National Convention- NeoXChaos

1st Presidential Debate-b-dubs
Vice Presidential Debate-Ebay Huckster
2nd Presidential Debate-kingkitty
3rd Presidential Debate-Holmes

General Election 2016-Aaron Strife

Democratic Debates
Apil- pigeon


This also means it literally doesn't matter what happens at the debate since this will dominate coverage the day after.

Assuming it actually gets covered. It's not like networks are going to give wall to wall coverage over this. What they will also talk about though is how he's not in NY to campaign or even defend himself if something is said about him. If he screws up as well he's going have to wait to correct that as well. Then depending on the debate, if it gets heated, that's going to still get play. Now if multiple candidates were going to the Vatican it would be a different story.
Anyone see Kornacki's path to nomination for Trump? It's still there even with Indiana and PA wildcards. He needs to win big in NY to be feasible.


I also think it's likely that there are many Californians who don't know if they're NPA or Independent, which is going to be a challenge in polling.


Anyone see Kornacki's path to nomination for Trump? It's still there even with Indiana and PA wildcards. He needs to win big in NY to be feasible.

Again, Sam Wang still thinks Trump's path to a majority before the convention is not only possible but probable unless there is a major swing in polling. Trump will definitely need to sweep NY, but that plus his favorables demographics in the NE will certainly shift the narrative from a faltering Trump to a come back.

Wasserman said that he thinks it'll all come down to Indiana. If Trump takes it, he'll get a majority. If not, we're going to the convention.



There's a reason I don't share my gaming opinions.

I have shit tastes in games. One of my favorite games of all time was Obi Wan on the original Xbox. I like shitty games. :(

I loved the latest DMC, but I also love the older ones. Just got the remastered DMC4 not long ago, its pretty awesome.


Anyone see Kornacki's path to nomination for Trump? It's still there even with Indiana and PA wildcards. He needs to win big in NY to be feasible.

Again, Sam Wang still thinks Trump's path to a majority before the convention is not only possible but probable unless there is a major swing in polling. Trump will definitely need to sweep NY, but that plus his favorables demographics in the NE will certainly shift the narrative from a faltering Trump to a come back.

Wasserman said that he thinks it'll all come down to Indiana. If Trump takes it, he'll get a majority. If not, we're going to the convention.

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