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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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EDIT: I didn't realize we also got paid family leave done at the same time as $15/hr across the state.
Nice. Maybe Cuomo isn't so bad.

I mean, playing coy about whether he wanted a Dem State Senate was pretty shitty, but the Democrats in the State Senate are pretty shitty and I wouldn't be surprised if he's able to get more done with the GOP as the official majority party anyway.


I only get to review the agents you talk to. You'd be safe from my mighty wrath.

At her interview with the NY Daily News editorial board.



No Scrubs
Nice. Maybe Cuomo isn't so bad.

I mean, playing coy about whether he wanted a Dem State Senate was pretty shitty, but the Democrats in the State Senate are pretty shitty and I wouldn't be surprised if he's able to get more done with the GOP as the official majority party anyway.

People who know me in real life will tell you I talk shit about the guy all the time, but fuck me if he's not going to have a really progressive record by the time he's done in New York. He's definitely going to give it a run next time around.

Here's something talking about it. We don't get the paid family leave for two years though.

That means that New York has just become the fifth state — after California, which passed its family-leave insurance program in 2002 and implemented it in 2004, New Jersey (2009), Rhode Island (2014), and Washington (which passed its measure in 2007 but has not yet put it into effect) — to mandate paid leave. And compared to its progressive predecessors, New York’s bill is startlingly robust.

The program will mandate up to 12 weeks of paid time off from a job to bond with a new child (including adopted or foster children), or to care for a gravely ill parent, child, spouse, domestic partner, or other family member. The duration of the leave, while still far from the 40 weeks guaranteed in the U.K. or even the 16 weeks provided in Bangladesh, doubles the 6 weeks allotted in California and New Jersey, and triples the 4 weeks of paid leave offered by Rhode Island.

Nice, you say, but don’t we already have something that guarantees us 12 weeks of leave? Nope, what we have is the Family and Medical Leave Act, which requires that (some) employers offer job protection to (some) workers who need to take time off for familial reasons; it does not mandate that workers be paid for one hour, let alone one day or one week, of that time. What’s more, it excludes companies with fewer than 50 employees, requires that those seeking protected leave have been employed by a company for more than a year, and only covers employees who have worked a certain number of hours in the year prior.

New York’s new bill does away with many of these exceptions. The paid leave program will cover full-time and part-time employees. There will be no exemptions for small businesses. And to take advantage of the program, you only have to have been employed by the company for six months (advocates had been negotiating for four weeks, but six months is still half the time required by FMLA). The program will be funded on an insurance model, in which roughly a dollar a week will be deducted from employee paychecks; there is no employer contribution.

Basically we're going further than even California. Fucking hell dude, and here I thought it wasn't as big a thing.
Preface: i've downed half a litre of vodka
Addendum: got some outrageously hot siliconed girl that im pretty sure i wrote down the name wrong when whatsapping a friend. Sadly, her cellphone was stolen (checked). Thank gawd for fb.

Yall know how back in 2015 i was telling yall how you shouldn't be condescending to standers?

I'm pretty sure i originally had a point but the ethanol has fogged it the fuck up. plz understand.

Anyway, besada best mod. Partially because he/she/it and i see eye to eye on torture. Anyway, off to the second nightclub. Much luv <3
People who know me in real life will tell you I talk shit about the guy all the time, but fuck me if he's not going to have a really progressive record by the time he's done in New York. He's definitely going to give it a run next time around.

Here's something talking about it. We don't get the paid family leave for two years though.

I want a President Cuomo so we get First Lady Sandra Lee. Then she can make her ratchet Kwanzaa cake and piss off everyone.

Thank you!

Reddits calling for handwriting experts to look at all surrogate ballots in WY. LOlololol


As much of a scumbag and piece of shit he is, I'm surprised at how Republican leaders and organizations are cheering the fact that they're going to steal the nomination from Trump despite him have millions of more votes and hundreds more delegates than anyone else. Trump is the worst but this lowers my opinion of Republicans.
I still haven't decided which ballot to vote on. Downballot stuff for dems is pfffffffffft
For real. You should do GOP and focus on what you'd rather have down ticket. A crazy person who might be so out there that he would lose the general like Mourdock, or a more sensible person who isn't great but in the good chance he wins won't be as bad. Especially for something like Senate or state rep/sen.

And Holmes, I can't blame them for relishing the chance to take Trump down a peg. That asshole fucking deserves it.
I still haven't decided which ballot to vote on. Downballot stuff for dems is pfffffffffft
Vote for Queen. Come on. You know you want to. Unless you want to vote for Wacky Bernie. Then I need to see your ID, dental records and a notarized affidavit proving you're not going to commit voter fraud. Thems the rules. Queen will buy you an All American Meal AND a small McFlurry. Maybe a McChickjen, depending on margins.
For real. You should do GOP and focus on what you'd rather have down ticket. A crazy person who might be so out there that he would lose the general like Mourdock, or a more sensible person who isn't great but in the good chance he wins won't be as bad. Especially for something like Senate or state rep/sen.

Based on their ads alone, I have no idea which is worse between Young and Stutzman. They seem like the same candidate to me.


Preface: i've downed half a litre of vodka
Addendum: got some outrageously hot siliconed girl that im pretty sure i wrote down the name wrong when whatsapping a friend. Sadly, her cellphone was stolen (checked). Thank gawd for fb.

Yall know how back in 2015 i was telling yall how you shouldn't be condescending to standers?

I'm pretty sure i originally had a point but the ethanol has fogged it the fuck up. plz understand.
Stick with the Dungeon Meshi.

I think it wouldn't have mattered if we were nice or not. It was barely even July when a number of them had already decided Hillary was the devil even as Trump rose on the other side. There was inevitably going to be a lot of whining either way.


Every full time worker should have 3-4 weeks of paid leave per year not including leave for when something happens to a loved one (i.e. the NY bill) or having a baby, etc


I am all sorts of things. But yes, that's where I reside.

Also, Sandy Hook is going to be a thing in Conneticut wrt the Dem race. And people will say it's gross to politicise. But gun massacres are the outcomes of shit policies.

As a Connecitutian (precise hair flip) I can't tell you how important Sandy Hook is there. It just is. She'll win
it by 7-10
Every full time worker should have 3-4 weeks of paid leave per year not including leave for when something happens to a loved one (i.e. the NY bill) or having a baby, etc
Apparently this year, I'll get paid paternity leave in addition to my 4 weeks of PTO. Woo woo new benefits! $$$ Taking my wife to the Cabbage Patch for a new baby now!
I missed the day's events since my wife and I took our toddler to the aquarium (he really loved the penguins). I must say I'm surprised at the Wyoming results. I was expecting a blowout.

Oh my god that person's Twitter: https://twitter.com/RiversDecas/status/718919274023280640

Imagine spending all day saying Hillary Diane Rhodam Clinton cackles while driving homeless people to McDonalds to win their vote on Twitter.

Also arguing with every pundit who posts facts.

Wow, just... wow. This reminds me of the time someone told me a friend of theirs totally saw Bret Bielema handing cash to a recruit outdoors in broad daylight.
Fuck Bielema. Here's to his continued mediocrity at Arkansas.


No Scrubs
Every full time worker should have 3-4 weeks of paid leave per year not including leave for when something happens to a loved one (i.e. the NY bill) or having a baby, etc

Agreed, but I'm not going to complain about 12 weeks, both part-time and full-time, for paid family leave. Hopefully that's where we go next.
I think it wouldn't have mattered if we were nice or not. It was barely even July when a number of them had already decided Hillary was the devil even as Trump rose on the other side. There was inevitably going to be a lot of whining either way.

Teh counter-argument is quite simple there: being a dick nets you nothing. Not being a dick maybe nets you something. Therefore not being a dick wins. Flawless vicotry. Pramgstsm ho!
The Vermont senator, accompanied by his wife, Jane, and surrounded by a crowd of Secret Service agents ended a long day of in Brooklyn by watching "Hamilton "at the Richard Rodgers Theater off Times Square. While Mr. Sanders didn't acquire the tickets like the 99 percent of Hamilton fans scouring the Internet for seats or buying them months in advance, Michael Briggs, a spokesman for the campaign, said Mr. And Ms. Sanders did pay $167 each for two house seats, the small number of seats that are generally reserved for people like dignitaries and relatives of cast members.

The senators campaign staff requested the tickets and had been working for several months to figure out a date for him to see the show, according to Sam Rudy, a spokesman for "Hamilton. "Hillary Clinton saw the show last year, when it was Off Broadway, Mr. Rudy said.

Man of the people and Brooklyn "native" has to use special privileges to see popular play whereas Clinton was once again way ahead of him.

Just for the record I'm just joking around here.



As much of a scumbag and piece of shit he is, I'm surprised at how Republican leaders and organizations are cheering the fact that they're going to steal the nomination from Trump despite him have millions of more votes and hundreds more delegates than anyone else. Trump is the worst but this lowers my opinion of Republicans.

Let's see...

Their frontrunner has amassed his following by demonizing Mexicans and Muslims, and trivializing the needs and opinions of pretty much every other minority group and women. He's a national embarrassment. A walking, breathing reminder that America still has a lot to be ashamed about. But the only way the Republican Establishment can topple him is by dramatically subverting the will of the people.

I don't think there's any side here worth liking. It's all one big, glorious, embarrassing mess.



Let's see...

Their frontrunner has amassed his following by demonizing Mexicans and Muslims, and trivializing the needs and opinions of pretty much every other minority group and women. He's a national embarrassment. A walking, breathing reminder that America still has a lot to be ashamed about. But the only way the Republican Establishment can topple him is by dramatically subverting the will of the people.

I don't think there's any side here worth liking. It's all one big, glorious, embarrassing mess.


The republicans don't have a winning play left. Every single option available to them at the convention is either pretty bad or straight up terrible.

Tyler was SOOOO close.

I can't believe I missed the Tyler mockery. Best part of election night. Sad!

My favorite part from his post on the Wyoming projection:

Wyoming has a closed caucus, which Bernie has consistently done very well in. He has won all seven closed caucuses to date (counting the recent Nevada flip).

I also finally read the post defending his methodology that Adam referenced.

I’m confident that this approach will become the new standard for political forecasting in the future and replace polling as the primary data source for predicting elections, and until then I will continue to refine my work to produce better results.

Yeah, um, I'm gonna have to go ahead and sort of disagree with you there.
So, you're saying Bernie was part of the 1%? UNDER THE BUS! Hahahahahaha.

I've had some drank.

Clinton has her hand on the pulse of NY. She saw Hamilton before it was a big thing. Unlike Sanders who has no connection to NY and had to beg and get special tickets as a favour from the Broadway establishment now that the show is a big deal.

I'm still fucking around but it's still a funny story given all the "he flies coach, he's just like us stories" that get spun to make Sanders out to be not a politician but simply a salt of the earth man of the people.
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